Browse Doromu-Koki – English



oruntoiletUni oru bi vata baina iniye reyo.Our toilet is completely filled up. of houses
orukonsnake species.Koru seriri oruko bi vebigiya.You will see oruko snakes along the riverbank.
orumangrass; herb, weed, plant.Mina dada aru vedo uriyakuri regiyari, oruma yuveita bi dou nidedi.Therefore you will see during the day in the morning, grass leaves are wet.Mina oruma bi no.This weed is bad.1.5.3Grass, herb, vineoruma iri-iri sanaunspec. comp. formpastureResi yakusi oruma iri-iri sana baku rego.And then he will go out and find pasture.oruma rinaunspec. comp. formcvweedRema ofi remanu murori oruma rigi diyadi.Two young women went to the garden to pull weeds.oruma yuveitaunspec. comp. formcnvegetationOruma yuveita moi vegu rido.The vegetation is coming to life. (Referring to the rainfall or spiritual blessing.)
oruma iri-iri sanaunspec. comp. form oforuma
oruma rinaunspec. comp. form oforuma
oruma yuveitaunspec. comp. form oforuma
otanearth ovenOta di gasina kai be rifa.Make some gasina (wood) tongs for the earth oven. methodsota orinaunspec. comp. formcvcook in earth oven/stones.Nai nono maniga kato resi ota oriyo.My mother mashed the cassava and cooked it in stones.
ota orinaunspec. comp. form ofota
ota rinacvescort, accompany, watch.Kaere ya na ota rigoma ima maina rei digida?Who will escort me and I will go and look for betel nut?Ima bi tau gade dada mida yokoi nigiyama ya ota riyainedi.There are plenty of betel nuts, so tell one boy to accompany you.Rafegida na ota ri.I will wash; escort/watch me.7.2.5Accompany
oteimanaotima2otimana2vtell, show, demonstrate, remind.Tau Yagabo yaku ini rautu vene oteimaro muro variyaganedi.Tau Yagabo told his village people they must plant the garden.Ida buni goina bi ura reisa mina ya oteimago.She will tell you which method is good that you want to do.unspec. var.otima1otimana13. agounspec. comp. formcnteaching, lesson.Mina amiye tau gade bi ini oteimana ago rofu tururu reyadi.These people were amazed at his teaching.oteimana amiyeunspec. comp. formcnteacher, instructor.Ma ago gira oteimana amiye yokoi ini rofu baisi ago niyo.And a teacher of the law came and spoke to him.
oteimana agounspec. comp. form ofoteimana
oteimana amiyeunspec. comp. form ofoteimana
otenavescort, accompany.Ori reyaka, ye na ote.I was afraid, so accompany me.A grammaticalisation of ota rina?7.2.5Accompany
otima1unspec. var. ofoteimanatellKorigo dialect
otimana1unspec. var. ofoteimanatell
otonwalking around, from place to place to visit with others; visiting, making rounds, stopping by, loitering.Ruika oto oto boida.Right away I am going around visiting. dinaunspec. comp. formcvjourney, travel.Bi amiye yokoi yava ika oto dina kana.It is like a person on a journey (lit. 'going house summit visiting').Idiomaticoto renaunspec. comp. formcvvisit, walk around.Asiyaka venesa oto reida.I walk around with friends.
oto dinaunspec. comp. form ofoto
oto renaunspec. comp. form ofoto
oto rinacvpeelMagdalene bi tai di ro ukoka resi ita oto rigo.Magdalene will peel the bark of the tai tree and tie up/bundle the firewood.6.6.3Working with wood
otofurinafter, later.Otofuri negifa mironi.We will go there later.
otua2unspec. var. ofuka1stomachBadaika
otukanbackyard, and by association to its location, toilet.Mina dada ima gua bi rautu otukari varida.So now I'm planting betel nut in the village in the backyard. vainaunspec. comp. formcvuse toiletIna otuka vaiyo dada avana ideri dui reyo.He went to use the toilet so he went into a cave.otuka yavaunspec. comp. formcntoilet, outhouse.Yi otuka yava bi goini?Where is your toilet house?