Browse Ninam


haximitxomahaʃimi-tʃo-maivtired, became tiredcansado, ficou cansado
haximiwatɨhaʃimi watɨVi/Vtrest, to rest, reposedescansar
haximiwatɨweihaʃimi watɨweiinf., restingdescanso
haximo1haʃimo, hãʃimonpartridge, forest chickeninambu, inhambu
haximo2haʃimonquailinambu, jaku1.6.1.2Bird
haximtxorɨhaʃim-tʃorɨivpuffing when full or tiredsoprar quando estafado ou cansado
haximwatɨhaʃim-watɨ, haʃimi-watɨivrest because tireddescançar porque cansadohaximi watɨ-weiHe's resting.
hãenahãẽnaahenanRufous-vented Ground- Cuckojacu-estalo
hãiahãiãvtpush asideempurrar
hãkamihãkãmicfrepnãhiinal. nounrib, outside edge or rimcostelapiri hãkamithe rib
hãkɨmohãkmo, hãkũmoivdance, to dancedançar
hãkohãkõ, hakocfhakërakinal. nounshoulderombropiri hãkothe shoulder2.1Body
hãkokohãkõkõmiddle, the middlemetade, o meio
hãmɨhãmɨ̃interjLet's govamos, embora!
hão thawei thë pih iremahãõ tha-wei thə upon the matter, to touch upon the speechtocar no assunto, tocar no discurso
hãra katxahãrã-katʃanBush dogcachorro-do-mato
hãrahamahãrãhã-maivcolored yellow, cause to become yellowamarelar, pintar amarelo
hãraharimahãrãhã-ri-manmanioc sp. yellow maniocmandioca esp.
hãramikhãrãmĩknButterfly sp. Passion vine butterflyespécie de borboleta
hãraremhãrã-remnblue and yellow macawarara-canindéPsittacidae
hãrarohãrã-roivchit-chat, casual talkconversar, bater papopata-iriha kɨpë-õ hãraro kɨrareThey're both chatting with the old leader.
hãro1hãrõncovercoberta, cobrir
hãro2hãrõmistaken, by mistakeerro, por erro