Palawano B - English



layam1adjfreedom, take the liberty or be given the liberty (freedom) to do whatever one enjoys. free to act, 2. set free an animal. release from captivity. See also: layam-layam.Atu't Pilipinas binggeyan tiu et keleyaman meres.Here in the Philippines we have been given freedom of speech.Laya in Tagalog is free, freedom. Laya' is self abandoned, pampered, free from moral restraints, licentious. There is no "layam" in Togalog.anturipensynbawi' 1bawi' 1bawi' 1bawi' 1bedbadbuklas2buklu'3bulan 1buluybuluybutanbutanbutanipebuluyipebuluyipekulpasipekulpasipelapas1ipelapas2kebewinankelayaankelayaankepuwasankepwasankepwasankulpas 1kulpas 1kulpas 1kulpas 1kulpas 1kulpas 1kulpas 1kulpas 1layalayalayalayalayalayalayalayam 2layam-layamlekat2 1lekat2 1lekat2 1lelkatlelkatlepasan1lepasan2lepasan2librelibrelibrilimbay 1lingkat 1luas2 1malayanmegpekulpasmegpekulpasmelayamememawi'3memumuwasmenglelekatmenglelkatmenigpuasmesanangnekebuklasnekeluatpegbebaranpelapaspinelayampinelpasanpinelpasanpinelpasanpuwas2 1tangkistangkistebus3tubus2vset free an animal or person. release from captivity, rescue from bondage,Psa 146:7 *Pinelayam ye itueng menge' nepirisu. Act 2:24 beke' *pinelayam eset kepengyedian et, Act 3:13 Pilato, na inukuman ye na ipelayam ne ya in. Act 3:14 na memematey atin key *ipelayam. Act 4:23 Ganang *nepelayam ne de Pedro beke' si Juan, Act 5:40 i Jesus. Indyari dye in pinelayam. Act 6:9 na Sinagoga neng Menge' *Pinelayam, na sengkerupungan et menge',; Gal 1:4 et kityung keselaan apang *pelayam/mebatun* tyu eset keyeatan na, Eph 1:0 eset pegampun dye beke' *pegpelayam mewanan et kedyeng keselaan,synbawi' 1butankulpas 1layam 13adjfree of payment, free of cost, no payment needed,synlibri4nfreedom, liberty kelayaman,Gal 5:8 si Jesus Kristo dut kelayaman.
layam-layamnfree from bondage,synbawi' 1buluybutankepwasankulpas 1layalayam 1lekat2 1lepasan2librimelayapinelpasantangkis
layang langitnangel or spirit beings, class of angelic beings, or spirits [diwata] living in the upper level of the heavens.syndereakan et Empu'diwata 1linamin
layasadjoverflow banks (river). water flowing, flow over with water. water flowing from the faucet.Liminayas ne liyud et danum.The flood is over flowing.Meglayas - to flow over with water.; Pegleyasan - the water flowing in the faucet.; Lumayas - the water flows on the ground.; Neleyasan - have flowed water inside the bathroom.synlepunglimimpey
laydadvlater, later on, see: leid, leyd.syngana-gana2leid
laylayadvslowly, cautiously do.synbegalemat-ematen
layuadjfar away, far distance, away far, 2. offset from the other part, a gap,synnelawa'rayu
layu'advfar away, far distance, away far,antabit2pedingansyndahangmerahangrahangrayu'1rayu'2rayu'3
layugadjvery high; very tall; as a tree; cannot be used of people. High up, up high, high elevation, vierticle dimension,Melayug banar melangkew banar kayu atin, diki meynik et taw.The tree is very tall and high, can't be climbed by the man.Melayug puun et niyug.The coconut tree is high.wl211.; ranggew PC.antmebaba'synkinedibuwatkinedibuwaten et langitlabewladyungladyunglampas2landewlangkew 1langkew 1langkew 1lebi 1megpepagenmelangkewmerayu'merayu'pabbupepesangdanpineketaastaas 2 synonymstaas3taas3
layug-layugnsnail type; small, live in black pointed spiral shaped shell; gets it's name from the fact that it climbs up the trunk of mangrove tree to avoid high tide; "layog": means high. PC dialect mostly.Mengisi' tiyu et layug-layug dut danum et Tagpinasau.We get layug-layug snails at the river of Tagpinasao.wl61.
le'ewnshame, embarrassment, shyness, See also: leew, lew.synbabababa'3buliliimamanginlelewen2kebebaan2keknagkelaskelat 1kesebaran2leew2lewenluluy2mebaba'megdiagamegeedlameggerger et takutmeginget-inget kewmegpebaba't atey2megraas2melimewmelineewenmiskinpali' 1pinekemebaba'pinelewraas3resde'rupuk 1sala'sasewsawey2susa 1taksir 1takuttelastiksatudu'usik 1usiyat
leangenvreview entry; dry season, hot season, no rain season which make the temperatures rise giving Hot season.synbulag1bulag2 1bulag2 1teginit1teginit2teginit2
leb-labnflame, a large flame, spread of fire, 2. gobble food, consume; used of dogs only when food is the subject. See leblab entry.synrabrab
lebabunsink for washing, etc. labaratory,Menge' mereraki neng raya' iruntin dut bebesaan ti'.All the dirty dishes are in the kitchen sink.synbebesaan et raya'
lebad-lebad PCadjdiseases common to puppies, charactarized by thinness and lack of energy; doubtless due to worms.Neglebad-lebad ne bilug et ireng bin kalu' maya kaleg.The body of dog is lack of energy, maybe there's worm.wl55.
lebagvwet, soaked [by water].Basa' ku ne.I'm wet through.wl52.synbasa' 1
lebang1vspace left between pieces of flooring in a Palawano house.Datag et benua i Misko tinindanan ye et lebang eset gilid in.The floor of Mitu's house there is a space left on the side.Meglebang - they make a spare on the floor.; Peglebangan - someone making space on his floor.; Nelebangan - have made space on the floor.; Meglebang - to hold tight so that not to fall in the hole.; Peglegangen - to make a blank space.; Neglebang - have fallen down in the hole.syndelanglesut
lebang2vhole, spaces, gaps, open area.Mekansang ne lebang et datag kay.There are many hole our floor.Inungana' datag mu, mekansang ne lebang, kalu' mekurbangan.You fix up your floor, there are many spaces, someone might have a foot go through the floor.syndelanglabanganlesutlesut
lebanusnsoursop. like a grapefruit.Lebanus tu' ireg kung bua'.Soursop is my favorite fruit.Megsem kanen lebanus ba' ingga banar inug.When a sour sop is not well ripe it is sour to eat.
lebasadjnaked. Have no clothing on the body.Nekebiri' ku ne et libun lebas dut pata et sini.I saw a lady naked in the movies.Lebas ne sinsilyu mu bin, iperibuata' dut bebagan mu.Your pants are fallen down, you put them up again on your waist.Meglebas- to remove shirt or skirt from the body.; Peglebasan- to take off skirt or shorts from waist up.; Lumebas - to remove his clothes.; Ipelbas - to ask someone to remove all his clothes.; Nelbasan - have removed all their clothes, naked.antbadyu' 1kumutsynbuklu'3kaya badyu'lebeslukasluwata'
lebas nawag PCadjday break, moon is already down and the sun's rays just visible, but sun not yet up; first-light-of-day. Lit. naked light.Peniniag ku lebas nawag ne sabab pengilutu' kut emey ku.I woke up at first light so I could cook my rice.wl203.synmeriklem banarserep ne eldew
lebas-lebas PCnant type; small, black tree ants; will swarm on anyone who climbs their tree, have a slight sting; often necessary to remove all of one's clothing to get ants off, thus their name comes from "lebas," which means "naked".wl61.
lebasannreview entryantbubulung
lebat PCndeep cracks and open sores which appear on the bottom of the feet, in some cases yaws.wl52.
lebayvexperience, pass by, see labay.