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takuVt2lift upapimKangan tugun awo wasing takugu.We saw it lift up.
talombiliVt2pick up and hold (a baby)holimcomp. oftalobibili 1
tama2tama short fortamapmaVt2dropMa kungkulin it golong fatkaning awo, a bahong bala ulan samatang.Everything which is inside must be dropped down through the opening.
tamapmaVt2droppundaunimis "tapma" an abbreviation?short formtama2
tatamoVt2shoot with a gun, bow, or slingshotsutimA tamongale but a kohomo tugu.He shot it and the pig died.takes y- in plural form
tibiamuntaVtbfrighten; scarepretimder. ofamun-ta3
tantanVt21followbihainimMi te ambuni alimpipilimbensoguk agelak tange kugut.I followed the feathers of the mother that continued to come off and I went.Pasto te aptamun tenen tang a tange, yufulefenimbiguk.The pastor followed the liturgy of marriage and joined us.tangkaleVt21cast off; chase away; divorce2send awaytantongkat1None who follows around; disciple2Vt2follow2chaseranimKwep bisi guna kuge but tange bongale.Yesterday we went to the woods to hunt pigs.takes y- in plural
tangkaleVt21cast off; chase away; divorceranim2send awaysalim i goder. oftantan 1kale1takes y- in plural form
tek animaNtree bark clothmalo
tantoVt2chase and catchbihainim na kisimcomp. oftantan 1to1
tantongkat1None who follows around; discipledisaipel2Vt2followbihainimkt. phr. oftantan 1tongkat 1
tibibamtaVtbbecome coolkol liklikder. ofbami1-ta3
tendapkaleVtpush someone asidesurukim
tibigafuntaVtb1calm down; comfortkisim bel isi2weakenlusim strongder. ofgafuni 1-ta3
tibiganggafunVmake calm
tifoVt21put in holeplanimA yohong fatge, aina a kiap it kobo age tifongale ofoguhe.After that they built one patrol officer's house there.2put on clothingpasim klos
tiloVt2put on clothing; wearpasim klosIna got nandengalengka yanga tungkup tilongkasasak.He feels cold so he puts on a hat.
tilofoVt2remove clothing; undressrausim klos
tititVt2hold; carry in handholimUsang kobo age wodege fatgu a titkong ologule.I held a rope that was hanging up.Ge kugut paip fononggong kaitna kusani kusani sitgule.I went holding a knife and axe in each of my hands.itkungkumunVtcrush something in one's handnantitVthold something in one's mouth without swallowingsantitVthold (something) in one's teethtibinantitVtbadopt (a child)titdolofotVt2droptitkangkaVt2touchtitkasaVt2enclose something in one's handstitkatitkaVttouch or squeeze gently, as in testing a fruit for ripenesstitsimitVt2break while holding in hand
titdolofotVt2droplarim i pundauncomp. oftititdolofot
titfalafoVt2touchholiimcomp. oftititfalafo 2
titkaleVt2spend money frugally, with thoughtisi isi long yusim
titkangkaVt2touchfilimcomp. oftitit
titkasaVt2enclose something in one's handsbanisimcomp. oftititkasa 2

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