ma2NthingsamtingAte ina ma kobo ut tenen nomong bilige kuguk.He had not taken anything to hit didaningNadjective; the part of speech which describes somethingma utangiNnoun; the part of speech which names something
ma1N1round tarotaroMa ili a talalang.They planted taro.2any foodkaikai samtingGet, apu ma filisik fe ginang fatak.Banana, sugar and all kinds of food are in the nambitnambitADJfinishing all the food, no matter the quality or quantity
mama1Vifall; landpundaunGuli matak.It is raining (lit. rain is falling).Balusi Lowai manga menden Ukarumpa kuesak.The plane will land at Lowai and then go to Ukarumpa.Ina yupa tamongale manga kome ginang fatak.He shot the cockatoo and it fell on the ground.futmaVbreak down2ViloselusA semi-fainol ginang ofoge mamatugunge.They entered the semi-finals and lost.3Vtput in groundplanimA tanga kangi bantabage matang.Put the stick in the ground and bend it.4Vimovego long narapela hapA bonga yak, Ukalakgenge manggedenga manga kotong a olotak.He came and crossed Ukalakgenge river and he went up the mountain.
maninNiextended family, not including one's immediate familylainMahai dodofon gige age fo fatkang?Do you have relatives here?cftang kobolak
ma didaningNadjective; the part of speech which describes somethingkt. phr. ofma2didaning
ma nambitnambitADJfinishing all the food, no matter the quality or quantityunspec. comp. form ofma12