-ga2Vsfxsecond singular benefactor; for youlong yu
ga3REFLsecond person singular reflexive; yourselfyu yet
gabogabɔ1Vtbsee you singularSaginang nok Kalange fala gok gabeset.Tomorrow I will be in Kalange and see you.2PRONsecond person singular objectKale te a bilinggabotak tonga baba gingginang gifatak.The vehicle will pick you up from there and drop you off at the gate.
gabunVbump something (with foot)sutimame gabunNdirty water
gadungN1sidearereAndi teletele, menden aina gadung kadit te teletkange.After that the others grow at the side.2cornerkona
gafuniADJ1calm; easyisiA matgafuntage afini gafuningge kole olotet. After resting, I carefully went up again.tibigafuntaVtb1calm down; comfort2weaken2weak; softi no strongbut gafuniNsheep
galaADJmuch talkingplanti toktokGuma fatak man gala tege bilitak yak.There was lots of talking down below.kainggalaNlots of talkingDefinition and part of speech need work.
galanganeVthang on a rope or stringropimSoge walatege usang ke tenggalanganengge tagembe tuguhe.He took them and carefully tied them with a rope and hung them.
gagaleVtremove the outer skin or covering of a plantrausimNindi get godofe galege badi tugumune.We peel off the outer part of the banana plant and make grass skirts.
galemaVtbreak a large object (as in a building or stone) brukim
galesaNkind of bird: feline owlet-nightjarpisinAegotheles insignis