Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



zzirgadzɿ²¹ka³³🔊n.floor/dì/Zzirga six a mel, ake ddei leil seibeix lol arddeir a.扫地的目的,是让房子干净。Sweeping the floor, is making the house clean.The word /zzirga/ is rarely used outside the context of sweeping the floor. Usually the word /middur/ 'ground' is used.jjirgga six dʒi²¹se³³sɿ̠⁴⁴middur mi³³dv̩²¹
zzirggudzɿ²¹gɤ³³n.copper pot铜锅/tóng guō/Zzirggu gga almeixr zeixl a mel adoxl teixl leil zeixl, yel zzirggu gga zeixl teixl lei almeixr mel hanol zzorci.铜锅里煮饭是在火上煮,所以在铜锅里煮的饭更很好吃。Rice boiled in a copper pot is boiled on a fire,(in contrast to an electric hot-plate) so rice cooked in a copper pot is more delicious.Compare 另见allurallur ʔa⁵⁵lɤ²¹
zzirmardzɿ²¹ma²¹🔊n.emperor; king皇帝王/wáng/Zzirmar ddei yarzi ddo, yar ca maelmaerjjia leil lei guaxr cexr, ca maelmaerjjia lei yar leil i du nia.王很厉害,他可以管全部的人,全部的人都要尊敬他。The king/emperor is very powerful, he is able to rule everyone, (and) everyone should also respect him.zzirmar ~ zzirmarpor.Compare 另见zzirmar hher ggiezzirmar maerssorzzirmarporzzirmar ssorzzirmar ssormaerzzirmardzɿ²¹ma²¹
zzirmar hher ggiedzɿ²¹ma²¹ ɣɯ²¹ gʲɛ³³🔊n.palace宫殿/gōngdiàn/Zzirmar hher ggie halmaex mel yarzisael naxrcixl.宫殿那里是非常好的。That palace over there is extremely nice.Compare 另见ggiehherzzirmarzzirmar maerssorzzirmar ssorzzirmar ssormaerzzirmar hher ggiedzɿ²¹ma²¹ ɣɯ²¹ gʲɛ³³
zzirmar maerssordzɿ²¹ma²¹ mæ²¹zo²¹🔊n.queen王后/wánghòu/Zzirmar maerssor ddei mel ca mel leil guaxr quxrlixl zza.王后有权力管人民。The queen has the authority to rule (the) people.Compare 另见maerssorzzirmarzzirmar hher ggiezzirmar ssorzzirmar ssorzzirmar ssormaerzzirmar ssormaerzzirmar maerssordzɿ²¹ma²¹ mæ²¹zo²¹
zzirmarpordzɿ²¹ma²¹pʰo²¹🔊emperor; king皇帝/huángdì/Compare 另见zzirmarzzirmarpordzɿ²¹ma²¹pʰo²¹cawulmar tsʰa³³wo⁵⁵ma²¹
zzirmar ssordzɿ²¹ma²¹ zo²¹🔊n.prince王子/wángzǐ/Zzirmar ssor ddei mel yarzi goxrseir; arddolcar a, yar zzirmar bei wo ddo.王子很幸福,以后他可以做王。The prince lives very well, later, he will be able to become king.Compare 另见ssorzzirmarzzirmar hher ggiezzirmar maerssorzzirmar maerssorzzirmar ssormaerzzirmar ssormaerzzirmar ssordzɿ²¹ma²¹ zo²¹
zzirmar ssormaerdzɿ²¹ma²¹ zo²¹mæ²¹🔊n.princess公主/gōngzhǔ/Zzirmar ssormar mel yarzi goxrseir, azo li niazzir dder azo zza.公主很幸福,想要什么就有什么。The princess lives very well, whatever (she) wants to get she has.Compare 另见zzirmarzzirmar hher ggiezzirmar maerssorzzirmar maerssorzzirmar ssorzzirmar ssorzzirmar ssormaerdzɿ²¹ma²¹ zo²¹mæ²¹
zzir pirdzɿ²¹ pʰi²¹n.copper coin铜钱/tóngqián/Halleix ca mel, zzir pir sser lalnga; nael eilleix mel, zzir pir nr zza a.以前人们只是用铜钱;但是现在没有铜钱了。In the past, people just used copper coins; but now there aren't any copper coins.jjir pir dʒi²¹ pʰi²¹
zzirzzir-ggerggerdzɿ²¹dzɿ²¹-gɯ²¹gɯ²¹🔊idiom习语hastily; hurriedly; quickly急急忙忙/jí jí máng máng/Almer lei a, ca mel zzirzzir-ggergger a, ake beix xixl lei a.下雨了,人们就急急忙忙跑回家了。It started to rain, (and the) people quickly ran back home.Compare 另见ggerggelggerjjirjjir-ggergger dʒi²¹dʒi²¹-gɯ²¹gɯ²¹
zziseixdzɿ³³se̠⁴⁴🔊adj.clear清晰/qīngxī/This is only used for liquids.Compare 另见seixzziseixjjise̠⁴⁴dʒi³³seixjjijjise̠⁴⁴dʒi³³dʒi³³jjiseix dʒi³³se̠⁴⁴jjiseixseix dʒi³³se̠⁴⁴se̠⁴⁴
zziseixldzɿ³³-se̠⁶⁶🔊n.liquor offering祭的酒/jì de jiǔ/Ca mel neir leil zi dae zzibbaer mel zziseixl bbeix.人们称祭鬼的酒,叫祭的酒。The liquor offered to demons is called "zziseixl".The /zzi/ in this example comes from the word /zzibbaer/ 'liquor'.Compare 另见horseixllorseixlseixlziggiezzibbaerzzoseixlzziseixldzɿ³³-se̠⁶⁶
zzixdzɿ̠⁴⁴🔊adj.cold/lěng/Eilni zalbbaer wor lei dae a, yel yarzi zzix.今天外边在下雪,所以很冷。Today it is snowing outside, so it is very cold.Aniux hal ddox zzix a, ggecir ddei lei go du lei a.那个小孩冷的身体都发抖了。That child is cold, (his/her) body is trembling.The word /cil/ is used for cold things like a person's body or cold water. The word /zzix/ 'cold' is used for the temperature of the air--talking about the weather. The word /zax/ means 'frozen'.用於形容冷的东西,譬如人的身体或冷水。/zzix/ 形容空气的寒冷--用於形容天气。/zax/ 意思是冰冻。Compare 另见cixlcixltaextaexmozaxzzixzijjix dʒi̠⁴⁴
zzixzidzɿ̠⁴⁴-tsɿ³³🔊n.winter冬天/dōngtiān/Mixbbaex mel zzixzi yarzi zzix, yel silbbar mel lei zzu jjia var.马游冬天很冷,所以草都会枯干。In Mayou winter is very cold, so all the grass will completely wither.Compare 另见zizzixjjixzi dʒi̠⁴⁴-tsɿ³³
zzizzidzɿ³³dzɿ³³🔊adv.slowly慢慢/mànmàn/Miar bei a mel, zzizzi a bei a saelnei ho bei ho seir var.做事情慢慢的做才会越做越好。When doing a task, (you) need to do it slowly in order to do it better and better.This does not occur as a single morpheme with the same meaning; it must be reduplicated.Compare 另见pixrlele ɮə³³ɮə³³
zzizzi-bbebbedzɿ³³dzɿ³³-bɯ³³bɯ³³🔊idiom习语discuss商量/shāngliáng/Nia azo bei lei, zzizzi-bbebbe a bei nia.你们做什么,都要商量着做。No matter what you do, you should discuss it.zzizzi-bbebbedzɿ³³dzɿ³³-bɯ³³bɯ³³1
zzizzi-zzaezzaedzɿ³³dzɿ³³-dzɛ³³dzɛ³³stagger歪歪扭扭/wāi wāi niǔ niǔ/Yar zzibbaer ddayixr a, zzizzi-zzaezzae ssi xixl lei a.他酒喝醉了,歪歪扭扭地走回来了。S/he got drunk and staggered back (home)./zzizzi-zzaezzae/ ~ /zzilei-zzaelae/.Compare 另见zzilei-zzaelaejjijji-zzaezzae dʒi³³dʒi³³-dzɛ³³dzɛ³³
zzodzo³³🔊n.food粮食/liángshí/Halcar a, camar mel zzo lei zzor loxr nr ddo, yaa yarzi goxrsol.以前,老人粮食也不够吃,他们很难过。=In times past, old people did not have enough food to eat, they lived very difficult lives.Compare 另见zzomei-lelxizzomeixl-lelsuzzorzzoseixl
zzo dzo³³
zzobeimodzo³³-pe³³-mo³³🔊n.cook (female)做饭的人/zuò fàn de rén/"Zzobeimo" bbeix a mel, ssormaer zzo bei su mel leil bbeix arddeir a.说 "zzobeimo" 是说做饭的女人。(Saying) "zzobeimo" is referring to a woman who cooks.This word is only used for weddings or some special activity and it is almost always referring to women cooking. This word is not used for daily cooking in the home. The word /cuzi/ 'chef 厨师' (a Chinese Mandarin loan) is used if you want to designate that the cook is a man.zzobeimodzo³³-pe³³-mo³³
zzocirdzo³³-tsʰɿ²¹🔊n.breakfast; brunch早饭(十到十二点早上)/zǎofàn/Ngua mermi su ca mel sixrdirzo zzocir zzor.我们地方的人十点钟吃早饭。The people where we are from at ten o'clock eat breakfast.Traditionally, the first meal of the day, which is /zzorcir/, is eaten around 10ː00 a.m. The second meal of the day is /zzorjjix/. This meal is eaten around 4-5 p.m.. The last meal of the say is /zzovar/, which is eaten about 9ː00 p.m. These hours may change a bit during different season when the farmers are doing different tasks.Compare 另见zzojjixzzovarzzocirdzo³³-tsʰɿ²¹
zzojjixdzo³³-dʒi̠⁴⁴🔊n.lunch午饭/wǔfàn/Arni yar zzojjix ardoxr zzor neixr, sadirzo dder zzor a.昨天他吃午饭吃的有点早,三点钟就吃了。Yesterday s/he ate lunch a bit early, (s/he) ate at three o'clock.Traditionally, the first meal of the day, which is /zzorcir/, is eaten around 10ː00 a.m. The second meal of the day is /zzorjjix/. This meal is eaten around 4-5 p.m.. The last meal of the say is /zzovar/, which is eaten about 9ː00 p.m. These hours may change a bit during different season when the farmers are doing different tasks.Compare 另见zzocirzzovarzzovarzzojjixdzo³³-dʒi̠⁴⁴
zzomei-lelxidzo³³-me³³-ɮə⁵⁵-ʃi³³🔊n.kitchen厨房/chúfáng/Yar zzomei-lelxi gga almeixr bei dae.他在厨房里做饭。S/he makes food in the kitchen.The kitchen is separated from the rest of the house.Compare 另见lelmeixizzo
zzomeixl-lelsudzo³³-me⁵⁵-ɮə⁵⁵-sʮ³³🔊n.beggar讨饭的/tǎofàn de/Zzomeixl-lelsu ca mel yarzi naex, halae yaa yarzi sol.讨饭的人很脏,还有他们很穷。Beggars are very dirty, and they are very poor.Compare 另见=sulelmeixlzzozzomeixl-lelsidzo³³-me̠⁶⁶-ɮə⁵⁵-sɿ³³
zzomeixrdzo³³ meʔ²¹🔊hungry饿了/è le/Compare 另见almeixrmeixrmeixrzzomexr dzo³³-mɯʔ²¹
zzomeldzo³³mɯ⁵⁵n.stir-fried rice炒饭/chǎofàn/Compare 另见almeixrmelzzomel dzo³³mɯ⁵⁵