Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



zatsa³³🔊1v.circle; go around; turn到处的跑/dào chǔ de pǎo/Ca hal ddei mel hol-nr-cir a, beix za doxr dae.那个人失去记忆了,所以到处的跑。That person could not remember (anything) and continuously ran around in circles.Almer lei goxr a ngaseir a, jjiumo zex yarzi ssi sol; ni yo piar a gga za mal a ssi.才刚刚下过雨,这条路很难走,你转到右边走。It has just rained, (so) the road is very difficult to travel; you (need to) turn toward the right.2CLF (verbal)curve; turn/zhuǎn/Ni jjiumo eil zex leil nr za sael za a, ake jjixr ddo a.你在这条路上转几转,可以回家了。If you curve around several turns on this road, you will be able to return home.3n.time (repeated occurrences)/tàng/Eilse-nehe yar zalbbaer hormo za ddux a leir?今天早上他出去外面几趟了呢?This morning how many times did s/he go out?This is for time-repeated occurrences./za/ 这是在时间上重复的事情。Compare 另见boxlcirzalalzatsa³³
zatsa³³🔊n.seal/zhāng/Eilni ngo cuigosol gga za giexl ssi.今天我去村公所盖章。Today I am going to the government office to get a seal (on something).loan借词zatsa³³
zabbartsa³³ba²¹🔊1adv.be sure to; carefully仔细的/zīxì de/Cirmusixl pia naexr a mel, zabbar naexr nia.缝新娘的衣服要仔细的缝。When sewing a bride's clothes, it is necessary to sew carefully.2diligently努力的/nǔlì de/Ni zabbar yar leil miar beijjiu nia, yar meixddur ddei mia nr xie.你要努力的帮助他做事,他的眼睛看不见。You must diligently help him/her (with his/her) work, his/her eyes can't see (s/he is blind).Ni zabbar sul zza a saelnei arddolcar miar zo wo ddo.你要努力的读书,以后才能找到工作。You need to diligently study, in order to find work in the future.3well很好的/hěn hǎo de/Ni azo bei lei zabbar bei nia.你不管做什么都要很好的做。Whatever you do, (you) should do it well.Note: In any of these examples the /zabbar/ could be replaced by /zabbar seilseir arla/ just to add a bit more emphasis.Compare 另见seilseirzabbar-seilseirqiulqiu tʃʰʲo⁶⁶tʃʰʲo³³
zabbar-seilseirtsa³³ba²¹ se⁵⁵se²¹adv.carefully; very well很好/hěn hǎo/Eil mei niul zae ggie ssi a, ni pia zabbar-seilseir a veixr nia.今晚上我们去好的场合,你要很好的穿衣服。Tonight we are going someplace nice, dress very well.Compare 另见seilseirzabbar
za daetsa³³ tɛ³³v.in heat发情/fāqíng/Niur mel za dae a saelnei ssor zza var.A bovine has to be in heat in order to have a calf.Note: This is used for bovines only.Compare 另见beix daemeiggaxr daeza daetsa³³ tɛ³³
zaetsɛ³³🔊1adj.good-looking好看/hǎo kàn/Ngua mermi sixzzei mel darmumu mo, yarzi zae.我们地方的树高高的,很好看。The trees in our hometown are tall, (and) very beautiful.2handsome/shuài/Capor hal ddei mel darmumu mo, pia sixl veixr du lei a mel, yarzi zae.那个男人高高的,穿起新衣服来很帅。That man is tall, (when) he wears new clothes, (he is) very handsome.3lovely/měi/Yar yarzi zae, yel capor mel yar leil i doxr.她很美,所以男人总是看她。She is very pretty, so men keep looking at her.4nice place or situation好的(场合)/hǎo de (chǎnghé)/Eilmei niul zae ggie ssi a, ni pia zabbar-seilseir a veixr nia.今晚上我们去好的场合,你要好好穿衣服。Tonight we are going someplace nice, dress nicely.5nice weather天气好/tiānqi hǎo/Eil nr ni sael ngua mermi mel, almer yarzi zae seir, lexl lei yarzi lexl no.这几天我们地方,天气很好,晒也很晒。These several days in our hometown, the weather has been very nice, (the sun) is shining very brightly.6pretty漂亮/piàoliang/Eilmaex pia zaelzaemo cirke vur dae.这里卖着很多漂亮的衣服。Here a lot of pretty clothes are sold.7pretty-sounding好听/hǎo tīng/Sulmulsu hal ddei caxlgo caxl dae mel, yarzi noni zae.那个老师唱的歌很好听。When that teacher sings a song, (it) is very pretty to listen to.zae ~ zaelzaeCompare 另见igax zaei zaezaelzaezaetsɛ³³
zaeltsæ⁵⁵🔊v.pinch between thumbnails用指甲压/yòng zhījiā yā/Halcar a, ca mel oldde leil xi zza a, leixrni-kursaer sser a xi zael.以前的人在头上有虱子,用指甲压虱子。In times past the people had lice on their heads, (so the lice) were pinched between the thumbnails (and killed).zael tsæ⁵⁵
zaeltsæ⁵⁵🔊CLF (measure word)(line; row; stack)/pái/Baxrde mel yarzi miur, ni cir zael cir zael mar du la.凳子很多,你一排一排得放起来。There are lots of chairs, put them in stacks.zael tsæ⁵⁵
zaelzaetsɛ⁵⁵tsɛ³³Compare 另见igax zaezaezaelzaetsɛ⁵⁵tsɛ³³
zae nr boxl saeltsɛ³³ n̩²¹ po̠⁶⁶ sæ⁵⁵idiom习语many times好几次/hǎo jǐ cì/Yar mel kebal mermi zae nr boxl sael ssi goxr a.他去过其它地方好几次。S/he has gone to different areas many times.Zzaegu eil ddei hazzi sser cae, zae nr koxl sael sser lei nr xiaxr.这个东西很耐用,用了好几年也没坏。This thing can be used for a long time, it has been used for many years and it still has not broken.Adoxl dexl a, sixzzei cili zae nr ggu sael cux pixl gger a.着火时烧掉了好几块树林。A fire was set and many areas of the forest were burned up.Note: The construction isː /zae nr (some type of classifier) sael/. For example, /zae nr maex/ is 'many places'. So that classifier changes depending on the context.Compare 另见zae nr ni saelza nr boxl saeltsa³³ n̩²¹ po⁵⁵ sæ⁵⁵
zae nr ni saeltsɛ³³ n̩²¹ ni³³ sæ⁵⁵idiom习语many days好几天/hǎo jǐ tiān/Zae nr ni sael ni leil mia nr goxr a.好几天,没有看见你了。For many days, (I) have not seen you.Compare 另见zae nr boxl saelza nr nil siltsa³³ n̩²¹ ni⁵⁵ sɿ⁵⁵
zaextsæ̠⁴⁴🔊adj.narrow; small space/zhǎi/Yar ake yarzi zaex, ngua yar dax ssi a, hher ggor-nr-ddei.他的家很窄,我们去他家住不下。His/her house is very small, if we go to be with him/her, there won't be enough room.Yar luldaddur zaexlzaexmo halmel lizoxr.他喜欢窄窄的那种裤子。S/he likes those narrow pants.zaextsæ̠⁴⁴
zaexrtsæ̠ʔ²¹🔊v.fold/zhé/Ni ha du ho a, lorbbor ddei zabbar-seilseir a zaexr du la.你起床后,把被子好好的折起来。After you get up, carefully fold your blanket.This loanword is commonly used, but the Loxrlavu word /de/ is also used for 'fold'.Compare 另见dezexzaexrtsæ̠ʔ²¹
zaezae-maermaertsɛ³³tsɛ³³-mæ²¹mæ²¹🔊idiom习语appropriate; fitting; right; suitable合适(的)/héshì (de)/Yar maerssor bbeix halcar, yar circir-ssorssor mel yar leil azo lei zaezae-maermaer bei gger.他结婚那时候,她的亲戚什么都给他做得合适。When he got married, his relatives treated him appropriately in every way.1. This word is normally used in the context of how relatives treat one another. 这个字通常用在亲戚之间相处的态度。If this word is just the reduplication of /zae/, the tone of the first syllable goes up to the [55] tone and it becomes /zaelzae/. But in this four-syllable idiom, there is no tone change. 假如此字只是 /zae/ 字的重复,第一个音阶的音调要升为 [55] 调,成为 /zaelzae/。但在四音阶的成语中,音调不变。zaezae-maermaertsɛ³³tsɛ³³-mæ²¹mæ²¹
zaezirtsɛ³³tsɿ²¹🔊n.table桌子/zhuōzi/Yar ddei zaezi mel six yarzi naxrcixl halmel bei teixl lei.他的桌子是用很好地木材做出来的。His/her table is made out of that wood that is very high quality.loan借词zazirtsa³³tsɿ²¹
za geltsa³³ kɯ⁵⁵🔊v.go around绕过去/rào guò qù/Halmaex gga ca tae ar ddei hher dae a, ngo gger nr bel, yel ngo ggaxrsibbor za gel.那里有一个疯子,我不敢过去,所以我从上面绕过去。In that place a crazy person lives, I don't dare pass by, so I go around above (him/her).za geltsa³³ kɯ⁵⁵
zalbbaertsa⁵⁵bæ²¹🔊LOC SPATIAL方位outside (when standing inside)外面/wàimiàn/Ni zalbbaer ddux jixr a mel, arsaenga a yoxl jjixr lei?你出去外面了,为什么又回来?You went out, why did (you) come back in again?This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见-bbaerdexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeiryozalbborzalbborzalzzarzalzzarzilbborzilelezile zzirzzarzzarjjialbbaer dʒʲa⁵⁵bæ²¹
zalbbortsa⁵⁵bo²¹🔊LOC SPATIAL方位below; down there (when standing above)下面/xiàmiàn/Yar zalbbor zei a, adaxl hhexr dax jjixr a.他下去下面回姐姐家了。S/he went down there, returning to (his/her) sister's family.Note: 1. This means a place that is below where the person is standing and fairly close. If it is far away the /zal-/ part of the word is stressed and lengthened, i.e. zal...bbor.Note 注意:2. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym". 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborellelegiedaeggaxrneggaxrsijiasikukurzzarlamaelavulmaelemaelleilnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilwoxrkexilmeiryozalbbaerzalbbaerzalzzarzalzzarzilbborzilelezile zzirzzarjjialbbor dʒʲa⁵⁵bo²¹
zali-sixlitsa³³li³³-sɿ̠⁴⁴li³³idiom习语all around; surrounding area周围/zhōuwéi/Ni me so a mel, zali-sixli arleixr i nia.你找菌子,要看一下周围。If you look for mushrooms, (you) need to look all around.Compare 另见zaza-lilizali-sixlitsa³³li³³-sɿ̠⁴⁴li³³zali-varlitsa³³li³³-va²¹li³³
Zalxiutsa⁵⁵ʃʲo³³🔊n.December十二月/shí èr yuè/Zalxiu mel dder cir koxl gga maelele xiu nga a.十二月就是一年的最后一个月了。The month of December is the last month in the year.The people traditionally use the lunar calendar.彝族的传统是用阴历。Zalxiutsa⁵⁵ʃʲo³³
zalzzarza⁵⁵dza²¹🔊LOC SPATIAL方位down in; the other end or side of some enclosed space里面(下面)/lǐmiàn/Ngo ajjix tir a, tur bbor lurddur gga zalzzar de ji si a.我提水的时候,桶掉进井里面去了。(When) I was getting water, the bucket fell down in the well.Yar doxlzi mer a, zalzzar cirdae a, eil zzar mer dil ci a.他钻山洞从外面钻到了里面。S/he entered (a) cave, going from the outside burrowing inside here.Qiene mel zaezi ddei woxrke zalzzar dol ji dae nia.鞋子要放在桌子下的里面。(Your) shoes need to be put way back underneath the table.Qixnex gga zalzzar legelbbe ar taex ddir si a.鞋子的里面进去了一个石头。A rock went down in (someone's) shoe.Note: 1. The /zalzzar/ means 'down in' when looking down in from outside and above. If it is a horizontal perspective, it refers to the other end or side of some enclosed space--from the perspective of where the speaker is--like the far end of a tunnel. The /nalzzar/ means 'up in' when looking from outside and below the area. If it is a horizontal perspective it means back inside of some space--looking from the outside. This locative word is similar to what Marlin Leaders refers to as "spatial grounding" of the action, in his article Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc., because it gives relative direction information rather than just location information. /aga(la)/ 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' is what Marlin Leaders would call the "neutronym".Note 注意:2. 这一个方位词与 Marlin Leaders在 “Tense-Aspect-Mood (TAM), Strat Grammar, M. Leaders, 5/22/2008, TAMM-Marlin Leaders.doc.” (时态-局面-语气 TAM)所说的行动 “空间的接地”。因为它给了相对方向的信息,而不是只有位置的信息。Marlin Leaders 叫 'between, among, in the midst of 中间' 这些字为 "neutronym"。Compare 另见dexbborellelejiasikukurzzarlavulnalbbornalzzarolleleolniuxniuxteixlsibborvaelvulleilyozalbbaerzalbbaerzalbborzalbborzile zzirzzarjjialzzar tʃʲa⁵⁵dza²¹
zanetsa³³nə³³🔊that way那样/nàyàng/Compare 另见hanejjia dʒʲa³³
zartsa²¹v.move something移动/yídòng/zartsa²¹
zartsa²¹🔊v.support扶着/fúzhe/Aniux hal ddox ssi ver nr xie seir, yel zar gex dae nia.那个小孩还走不稳,所以需要扶着他。That child still can't walk steadily, so it is necessary to support him/her.Compare 另见bbaxbberzartsa²¹
zartsa²¹🔊CLF(cup-shaped items; lamp)/zhǎn/Eilni zzimu ssi a, de ar zar vae ssi nia.今天去赶街,要去买一盏灯。Today when going shopping (I) need to go buy a lamp.loan借词zartsa²¹