Halbi - English

लबेआləbeanEngvegetable namelong green beans5. from vegetables
लबेदाləbedacfखाबड़ाnEngstick; branchHinछड़; डंडाused to throw at certain fruit trees to knock off the fruitलबेदा पोकाला आमा रूके।They threw the ləbeda stick at the mango tree. product7.3.1.1Throw6.7.1.1Poking tool1.5.5Parts of a plant
लमड़ लमड़ləməɽ ləməɽpnEngLamer
लमरləmərcfलमड़adjEnglongHinलंबखूब लमर कहनी आए।It's a very long story.8.2.2Long
लमरूकləmrukvEngto follow behindHinपदचिन्हों पर चलना
लमहाँləmhãnEngrabbitHinख़रगोश1.6.1Types of animals
लमाऊकləmaukvEngto stretch somethingHinतानना; फैलानासूत के मोएँ लमाएँसे।I am stretching out the cotton thread.पाएँ मन के लमाएसे।(She) is stretching out her feet.सूत लमाऊकsut ləmaukcomVbEngto spin a web1.6.1.8Spider
लमानləmancfलमानीनnEngmale member of Lamani caste4.1.4.1Social class
लमानीनləmanincfलमानnEngfemale member of Lamani casteLamani, sew priest's garments, sew old cloths together into quilts4.1.4.1Social class
लमूकləmukdial. var.लामूकcfलामूकdial. var. ofलमूकitVbEngto stretchHinफैलानालबड़ लमूआए।The rubber will stretch.लमतो बीतीləmto biticnEngelastic thingHinलोचदार8.3.1.9Stretch8.3.6.3Stiff, flexible
लरlərcfसरnEngone length around8.
लराləranEngclanger bell4.2.3.5Musical instrument
लसनाएँləsnaẽadvEngbendable; flexible; pliable8.3.1.5Bend
लसाləsa1nEngedible tree sap5.2.3.1Food from plants6.2.5.4Plant product1.5.5Parts of a plant2adjEngstickyHinचिपचिपा together
लसाऊकləsaukcfलोंआऊकलोंऊकvEngto bendHinझुकना7.1.8Bend down
लसीləsin1Engsecretion from woundHinस्रवणclear, white2.5.3Injure2Engsap in fruits and vegetablessuch as mangoes, sweet potato, jackfruit, papaya
लसूकləsukv1Engto curl overas a heavily laden fruit tree; as edge of axe curls or burrs over when damaged or blunt7.1.3Lie down2Engto lie down7.1.3Lie down3Engto go to bed7.1.3Lie down5.1.1.3Bed5.7.1Go to sleep4Engto bend down under weight but not break7.1.3Lie down7.1.8Bend downलदक लसाlədək ləsacfलदकनाएँcomAdvEngwith pleasure; zestfully8.3.7Goodलस लसाləs ləsacnEngbendability8.3.1.5Bend
लसूनləsunnEnggarlicHinलहसुन5.2Food1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
लहँगाləhə̃ɡanEngskirt worn by shaman when in a trance5.3Clothing4.9.8Religious things
लहँगाshaman's skirt
लाla1vEng3rd person,plural,past complete tense2v > advEngadverbaliserplural3v > adjEngadjectivercomp.जूरला कीड़ाकीड़ाजूरूक
लाईlainEngpuffed rice5.2Food
लाईकlaikn1Engcapability; competence; worthiness3.2.1.3Intelligent9.4.2.1Can2Engability9.4.2.1Can6.1.1.1Expert