baba2babaːVt1get, receive more than oneKadang kubit, wagem, pumpum wagemni a bahong kole.They gathered their dry bamboo, drums and guitars.Kasat tangani te banimbige it kobo ginang nifagunge.The villagers took and put us in a house.2save them
-baVsfxfirst person singular short-term obligative; I must (once)mi mas
babaleVtcarry (someone or something) in arms in the frontkarimSap nanak kadit gitek katak babalembili teng.Carry the puppy because it is moving slowly.
bakNpeacebel isiBen bak gideng fo fatiguk anta.Before we did not have peace like now.
balaN1floorpluaA yohong matge fatge nandekagumun bala kamat mumuni. We sat there and talked about that and heard the noise under the floor.balakamatADVunderneath2platform; bedbetMeneng kobo, babeng upmun kot a ginang bala tege matkamatgung.They put (the child) on a platform in a kind of tree with a leafy vine.
balabekNkind of tree with distinctive red leavesdiwaiThe appearance of the flowers marks the arrival of Christmas. The leaf style is copied in making ornamentation for the tebekap traditional dance. The wood is used to make slingshots.