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ImooproI, meMoo aaꞌoi-ka, "Moo umo-ka, roo-ro moo aiꞌiai aꞌai."I said, "I know you are going to beat me."9.2.3Pronouns
idiotamaamo 1sp. var.amamonfool, term of abuse
idolagibenidol shaped like a man; silhouette half-length carved wooden figure with vertical projections between the arms and torso to which, in ancestral times, human skulls were hung/attached4.9.8.1Idolobadubunidol (god), traditionally made out of cane and wearing a grass skirt, it was given the power to heal or make sick, to bless or to curse hunting, fishing and fighting4.9.8.1Idol
if=ra1 1dial. var.=riesubordconnif, can be used as an opposite to the declaratie =kaMuramura eidai tiato-ra mereei atai eito emaꞌai aꞌai.If you don't take medicine, you will give your sickness to another person.Roo tairamui tiato-ra, roo raꞌati gimoi emeꞌai aꞌai.If you do not have a mosquito net, you will get malaria.Roo rio-ra hege umai oropoiꞌoi, turia-ha himioi obo oruoi-da goꞌota ihi ma orohiꞌauti.If you want to get ride of scabies, rub on coconut oil every day when you wash.Roo rio-ra hito ahoroi, epui roo umoiꞌai buꞌi eito.If you want to make the woven bag called "hitoi", first you go to the bush.aia2prtif. This word is always followed by an irrealis verb that starts with m- g- or r-
illness (long)raagirinlong.illness
imageurio 1nimage, reflection, shadow, pictureAta himioi umui odai-ka obo-boboi eito, ka umui urioi eremeꞌai-ka.One day the dog went to the well, and there he saw his reflection.Ara urioi himia-himia emera mereei hiaꞌei.This picture shows various methods of family planning.2.3.1Seecomp.Dubuae Urio
imitateoꞌuio 2HLLLvimitate, mimic
immediatelyhioi-daadvimmediately, suddenlyKiauka hioi-da ohio ata idebi otoi omahoroi-ka.Immediately one boy started crying.Hioi-da ruu iamagauriai-ka roo hooho reꞌei eito.Suddenly he jumped forward in fright.Hioi-da piropoiꞌo moo sikuri.I quickly finished my schooling.8.4Timetauo-kavar.tauo-haadvimmediatelyTauo-ka, Umuoma geꞌua uꞌuiꞌo imodoro, ka aihai potoꞌa uꞌui hohoi, Rauraꞌu-ro otoi da, ka Umuoma aiha pohuꞌodidio.Immediately Umuoma ducked into a mudskipper's hole, but Nauna'u stepped on the mouth of the hole with her foot, and Umuoma came out.
increaseiiꞌi4 2vincreaseRuu-ro uumo ii'i bia...His understanding had not increased... (He did not know...)
infantgugenbaby, not yet old enough to sit up
informatomudiovinform, describe, showMa atomudio aa'o mereei ra'ai bo'u meree-ra Describe what the person looks like.uumo ododiavinform, give information, make knownMoo abeai umo ododiai bia, moo peei barai-da irotoꞌai-da, emediai-ka, oboi eito.Without letting my father know, I stood on the side of the canoe and jumped into the water.3.5.1Say
initiation ceremony (first)eeꞌeenthe first of three initiation ceremonies, when a son or daughter was taken into the longhouse, leaves were tied on their arms and charcoal rubbed on their skin, and then they stayed in the longhouse for a month or so without washing, during which time they are taught how to be good people. Once parents were organised for a feast, the uncles would come and collect them from the longhouse, wash them in the river and dress them. While the washing was happening traditional songs such as Himabu were sung/performed. After the feast, they returned to their parents' house. Ee'ee is this whole period. The next stage of initiation is maari.
initiation ceremony (second)maarinthe second stage of the traditional initiation process that comes after ee'ee, with its own feast, training time, and dances. This stage takes young adult men and women, and they are taught other secrets, and can take a year to 18 months. The final stage of initiaion is pairoma.
initiation ceremony (third)pairoma 1nthis is the third and final stage of traditional initiations, and comes after maari. During this stage of the initiation process, initiates are taught how to protect themselves and how to fight enemies, among other things. Takes one year to 18 months, and is completed once married, during this time they remain in the longhouse, only go outside for the toilet at night, do not see their families. The last group of initiates to go through pairoma was some time in the 1950s
injectamumu2ninject, stab, including planting a stick into the ground
inlandburaadvinland, towards the mountains
insect speciesameꞌamedial. var.gameꞌamensmall bugs that fly around the light at night time or around fruitbuburonfly-like blood sucker that fliesgameꞌameGinsmall flying insects1.6.1.7Insect
insiderio1 4postinsideRuu-ro aaꞌoi-ka, "Turiaha maboroi ihaꞌuo boboꞌoi rioi eito."He said, "Throw all the marbles into the well!"unspec. comp. formgeega-riounspec. comp. formidi-riounspec. comp. formrio-tami
insidesrio1 1ninternal organs2.1Bodyunspec. comp. formgeega-riounspec. comp. formidi-riounspec. comp. formrio-tami
installedoti 3otiivbe installed, take positionMoo Karisoroi 37 burioi-to piroti-ka.I was on the council for 37 years.
insteadmiha 2HLadvinstead ofAramiꞌoi-ro uburo miha pimaꞌoiaumo.Our grandparents took them around instead of bilums.
instructiontotomu 1LHLninstructions on how to live wellMoo abeai totomu made amoroaduꞌuti moo piroha emidioi-ka.When my father gives me advice, I sit quietly and listen to him.3.5.1Say
insultdobo 2cfdobokipituꞌunan insult as it refers to someone as a bird's anusrepituꞌu 2cfkipituꞌurepituꞌuna strong insult
intestine (large)geega-rionlarge intestine, lit: large insidesidi-rionlarge intestine, lit: black/dark intestine
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