Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



halzzu xa⁵⁵ dzɥ³³1DEM ADJ指示形容词those那些/nà xiē/Halmaex zzaegu halzzu arseir ddei a? 那里的那些东西是谁的?Who's are the things here?2DEM PRON指示代词Pia halzzu nael, ngo ddei; eilzzu nael, ni ddei a. 那些衣服,是我的,这些,是你的。As for the clothes, those are mine; these are yours.The /zzu/ PL, is normally for animals or things but can be used for people--but often with negative connotation. The /mel/ PL, is the most polite and most common way to pluralize people but the /mel/ is sometimes used for animals and things as well./zzu/ 是用在动物或东西,但也可以用于人,不过用於人的时候,通常有负面的意思。/mel/ 是比较礼貌上或正常的人的复数的用法。但 /mel/ 有时也可以用在动物身上。Compare 另见armelhal zzi xa⁵⁵ dzɿ³³
haneha³³nə³³🔊adv.like that; that way那样/nàyàng/Ni hane bei nr ddo, hane mel bei cox a. 你不能那样做,那样是做错了。You can't do it that way, doing it that way is wrong.hane ~ zane.Compare 另见einehanezeixlzanejjia dʒʲa³³
hane ci ha³³nə³³ tsʰɿ³³adv.when it happens; when it is that way到那时候/dào nà shíhòu/Yar maerssor bbeix hane ci a, niul yar dax seivi mu ssi nia. 到他结婚的那时候,我们要去做他的客。When he gets married, we will go and be his guest.hane qi ha³³nə³³ tʃʰi³³
hane cirdaeha³³nə³³ tsʰɿ²¹tɛ³³🔊adv.since then从那时候/cóng nà shíhòu/Yar no hane cirdae a mel, miar bei nr goxr a. 从他病那时就没有做过事了。S/he was sick, since then (s/he) has not worked.It was reported that this is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。
hane nga a mel xa³³nə³³ ŋa³³ a³³ mɯ⁵⁵conj.being that way; that being the case那样的话/nàyàng de huà/Ni no a, hane nga a mel, ni jjixr ddo a. 你病了,那样的话,你回去吧!You are sick, that being the case, you can return.Capor hal ddei yar maerssor leil deil doxr hane nga a mel, yar maerssor yar dax cirgo a hher nr var. 那个男人一直打他的妻子那样的话,他的妻子就不会跟他在一起。That man always hits his wife; that being the case, his wife can not live with him.hane nga a nel xa³³nə³³ ŋa³³ a³³ nə⁵⁵
hanezeixl xa³³nə³³-tse̠⁶⁶adv.so那么nàmeXi mel hanezeixl perniar mel, arseir vae du xie? 房子那么贵,谁买得起?If the house is so expensive, who is going to be able to buy it?hanazeixl ~ einezeixlCompare 另见einezeixlhaneilnelvael ʔi⁵⁵nə⁵⁵væ⁵⁵
hane zzezzexa³³nə³³ dzə³³-dzə³³🔊adv.until that time到那时候/dào nà shíhou/Ngo yar leil xia dae a, yar jjixr lei hane zzezze, xia ci. 我等他等, 到他回来那时候。I will wait for him/her, (I'll) wait until that time s/he returns.heboxl zzezze xɯ³³po̠⁶⁶ dze³³dzə³³
hanolxa³³no⁵⁵🔊adv.quite a bit; quite a lot比较多/bǐjiào duō/Ngua nrnel miar bei a, yar hanol bei miur. 我们两个做事,她做得比较多。We two went out to work (and) s/he did quite a lot.Zzor labox hal ddei zzorci a mel, ni yar dax hanol ardoxr li nia. 那个吃的东西好吃,你要跟她多要一点。(Since) that food is delicious, you should get quite a bit from him/her.Compare 另见dozilseirseilhanol xa³³no⁵⁵
harxa²¹🔊ASP (perfective)finished好了/hǎo le/Ngo almeixr bei har a; ni zzor jjixr lei ddo a. 我做好了饭,你可以回来吃了。I have finished cooking, you can come back to eat.Ni ddei miar ddei bei har har a? 你的事做好了吗?Have you finished your work?The /har/ (perfective) is the same as /teixl/, but /har/ is a Chinese Mandarin loanword. /teixl/ is Yi.这个完成体与 /teixl/ 一样,一个是借词(/har/),一个是彝语(/teixl/)。Compare 另见bei zaxrdolsseiddogaxziggehar zaxr daejjiamiteixlxiar har hobei qixl pe³³ tʃʰi̠⁶⁶bei mi be³³ mi³³
har zaxr daexa²¹ tsa̠ʔ²¹ tɛ³³🔊ASP (perfective)already finished已经好了/yǐjīng hǎo le/Ngo miar bei har zaxr dae a, arggeni wornol cexr a. 我已经把事情做好了,明天可以休息。I already finished my work, (I) can rest tomorrow.Arggeni yar ake hher nr mael, yel eilni dder zzor labox bei har zaxr dae. 他明天没时间在家,所以今天就准备好吃的。Tomorrow s/he does not have time to be at home, so today (s/he) already finished preparing the food.Compare 另见bei zaxrgaxziggeharjjiamiteixlzaxrbei dol zaxr be³³ do⁵⁵ tsa̠ʔ²¹
haxxa̠⁴⁴🔊n.rat老鼠/laǒshǔ/Hax mel zoxlzoxl a loxlmoxr ker zzor doxr. 老鼠经常偷吃粮食。Rats are continually stealing grain to eat.Compare 另见yirvu-nilhaxhax xa̠⁴⁴
haxlxa̠⁶⁶🔊v.get stuck/xiàn/Almer lei a, caezi hal jiaxl nixlnaexl gga haxl ji dae a. 下雨了,那张车子陷在泥巴里了。It rained, (and) that car got stuck in the mud.haxl xa̠⁶⁶
haxl🔊v.stuck/xiàn/Almer lei a, caezi hal jiaxl nixlnaexlbix gga haxl ji dae a. 下雨了,那张车子陷在泥里了。It rained (so) the car was stuck in the mud.haxl xa̠⁶⁶
haxmaelbbeirxa̠⁴⁴-mæ⁵⁵be²¹🔊n.squirrel松鼠/sōngshǔ/Haxmaelbbeir mel hax lesel, nael yar sixzzei maex var. 松鼠像老鼠,但是它会爬树。Squirrels are similar to rats, but they can climb trees.haxmaelbbeir xa̠⁴⁴-mæ⁵⁵be²¹
haxrdoxlsu xa̠²¹to̠⁶⁶sɥ³³n.drain排水孔/páishuǐkǒng/Almer vaer lei a, ajjix ggerggelgger pe teixl lei a, haxrdoxlsu ddei gga lei pe gel nr ddei a. 下大雨,水很急地流出来,排水孔里都流不过去了。The heavy rain caused the swelling rapid flowing water to overflow the drain and the water can't go down.haxrdoxlxu xa̠²¹to̠⁶⁶ʃy³³
hazza xa³³dza³³1adj.all; any; what所有的/suǒyǒu de/Yar ake ba a, zzaegu hazza lei ba si a. 他搬家,所有的东西也搬走了。S/he moved, (and) all (his/her) things were also moved 2pron.Ngo, ngo hazza dae mel, ni leil gger a. 我把我所有的,给你了。All I have, (I) will give to you.hazza xa³³dza³³
hazza-hamaerxa³³dza³³-xa³³mæ²¹🔊idiom习语all; everything所有的/suǒyǒu de/Ca hal ddei no i doxr, yel yar hazza-hamaer lei vur jjia a. 那个人经常看病,所以他所有的都卖完了。That person constantly went to the doctor, so s/he (had to) sell everything.Faxljiaxl a mel, sulzzasu hazza-hamaer lei ake jjixr a. 放假了,所有的学生都回家了。During vacation, all the students return home.hazza-hamaer xa³³dza³³-xa³³mæ²¹
hazzixa³³dzɿ³³🔊adv.very/hěn/Ca hal ddei mel hazzi naxrcixl. 那个人长得很好。That person is outstanding.hazzi ~ yarzi.Compare 另见yarziyarzi ʝa²¹-tsɿ³³
hexɯ³³🔊1adv.habitually; normally; tend to习惯/xíguān/Ngua zoxlzoxl a almeixr zzor a, ajjix dda dax he. 我们总是习惯同时吃饭喝水。Whenever we eat, we have a habit of drinking water with (the food).Zzixzi mel yarzi wor lei he. 冬天很喜欢下雪。In the winter it normally snows.Olddir mel mel maedae si simo, halae yix ker lel he. 狐狸是尾巴长长的,还喜欢偷鸡吃。Foxes have long tails, and they tend to steal chickens to eat.2quickly很快/hěn kuài/Aniux mel yarzi vaer he, hormo ardae nr ssa dder ca vaer loxr a. 孩子长得很快;一下子就成大人了。Children grow up very quickly; in no time they become adults.The word /he/ does not have the sense of 'quickly' with all verbs. With most verbs the word used for 'quickly' is /jiax/.Compare 另见meixrzza woso so³³
hexɯ³³🔊n.iron; metal; steel/tiě/He mel yarzisael lir, cirmelmel a ca lei vei du nr xie. 铁很重,有一些连人也拿不动。Steel is extremely heavy, some of it can't even be carried by people.Compare 另见heddaexrsuhexsoxhe xɯ³³
hexɯ³³🔊v.winnow/yáng/Loxlmoxr he a mel, mersi jia a saelnei he cexr. 扬粮食吹着风才可以杨。When winnowing grain, the wind must blow in order to be able to winnow.The grain is winnowed using a flat basket called and 'omo'. When the grain is thrown up in the air so the wind can blow the chaff away, the verb used is /o/. When the grain is simply dropped to the ground so the wind can blow the chaff away, the verb used is /he/.谷粒在一种平浅的篮子(叫做 /omo/)被簸扬。当谷粒被簸扬在空中,所用的动词是 /o/。当谷粒被洒在地上,所用的动词是 /he/。Compare 另见o
he xɯ³³
heci xɯ³³tsʰɿ³³n.three legged pot holder三脚锅架/sān jiǎo guō jià/Mixbbaex su mel almeixr zeixl a, heci sser a zeixl. 马游人煮饭用 "heci" 来煮。When the people of Mayou boil rice, (they) use the "heci" to (put the pot on and) boil (the rice).This is a three-legged metal pot holder that is put on the fire. The pot is put on the holder and the food is cooked over the fire.这是一种三脚的铁架,其上可以放锅子用以在火上烹饪。
heqi xɯ³³tʃʰi³³
hedixɯ³³-ti³³🔊n.nail; stake钉子/dīngzi/Xi zi a mel, hedi yarzi sser miur nia . 盖房子要用很多钉子。To build a house it is necessary to use a lot of nails.hejie xɯ³³-tʃʲɛ³³
heddaexrsuxɯ³³dæ̠ʔ²¹sɥ³³🔊n.blacksmith铁匠/tiějiang/Heddaexrsu mel he sser a, cirza-hanga sser labox zzaegu ddaexr. 铁匠们,用铁铸各种用的工具。The blacksmith uses metal to make all kinds of things (that we) use./heddaexrsu/ ~ /hejiuxr/.Compare 另见=suddaexrhehejiuxrheddaexrsi xɯ³³dæ̠ʔ²¹sɿ³³
heixlceixe̠⁶⁶-tsʰe³³🔊num.eighty八十/bāshí/ceimo, nrzei, socei, licei, ngorcei, qiuxlcei, sircei, heixlcei, gecei, cirxiu 十(量),二十,三十,四十,五十,六十,七十,八十,九十,一百ten CLF, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundredheixlcei xe̠⁶⁶-tsʰe³³