sabili pampangADJbare (of skin or leaves) bony with little flesh; emaciatedbun natingNenka Geka bitage, ina kam tanga tanga sabili pampang alak fatak.Your uncle Gek is sad because he is sick and becoming only bones.comp. ofsabili 1
sabosabɔ1Vtbsee second person non-singular; see you (two or more)2PRONsecond person non-singular object; you (two or more)
sabutN1bone bunsabutkokotADVphysically fit in the legs2stickstikKuda sabili kole fufut tage tege fatgu.The mango branch almost broke.3framebunBop sabut a kole sobonga tengkamala, a kangi bilinga tibiwonkamala yang a.After completing the trap's frame, take the tree for bending and bend it over.
sabutkokotADVphysically fit in the legsstrongunspec. comp. form ofsabut 1
safanNgod painted on the back plate in the tebekap dancegod
safeVhidehaitNo kakabop tage fop sasap safege yugut.Then I moved slowly around to hide on the other side of the tree trunk.
saginangN1tomorrowtumoraAma kwep buguk awo afini saginang besak.The man who came yesterday will come again tomorrow.2next dayde antapA saginang gideng a bage it ginang kadit bobo tugumuhe.The next day we took them and came back to the village.
sahamNlight brown snake with black mouth and nosesnek
sahuditNkind of bird: includes the Goldie's, rainbow, red-flanked, red-fronted, and orange-billed lorikeets and the double-eyed fig parrotpisinPsitteuteles goldiei, Trichoglossus haemetodus, Charmosyna placentis & runbronotata, Neosittacus pullicauda & Cyclopsitta diopthalma
sakNleaflipFop sak sak kabonge olone fihaning.Find leaves that have a good smell.