Achumawi - English

l̓héh̓taac̓úúyic̓kavI cooked acorn for you
l̓hicuméél̓avlet's be in the shade
l̓hiic̓íumácopwe are becoming
l̓híímac̓q̓átayvwe'll show what we can do
l̓híítapw̓avwe two might help
l̓hiitʰimyúúyic̓kavI hired on your behalf
l̓hilúllay̓cow̓óóyávI used to lullaby you
l̓hinííc̓úvlet's move away
l̓hinímmácvI see you
l̓hin̓n̓ímáácivwe two found
l̓hitámmaakúyavI'll tell it for you
l̓híy̓copwe shall do
l̓hóóláqcic̓kavI ask you for it
l̓húc̓iilákívI wish we had
l̓huq̓q̓áátacvlet's go close to (a smell)
l̓huskímvlet's us two sit down!
l̓húúsayvlet's dig
l̓huwácopI am wrt you
l̓huwáátickacopI want you to be
l̓húwáátickacopI am wrt you
l̓ívI'll do
l̓icaasántiwvI'll hold it in my hand!
l̓ícéskivI'll look around (for)!
l̓icuccáákavI'll comb myself
l̓icusqáápay̓vI'll drown them