Browse Doromu-Koki – English



ora3nspear, arrow.Ye, auna yaku dona moi are neyoma ora dudu getonari imiyo.So, the dog went down standing next to the pig and he shot it in the back with a spear.Nai ora moi de.Bring (me) my arrows., shoot
orayaovaya2nbanana species.Baifa vene maka oraya vari mona rededi.Only Baifa people plant oraya bananas properly.unspec. var.ovaya11.5Plant
orenbad sorcery/black magic performed by using the power of evil spirits; poison.Ore vene kiki ida desi nai baba uyadi.The sorcerers used the secret means/method and killed my father. amiyeunspec. comp. formcnsorcererNa bi ore amiye veyaka.I saw the sorcerer.
ore amiyeunspec. comp. form ofore
orebiovebi2nbanana species.Ya orebi tau be varisa ba ide?Are you planting many orebi bananas?unspec. var.ovebi11.5Plant
orefanavcome/pass over, spread.Nai rumana kero rei orefa baiyo na afegi.My husband turned around and came over to bring me across.HIV orefana idi dudu ma bera rovaitari imibigediri, ma sevi dudu rovaita nugabigedi ri.HIV is spread by shots and cutting tatoos, and when cutting the body with a razor. past, over, through
orinfearDona tururu resi beuka nigasa ori dei diyo.The pig trembled and oinked as it came down and ran away (lit. fear come and go). de duduunspec. comp. formbold(ly), courageously, defiantly, bravely.Kanisoro vene tau tururu reyadi ina vene rofu ori de dudu sina niyadi dada.The councillors were amazed that they spoke boldly.ori dinaunspec. comp. formcvflee, escape, run away in fear.Yomirona dona ori diyo.That pig there ran away.ori renaunspec. comp. formcvfear; be afraid/fearful/scared/frightened.Nai rema ori ga re nasa ine.My wife don't fear it is me.Beika resi ya ori reyadi?Why are you (pl) frightened?
ori de duduunspec. comp. form ofori
ori dinaunspec. comp. form ofori
ori renaunspec. comp. form ofori
ori sisika renaunspec. comp. form oforina
ori sisika rena fore fataunspec. comp. form oforina
ori sisika rena urenaunspec. comp. form oforina
ori yoba renaunspec. comp. form oforina
orinavburn, cook, light, fry.Kora, kukuru, tabo moiyo, fore oriyo, rofu imi siu reyo.She got wild taro, kukuru plants, and yams so that she cooked them in stones for him and dipped him in the steam.Seini odorori etei risi ramefa ori.Step over the chain and light the lamp.Farava moi feyara riga ori.Flatten the flour and fry it.5.5.4Burn5.2.1.1Cooking methodsori sisika renaunspec. comp. formsacrifice, make offering.Bi mina mamoe rumana ori sisika reyo.He sacrificed this ram.ori sisika rena fore fataunspec. comp. formaltarAmiye yaku ori sisika rena fore fata fafau nitore rego vonisi, bi beika yokoi de.If anyone swears by the altar, it is nothing.ori sisika rena urenaunspec. comp. formcenserYe ina yaku ori sisika rena urena moisi ita yaku moi vata baiyo.Then he took the censer and filled it with fire.ori yoba renaunspec. comp. formhalf/partially cook.Aka ori yoba resi na ma; irigida.Give me the half-cooked prawn and I'll eat it.
oromariboi1mauba1nflying fox; big, black and brown or yellow on neckOro yaku sofeka iridedi.Flying foxes eat mangoes.unspec. var.mariboi2mauba21.
oroa2unspec. var. oforovaimmature
oroa renacvengage in, do.Mukuna di vegu oroa ga re.Don't engage in deeds of darkness.9.1.2Do
orobosincane basket.Onana ma doro dudu orobosi vadidedi.Baskets are made from onana and doro cane. storage
orofanavflyMelinda fereini guiya resi Lae orofaro.Melinda boarded the plane and flew to Lae.
oroiminavmarch in line/group.Iya rena vene yaku rautu toboma oroimiyadi.The warriors marched into the middle of the village.4.8.3War
ororoadvquickly/hurriedly.Ororo reyo dada de moiyo.He did it hurriedly so he didn't get it.
orovaoroa1adjimmature, green, unripe, young.Mina aikai tauga bi orova.This aikai banana is not ripe.unspec. var.oroa21.5.6Growth of plants