Browse Ngaanyatjarra – English



kalypanytjufromkalypaadjectiveforgiving by nature, doesn’t get angryMinyma nyarra walykumunungka ngatjirnu palunyanya-lu watjalku, ‘Wiya, walykumunu kalypanytjumirntanytju-rni nintirnu.’She says of that good woman that she asked, ‘Oh, that nice person who doesn’t get angry, she gave it to me.’
kalyparra-kalyparrafromkalypaadverb 2peacefully, at peaceafter fightingKalyparra-kalyparra nyinama.Live peacefully.
kalyparringkufromkalypaintransitive verbbecome peaceful, become reconciled, forgive, calm downafter fightingPika-ya wiyarringu nyinarranytja kalyparringkulalpi.When they’d calmed down they stopped fighting and were sitting there.Kalyparriwa-tju.(God,) forgive me.
kalytjurrpungkutransitive verb1cut something deeplyTjina kalytjurrpungu.He slashed her foot.2cut something into two pieces, sever something with a sharp instrumentKukatarrartu kalytjurrpungku yarlkarangka.Also, you can cut meat into pieces with an axe.See alsokatapungkukartalkukurntalkuMeans the same asmulytjurrpungku
kama-kama1adjectivegentle2adverb 2passivelyNgunytjulu kama-kamalu tirtu wantirranyangka tirtu tungun-tungunarrima.Because his mother is so soft with him (lit. always passively leaving him) he’ll always be rebellious.Papa palanya puwa kama-kamamaaltu.Hit that dog, don’t be passive.3adverb 2seductively, enticinglyMeans the same asmuku-muku
kama-kamalkufromkama-kamatransitive verbcoax someone, persuade someoneWati nyarralu kama-kamaranytja nganyirrirrirratjaku.That man was coaxing (them) to get wild.See alsowitu-witulkuMeans the same asmuku-mukulku
kamarntinounliverTjilku ngaanya yulangu kamarntiku.This child cried for the liver.Means the same asyalu
kamaral(pa)noun1frostKampurarrpa kamaraltu pungku.The frost damages bush-tomato bushes.2winterMeans the same asnyinnga
kamarringkufromkama-kamaintransitive verblike, love or want someone or something, wish for somethingMeans the same asmukurringku
kaminanounfemale animalPapa maru kamina mirrirringu kapitjirratja.The black female dog died of thirst.
kamiyawatjanounorange chatEpthianura aurifronsvery small orange birdKamiyawatja wanaringka nyinapayi, ngarrankurangkatarrartu nyinapayi tjurratjangka.The orange chat lives in mulga trees and on the desert fuchsia bushes too, because of the nectar.See alsomiirtirtiMeans the same askumputirri-tirri
kampa kutjupaphrasedifferent side, the other side, different wayKuwarrinya kapamantu yara kutjupanu nyangka-la kampa kutjupangka nyinarra.Now the government has changed the policy and we’re living in a different way.Nyuntulu tjukurrpa kampa kutjupawanalu watjara. Ka-rna purtu kulira.You’re telling the story in a different way. So I can’t understand you.
kampaku1transitive verbburn something, warm somethingMapitjangu tjina kamparranyangka kurli purlkanyalu.He went because the fierce heat was burning his feet.Nyinakati-rna. Ka-rni kampa yirralarra.Let me sit down. Then (the fire) can warm me and loosen up my muscles.2transitive verbsun’s rays make something redTjirntulu kamparra.The sun’s rays are making (the rocks) red.3intransitive verbburnWaru palanya tjuturr-tjuturrarringu. Tilila tjurra. Ka kampa purlkanya tilingara.That fire has died down. Set it alight. Then it can flare up and burn brightly.Pala tili wanka watikamparra ngamutja.Over there behind you a big fire is burning across, not far away.See alsolarrngu-larrngulku4intransitive verbbecome cookedKuka kamparranytja.The meat was cooking.5intransitive verbbecome ripe, ripenNyaku-rna talingkatja walku tjinguru kampangu.I’ll see if the quandongs on the sandhills are ripe.See alsoyurnmirringkuyirrnyalku
kampaku tamarlmankuseetamarlmankufromkampakumake someone warmTjirntulu-rni kampangu tamarlmanu.The sun made me warm.
kampaku tirrmulkufromkampakuheat something making it dry and firmTjingurun kurlarta tiputjunku tjunku wantinyangka kurlilu kampaku tirrmulku.You might attach the extension to the end of a spear and put it out and leave it and the hot atmosphere will heat it and make (the sinew) dry and firm.Kurlarta-ya warungka tjunkupayi. Nyangka kamparra tirrmulpayi.They put spears in the fire. Then (the fire) heats them and makes them hard (and easier to straighten).
kampaku tjarrpatjunkufromkampakumake someone feel hot right throughYarnangu kurlilu kampaku tjarrpatjunku.The heat makes a person feel hot right through.
kampalkuranounviolent windstorm that uproots treesKampalkuralu warta mamurnira-wanarningi.The violent windstorm was flattening the trees in a long strip.Kampalkuralu mayu-mayu warta pirninya kartarntara punkatjingara pitjalankupayi. Tjiinya pirriya wangkatjarra-wangkatjarra.The violent windstorm comes along through the bush, breaking all the trees and knocking them over. It’s a wind with a loud noise.See alsowiliny(pa)
kampalurrkulkutransitive verbmake someone feel too hotKurli purlkanyalu-rni kampalurrkura.The fierce heat is burning me.Kuru-rni kampalurrkura.It’s burning my eyes.Warntu purlkanyalu-rni kampalurrkura.The big blanket is making me feel too hot.
kamparntal-kamparntal(pa)fromkamparntal(pa)adjectiveall different sortsWarta kamparntal-kamparntalpa ngarala purlkurnpa, wirrmira yikirr-yikirrpa.There are all different sorts of trees there, some with dense foliage, some tall ones and some with hardly any leaves.Minyma ninti, kaparlingka nyinangu purlkarringu. Wangka kamparntal-kamparntalku ninti.This woman is very knowledgeable because she grew up with her grandmother. She knows all the different meanings of words.
kamparntal(pa)adjective1without someone’s knowledge, unbeknown to someone‘Tjitji yulpurru pitjangu kutipitjangu.’ ‘Yuwa-parta pitjangu kutipitjangu kamparntalpa?’‘A special boy went through here.’ ‘Fancy that, he went through without us knowing?’Tjinguru-ya ngaanguru nyinarra. Ka purlingka-ya nyarratja kamparntalpa nyinarra.Some people might be sitting on this side. But unbeknown to them others will be sitting over there on the other side of the hill.2unknown to hearerof words or messageWiya, nyarralunta kamparntalpa watjara.Oh, that person over there is speaking to you using words that you don’t know.3different aspect of somethingMinymalu watjalpayinku kaparli yapukutu yankutjamaalpa nyinarratjaku. Ka kulira wantipayi. Palunyalu tatirnu-tatirnu punkarnu. Yara kamparntalpa kulilpayi tjilku palunyalu.A woman used to tell her granddaughter not to go to the mountain. But she wouldn’t take any notice. Then she climbed up until she fell down. That child used to think in a different way.4nickname, name the person doesn’t know aboutTjurlpuwanalutarrartu kamparntalpa tjapilku wantiku.A person might be nicknamed after a bird.Yini kamparntalpa-ya tjapilku. Nyangka lurrtju nyinapayilukutju nintilu kulilku.They refer to him by a name that he doesn’t know about. So only those who live with him know it.See alsokampangkartu
kamparntalmankufromkamparntal(pa)transitive verbturn something over, change somethingKuka ngaanya-munta-rna kamparntalmanku?Shall I turn this meat over?Wangka ngaanya-munta-rna kamparntalmanku?Shall I change this word?See alsokutjupangurulkukutjupanku
kamparntalmara watjalkufromkamparntal(pa)speak using unknown words, words someone else doesn’t understand, words with meanings different from the usual onesMinyma palalu-kulila kamparntalmara watjalpayi.Look, that woman always speaks using words we don’t understand.
kamparntankufromkamparntal(pa)verb1do something unexpectedoccurs before another verbMarluku-rna palkarrangka ngarangu. Ka-ya marlu pirni tjultjulpa purlkawana kamparntara watipitjangu.I waited in the hide for the kangaroos (to come). But they all unexpectedly went across through the thick scrub.Kurri tjurtu palanya wantirralpi pala marlanypa kamparntaralpi witula.Contrary to expectation send the younger sister (to marry him) instead of sending the older sister.Wiyanyka parrawirrtjarnu kamparntaralpi ngarala. Tjinguru ngaanguru ngarama.Oh, he’s rushed around and is standing there where I wasn’t expecting him to be. He should’ve stood on this side.2turn over words in one’s mindthink of unexpected meaning alsoTjuma purlkanya watjaranyangka kamparntaralpi makulilku.When someone is telling a difficult story you turn the words over in your mind and then suddenly understand it.
kamparntara watjalkufromkamparntal(pa)speak using unknown words, words someone else doesn’t understand, words with meanings different from the usual onesPika kutjarralu-pulanku payinma. Ka nyarralu-lu tjinguru kamparntara watjanma. Ka ngaalu purtu kulinma, ngurrpalutjaru.Two people might growl at each other. Then one of them might start saying words the other one doesn’t know. She won’t understand because she’s ignorant.
kampangkartuadverb 1secretlyKampangkartu kutipitjangu.He went away secretly.Kampangkartu mantjilku.(Someone) might secretly get (clothes).See alsokamparntal(pa)kawarli-kawarlirtuyurtu-yurtungkartuMeans the same askumpil(pa)