Palawano B - English



sanda'1vpawn an object a a pawn shop. Rent out land to another person.*Sinanda' ye rilu apang kelen ya et buuk.He *pawned his watch so he could buy books.Ex. 22:26 - sendaan,
sanda'2vlet land for hire for cultivation purposes, rent out land.Isanda' ku teyen dimu lugta' ku ikew mene megeradu temed isien ku nega sembatung teun.I'll let my land hire to you and you will plow for it, but i'll get also this year.synerkila
sandaladjendure, last a long time, suffer, persist, constancy, faithful, endure, last; resign to undesirable situation?.Mesandal ne tali't karbew ku, sengteun kaya ne nebugtu'.The rope tie of my carabao is lasting a long time, for one year it has not yet broken.Pegsugiren ye na kaya lang ya nengimatey angkansa negsandal lang ya et urap.He persisted that he is innocent of the crime.endured, Acts 20:31. endure. sinendalen.synatas1atas2atas2basag 1baya'2benara'bisa 1datu' 1dayahandayangderendiadiandumarandyadi2dyari 1ergaanerim 1etasgaay3gaay3gayga'ya'imbengingeningininutukaniregiwas 1iwas 1kamdes2kasi2kaya megibek2kebentelkebentelkegaayankeilangankeksegankepenggerankepengnaan2kepengnaan2kererasa 1keseg2kesepsepketigna' 1ketigna' 2keutukankewasakinamkumuwitlabay 1labay 2labewlasalasalembu'maturmaturmebasagmegsandalmeinginmeisi'mekasimekesegmekewasamentiri'menunga 1mepanggermepengna'mepuligtasmeregmismerga' 1mesandalmeswa'2metaas2metemenmeteng2metetasannapsu'2negtuyu'neinabunelebayanneperasaneperasanetelibannetelibanpagenpanggerpegdekla'pegderatunpegmerganen 1pegna'pegpengnaanpegsandalpegsendalanpegsesampetpegtuyuanpegutukenpenginampengna'pengna'pengna' sensara'pepelabaypinesangdanpituk 1rasa 1rasa 1remdem2rendem 1resanen2sampetsangdansendaransensara'sensara' basagtakin 1talibtatas 2tebesanterima2tetastetasantetasi'tetegtetegtibaytim-timtumahantumerna'tuyu'utukyadian
sandalenvreview entrysynpegutukansendali'tengkai'utuk
sandantbdreview entrysynelekelekered
sandarvlean against, lean back, 2. support for a building, possibly a foundation of a building.Samat sembatung mepangger neng *sesendaran dut timpu na megderateng.Like a strong/firm *foundation/bracing-post for the times to come. 1Tim 6:19b PBQV.pesandar - lean against, sedaran - foundation 1Co 15.1.synbatu na pemenuedbatu na pemenuedbatu na pemenuedbatu na pemenuedbatu na pidyuru'batu na pidyuru'haligikantulapis2meunsudnepesendigpatagpemidyuru' na batupemidyuru' na batupemidyuru' na batupengkatpeninimpurukpeninimpurukpeninimpurukpeninimpurukpeninimpurukpenuedpenuedpenuedpenuedpenwed synonymspenwed1penwed2penwed2penwed2perpanggarpesandarpesendigpidyuru'pidyuru' na batupidyuru' na batupinerunganpinerunganpundasyunsendigsendigsendigsendigsendigsungkudsunkangsunkangsusungkudtapa'2usukusuk ne pemidyuru'2usuk ne pemidyuru'2usuk ne pemidyuru'2
sandu' PCvspear an animal or fish that has already been speared by another.wl95.
sanedrinnSanhedrin, council,Lk 22:66.The elders and leaders of the priests and the teachers met together and put Jesus before their group.Adopted term, tranalitterated. There is the post of "Konsial" in the current Palawano government system. It is not a religious board, however.
saneyadjlift (with hands only). taking him/it in your arms, 2. Hug.Sinaney ye lang pegbibit et yegang ye in.He just lifted with his hands to carry his child.Tebes sinaney ye, beke' sinugid ye kedye,And-then he took- him -in-his-arms, he said to them, Mk 9:36 PBQV.synguepguepguwep1guwep2guwep2guwep2gwepkebulilangankinekepan2kinesienmegmelulusmegwepmegwepsempupoentamengtarentengew2 1timuru
sanganbranch of a limb or tree. branch of a tree. 2. Si Sanga, Dale's friend.Si Misko nengisi' et sanga et kayu, balen ye et pulu et tukew ye.Misko got a branch of a tree, he will make a handle for his bolo.*Bi'bila' i Dale si Sanga, beke' egsa ye gasi.Sanga is Dale's *friend, and his cousin also.synbatonbatonbebaganbebegandeluru'deun2haligiiged-iged2kantukayukayupegpukulpegpupukulpemidyuru'penuedpenued et pidiurupenwed2pidiuru2pidyuru'ranggassitrusumupangsumurasungkudsungkudsungkud synonymstuhu'usuk
sangabvDevour, swallow large amount, eat big bits, put a large amount of food in the mouth.*Pegsengaben ye lang ba' mengaan et kekanen.He puts a large amount of food in his mouth when he eats.Indyari ating beluguen timinyeg dut elepan et ating libun neng mekabi' ne mengganak, apang *mesangab ye yegang et libun ganang pegliwan atin.Then the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might *devour/*swallow her child the moment it was born. Rev 12:4a.wl108F.; Rev.: nesangab ye í yegang it libon PN.synsakmalsumbeltelnen
sangatnjaw, chin.Megbebaga' sangat ye sabab kinagat et seli.His jaw is swollen because it was bitten by a snake.synpesingilrupa
sangdanvprosper, go on living, grow rich, grow wealthy, helped by..., made richer, wealthier, increase in some area, 2. tolerate, endure or last a long time/ stand/ survive? allow to live on? ex. A house divided will not "sangdan" last, stand, endure long. Mesangdan = Great is.., How deep is.., How enduring is..., 3. serious, work hard at, take seriously.; Negative use: "kaya pinesangdan", His age was not long-lasting here on earth." Acts 8:33.Dye in mekebres et ibang bebresan et tumpang pepesangdan et diri' dye. Segwa' ating Pegtimungtimungan et mengengandel *pepesangdan et mekepebunayag et beres et Empu'.Those who speak in other strange languages enrichen/ help their selves. But the assembly of believers are made richer/prosper by the proclaiming of the message of God. 1Co 14:4.Eset dimyu begey ingasi' beke' *sumangdan teyen kesenangan seygun et pegkilala myu et Empu'.May grace and peace be *multiplied to you in the knowledge of God. 2 Pe 1:2.dq: low.syndatu' 1dayahandayangkesepseplabewlembu'mentiri'pegdekla'pegsesampetsampetsandal
sangdelvjourney, until, going to?-sangdel,Tihad dut Galilea sumangdel dut Jerusalem Luke 9:51-19:27.From Galilea going to Jerusalem. Luke outlinesynsekedseked?tihadtihad
sangedvpossessed by; to suffer from a disease. PC.Acts 19:16, Gen. 38:24 - sinanged,synbegbalig 1begbalig 1dineplan2megsalebnemegbegbaligsaleb 1siminledsiminledsinelbansumled
sangenvconnect together, put together again,synperutsugpun
sangga'adjblock a blow, ward off blow with one hand.Sinuntuk i Bebe si Sinsinu empa' singga' ye et sembelang keremut ye in.Bebe punched Sinsino then he blocked-(the return blow) with his other hand.wl96.
sangget PCvslit the throat.Gen. 22:10.; isangget (fut.) pegsesengget (pres.) isinangget (past).
sanggi' PCvsplit bori' palm into pieces, to bruit out corn.wl95.
sanggid1vbump into another person,megkesanggid = to bump each other.; pegsenggiran = to close somebody.; sumanggid = to be bumps someone.; ipesanggid = to ask someone move close them.; nesenggiran = have been bump somebody.
sanggid2v1cut by bolo drawn across skin with no pressure applied; generally an accident.Nesenggian et tukew paa i Laping, netawan ne.Laping's leg hit the bolo, it's already wounded.wl95.synlanggid2bump someone.megkesanggid = to bump each other.; pegsenggiran = to close somebody.; sumanggid = to be bumps someone.; ipesanggid = to ask someone move close them.; nesenggiran = have been bump somebody.
sanggop PS, PCnpromise from God, a promised blessing from God.Sabab nang sabab it kesoroan i' sesoblien, kay ne sabab it sanggop itoe, segwa' ibinggey it Empo' itoe at ki Abraam sabab it sanggop.For if the inheritance is by the law, it is no longer because of this promise, but God gave it to Abraham because of the promise. Gal 3:18 PCV.pengaku' dye.synpengaku'3tange'2tinange'
sanggulnChild toddler, young child just walking, .Lukas 1,synganakmumulekyegang 1yegang 1
sanggup1adjpromise, swear an oath.Sinanggup et uka' ku set daken, ba' maya ne keradia ye, ya ne megpeiskul daken.My brother promised me, if he has work, he is the one to give my support for school/ he will send me to school.Acts 13:23 isinanggup, PCV megpenumpa' & penompa - James 5:12. pengibet PBQV; PSV: sumanggop & megsumpa;synaba'abar 1apa'2 1bandabinresbulaga'emaykesulutankesunduanglaang2medaag myumeisegnelesnemahumpebti'pegbebersanpegsesanggupanpegsesanggupanpegsesanggupanpegtitimpuanpemulagpengakuperemdempetitimpuansambagsawey2senggupansewarasinuknaansiwara'2tagawa2tange'2timpu 3tinange'tinengeantumanen2vthreaten, warn.Pegsesanggupan dye aku.They're *threatening me.Megsanggup - to threaten his enemy.; Pegsenggupan - someone is threatening that his friends are bad or the enemy.; Ipesanggup - to let someone threaten his friends.; Sumanggup - someone threatening him about bad friends.; Nesenggupan - have been threatened.synpetitimpuan