udi1VtsearchpainimBoge nak ka udihong nifage ku tenengkang adeng anta.We don't want them to be looking for food and leave us.Ninin tenen bobon tamene kobo, andi mindifi koloeng yege gelem ta udihong katguk.Our hen was looking for a place to lay her eggs.2Nlacki no gat
ulamNfaminetaim bilong hangreA nak ulam fatneng yanga feni a tang.A food famine was about to come to their gardens.
ulanPOSTon the ground or floor underneath an objectaninitA kalem kabonge nandehong bala ulan ulan adeng awa katkang.They smell animals and go under the floor.
ulatV1overflowkapsait2go over the top of a mountaingo antap3hang overhangamapulabembiliVtcarry on back over shoulder
ulenNmarker; sign; boundarymakMisin bobo tugung, a kasat tobole lak ulen tentobogunge.The missionaries came and put a marker on the big villages.ulenteVtchoose; appoint; elect
ululuADVin a group moving together without any space betweenlong grupFaimba te gituaningge boge matele amaibe te kanganengka fengge ulululak kuge kangangung.The helicopter landed for the first time and everyone went together to see it.
ulumutVsow seeds in a prepared fieldplanimFe kaik ginang fomsak ili ulumut tugumune.We sowed seeds for greens in the new garden.
usangN1vineropUsang nanak kobo te kolonga ginang titguhe.A small vine held my leg.2roperopUsang kobo aina palami tenen, wia kobo aina a mam bilini titit tenen.One rope is for the trigger and the other one is for catching a cuscus.