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vaginaopu 2HLnvagina
valuablemuari2 2adjvaluable, of significant worth Riꞌo muari hiꞌa-ka, momoꞌoi aibo bia.You are very valuable, not like birds.
vanishaapediovvanish, disappearDuu'i-da piradi erai, irai aiha paapedio hi'o hi'ai-to. There was a fire in the dark but it vanished very quickly.
variously-tutiv > vvariously, the action happens to each thing individuallyEmiei-tuti kaumo!Everyone, sit yourself down!Rimo geꞌii raahoaꞌei iabotuti-da, riꞌo hete omaumo bia! Rimo idebi raahoaꞌei iabotuti-da, riꞌo idebi aꞌaimo bia!When we each sang happy songs, you did not dance! When we each sang sad songs, you did not cry!Badareꞌe rii tamu rautu-ka, mia titi-titi-kaumo. Rii kopoi-da emieituti-ha oraꞌoia madio-kaumo.Butterflies have wings that are colourful. They each rest on flowers and look for nectar.
veryhiꞌaadvveryAbui omahoroi-ka, Imi tuiai hoho hiꞌai-da, Mirimairau goꞌotoi ooꞌa hapuoi eito.I started to paddle across the Imi River right to the other side where the village of Mirimairau is located.9.3Very
villagegoꞌotoLHLnvillageGo'oto uubi-ro du, pa'ea du imorohoi-ka. The village people would bring us sago and garden food. comp. formgoꞌoto pai
village (abandoned)goꞌoto kurinabandoned village
vine speciesepuukaihairinspecies of vine
vine speciesepeaꞌepeanspecies of vine with small hidden thorns
vine speciesarii iminspecies of fine vine that is useful for tying things and grows in hilly placesdareenspecies of vine used to bind sago bundleseetunvine that grows in the forest with red, round fruit and amny black seeds, that is good for eating.eꞌetunbush vine with edible fruit in the nutgaretaminstrong, heavy vine that is used for pulling canoes or logshirinspecies of vine that is similar to kakapiriiimuinvine with sharp hook-like thorns, no use for any of its partsimuinvine with sharp thorns that can spread a long way. The leaves were traditionally chewed to help with a cough, and were also rubbed on new fishing hooks so that people did not miss the fish.iriabenvine with poisonous roots used to kill fish. Iriabe roots are put in a bundle with bubuꞌia (mango cedar) wood. This bundle is hit with a stick causing the poison to go into the water, blinding fish up to the size of a barramudi, so that they come to the top of the water flapping. Traditional fishing method of men.kakapirinspecies of vine with very long thin leaves, grows in the sago swamp and is not very strong, similar to hiri. kamoꞌotaminstrong vine found in lowland riversomabona type of cane that is useful for tying things when in the bush. It is used for temporary purposes, as it is not too strong and does not last a long time. It has white flowers like umu flowers and white sap.orotaminspecies of thorny vine1.5.4Grass, herb, vinepapikoronspecies of vine, with fruit inside a soft casing. Children sometimes eat the fruit, which has a tart flavour. Leaves can be used to treat skin infections. Grows well in places burnt by fire. repiina type of vine that can grow up trees, or along the ground. An important vine for making rope for tying fences, roofs etc as it lasts a long time. New leaves, and new shoots, cooked in water are traditionally used to wash newborn babies to keep them happy and not sick. The stem is also sqeezed into water and fed to pigs to make the pigs grow fat. It only comes in green in the Kope area, but was seen with red leaves in Port Moresby.tamitaminvine, a general term for vines including epea'epea and imui.tigarinspecies of vine that has big rough leaves that are a reddish colour at the base, and has strong sharp thorns. uꞌunvine that only grows on the riverside, with edible nutty fruit
visionaapensign, a vision. This could be a fish jumping out of the water, facing the direction of the problem, so that a person knows they need to go that way quickly.Ruu aape raa tauo eaꞌa maakaHe had just seen a vision.
visit (noun)madi 2nvisit, often with a request, but not necessarily with a request. synmadimadimadimadiMotunvisitsynmadi 2
visit (verb)aamiaivvisitMoo raꞌu meai-ra, Paidubui maamui-ro moo ma raamiai?Why has this good thing happened to me, that the Lord's mother would visit me?
voice (small)ririꞌonsmall voice
vomit (noun)mamaunvomitMeree kehi mamau oomouti. The small child was vomitting vomit.
vomit (once)omoꞌa2vvomit once
vomit (repeatedly)oomouti 1vvomit repeatedlyMeree kehi mamau oomouti. The small child was vomitting vomit.
vulvaika2nvulvasynopu 12.1Bodyopu 1HLnvulvasynika22.1Body