pakVtgrabholim hariapKadep sege tom kalehong kungale, pak bilihong it golong.They built a fire and some turned into grasshoppers and ran away and they grabbed them and threw them in (the fire).pak gomonVidie instantly
palamiNstick that triggers trap to be sprung when touchedstik bilong trapManggede tebeng fo, nomong koto sumuntele palami guma kaligubang ke ontofosak awo.When it tries to pass through to the other side, its neck will push the trigger down.
pampamNshoot growing from the side of a bamboo stalkkrukadang pampamkind of thin bamboo
pampanNnoise made when breaking something, like a stickpairapFengge boge boge it ginang awo pampan tege yugu.They came and filled the house so it made a breaking sound.
peleletNnoise a small animal makes when runningnoisKamokbeng kobo te nok namboge fop ginang pelelet alak olongkaguk.A rat saw me and noisily went up a tree.!!!