Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



valalava³³ɮa³³ɮa³³🔊1n.circle/quān/2adj.round/yuán/Compare 另见valavalalava³³ɮa³³ɮa³³
valiva³³ɮi³³🔊1n.circle/quān/2adj.round/yuán/Compare 另见valavaliva³³ɮi³³
valiliva³³ɮi³³ɮi³³🔊1n.circle/quān/2adj.round/yuán/Compare 另见vavalavaliliva³³ɮi³³ɮi³³
valpexpexva⁵⁵pɯ̠⁴⁴pɯ̠⁴⁴adv.around团团/tuántuán/Nia valpexpex a cux xixl lei a, niuxl zzo zzor du a.你们团团地坐回来,我们要吃饭了。Turn around, we are going to eat.valpexpexva⁵⁵pɯ̠⁴⁴pɯ̠⁴⁴
varva²¹🔊n.vegetable/cài/Ca hal hhexr var dae a, yarzi dae naxrcixl.那家人种菜种的很好。That family plants vegetables, (they) do a great job planting (them).Compare 另见sovar hherggarvarnizeixlvarpeivar vi heryixsaevarvarva²¹
varva²¹🔊AUX (mood)able; can; likely; might; probably; will/huì/Ni Loxrlovu te var var?你会不会说彝族话?Are you able to speak the Yi language?Ni vixluxtaer var var?你会不会游泳?Can you swim?Ngo miar bei nr jjia a, ngama ngo leil hie var.我没有做完活计,我妈妈会骂我。(If) I don't finish all the work, my mother will probably scold me.Eilni ni zalbbaer ddux a, saxr vei dae nia; nrnga a, almer zix var.今天你出去外面要带雨伞,不然会淋雨。(If) you go out today, (you) should take an umbrella; if not, you will likely be soaked by the rain.Niul ca leil zzaegu gger a, cirdaedae a ca mel niul leil nr peix gger xixl var.我们给人东西,有时候别人会给还我们两倍。When we give a (certain) amount of things to people, people might give us twice that amount in return.This sense of /var/ is a conditional 'will'. Under some condition, the results will happen. If the simple future is being expressed, the verb /nia/ 'will' is used. There are four words that can be translated as 'may, able, can, or allowed'. The words include /var/, /xie/, /ddo/ and /cexr/. The words /var/ and /xie/ are are very similar and most often mean 'able, can' in the sense of having the ability to do somethingː Either one could be used in the exampleː "I am able to carry this heavy object." The word /var/ is different from /xie/ in that it also serves as a modal word expressing that an action is very likely to happen, as inː "If I don't do my homeword, my mother will probably scold me." The word /cexr/ is most often used in the sense of being able to do some task because the circumstances permit it, as in the exampleː "The rain has stopped so you can go home now." The word /ddo/ serves as a modal word to express permission; "Having finished the tasks, now you may go back (home)." 有四个字可以翻译成 '可以, 能, 行, 会,要'. 包括 /var/, /xie/, /ddo/ 与 /cexr/. /var/ 与 /xie/ 非常类似通常的意思是 '能, 会',有能力去作某些事的意思。两者都可以用在这样的句子中ː "我有能力举起这个重的东西。" /var/ 这个字不同于 /xie/ 它可以用为一个模态的字,表明某行动或行为很可能发生,譬如ː "假如我不作我的作业,我妈妈可能会骂我。" /cexr/ 有这样的意思: 若情况允许的话,就能够做某些事情。譬如ː "雨已经停了,你现在可以回家了。" /ddo/ 这个字用为一个模态的字,以表达对于某事的允许; 譬如: "你既然已经完成了这些工作, 就可以回家了。"An auxiliary (AUX) is defined as word which accompanies the main verb in a clause and helps to make distinctions in the mood, timing or direction of the verb.助动词的定义是:一个或几个字在子句或从句中,伴随着主要动词;可以帮助区分‘情绪,氛围’,‘时序,时机’或‘动词的方向’。Compare 另见cexrddolaleiniangossaxiegel kɯ⁵⁵
varva²¹🔊v.sift/shāi/Ngama mel nox var a, sei-nr-beix nei nilme mel var pixl gger.我的妈妈筛豆子,把那些不干净的和灰筛掉。My mom sifts the beans, to sift out the dirty (things) and dust.1. /ngama/ is the combination of /nga-/ and /ama/. /ngama/ 是 /nga-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。When using the word /var/ for 'sift ', the /varlarjix/ is being used. When using the word /xiu/ for sift the /ozi/' sieve 细细的筛子' is used.Compare 另见ozivarlarjixxiuvarva²¹
varcimova²¹-tsʰɿ³³mo³³🔊n.white radish; long radish白萝卜/báiluóbò/Varcimo mel darsisi, jiulobbei mel nael, valala.白萝卜是长长的,圆萝卜是圆圆的。(The) white radish is the long kind (of radish), the red radish is round.Compare 另见jiulobbeivarmova²¹mo³³
var ddaexr altorva²¹ dæ̠ʔ²¹ ʔa⁵⁵tʰo²¹🔊n.cleaver菜刀/cài dāo/Var ddaexr altor baxr mel arleixr sael nia.菜刀要磨一下了。The cleaver needs to be sharpened.Compare 另见ddaexrvar ddaexr altorva²¹ dæ̠ʔ²¹ ʔa⁵⁵tʰo²¹
var hherggarva²¹ ɣɯ²¹ga²¹n.stem菜杆/cài gān/Var mel mar a mel, var hherggar ddei zeixl nor nr ddo.菜老了的话,菜杆煮不软。When the vegetable is old, the stem can't be boiled soft.In order for /hherggar/ to mean 'stem' it has to follow a plant name, i.e. /sexbex hherggar/ 'corn stem'. If /hherggar(gex)/ does not follow a plant name it means 'bone'.Compare 另见hherggargexvarvar hherggarva²¹ ɣɯ²¹ga²¹
varlarjixva²¹ɮa²¹tʃʲi̠⁴⁴🔊n.sieve with fairly large holes格子宽的筛子/gézi kuān de shāizi/Nox var a mel, varlarjix sser nia.筛豆子用格子宽的筛子。When sifting beans, it is necessary to use the "varlarjix".When using the word /var/ for 'sift', the /varlarjix/ is being used. When using the word /xiu/ for sift the /ozi/ 'sieve' is used.Compare 另见ozivar
varmiva²¹-mi³³🔊n.garden菜园/càiyuán/Varmi gga mel ciryoxr-hanga var dae cexr.菜园里可以种各种各样菜。In the garden all kinds of vegetables can be planted.varmi va²¹mi³³
varnibaexva²¹-ni³³pæ̠⁴⁴🔊n.green vegetable绿菜/lǜ cài/Compare 另见varnizeixlvarnybaexva²¹-ny³³pæ̠⁴⁴
varnizeixlva²¹-ni³³tse̠⁶⁶🔊n.green vegetable绿菜/lǜ cài/Varnizeixl mel hormo yoxr nei zza; yaa zeixl lel dae eilmel mel varpei a.绿菜有很多种,他们煮吃的这种是青菜。There are many kinds of green vegetables; these (they) are boiling to eat are (called) "varpei".1. The general term for green vegetables is /varnizeixl/. The /varpei/ vegetable is a specific type of the /varnizeixl/ vegetable that tastes bitter. varnizeixl ~ varnibaex.Compare 另见nibaexvarvarnibaexvarpeivarnizeixlva²¹-ni³³tse̠⁶⁶
varpeiva²¹pʰe³³🔊n.bitter green vegetable青菜/qīngcài/Varpei mel ardoxr kar.青菜有一点苦。"Varpei" (vegetables) are a bit bitter.Compare 另见varvarnizeixl
varpiupiuva²¹-pʰʲo³³pʰʲo³³🔊n.cabbage白菜/báicài/Varpiupiu mel yarpeixl ddei yarzi vaer.白菜的叶子很大。The leaves of cabbage are very big.Compare 另见varssorvarpyupyuva²¹-pʰy³³pʰy³³
varsixlva²¹-sɿ̠⁶⁶🔊n.canola seed; rapeseed菜籽/càizǐ/Varsixl mel ssuvi yaxr cexr, ssuvi yaxr teixl lei a, yarzi zzorci.菜籽可以榨油,榨出来的油很好吃。Oil can be pressed out of canola seeds, when the oil is pressed out, it tastes very good.
varssorva²¹zo²¹🔊n.cabbage; Chinese cabbage小白菜/xiǎo báicài/Varssor mel vaer ho a mel dder varpiupiu loxr a.小白菜长大了就成了白菜。After (the cabbage which is called) "varssor" has grown it becomes (the cabbage which is called) varpiupiu.Varssor mel yelye ar nga. Arleixr cir a, cir cu cir cu zeixl lel lalssa.小白菜是小小的。洗一下就一棵一棵的煮吃。The 'varssor is (when certain vegetables) are small. After washing, stem by stem they is boiled to eat.Varssor is most often referring to cabbage when it is still small but it can be used to refer to other vegetables as well.Compare 另见varpiupiu
varssor-varneva²¹zo²¹-va²¹nə³³🔊idiom习语cultivated plants; plants planted for food蔬菜/shūcài/Zzixzi mel nixpiu zza a, varssor-varne mel lei si var.冬天有霜,蔬菜都会死。In the winter when there is frost, the cultivated plants die.varssor-varneva²¹zo²¹-va²¹nə³³
var vi herva²¹ vi³³ xɯ²¹🔊v.water the vegetables in the field (dipping into some water with a scoop and watering the plants by hand)浇菜水/jiāo cài shuǐ/Bbe cir ni var vi her a mel, var mel dder yarzi vaer he.每天浇菜水,菜就长得很快。If the vegetables are watered every day, the vegetables grow very quickly.Compare 另见hervarvivar hhe herva²¹ ɣɯ³³ xɯ²¹
varvurbbaeva²¹-vɤ²¹-bæ³³n.market菜市场/cài shìchǎng/Compare 另见varvurggievurbbaevarvurbbaeva²¹-vɤ²¹-bæ³³
varvurggieva²¹-vɤ²¹-gʲɛ³³🔊n.market菜市场/cài shìchǎng/Varvurggie gga mel, var, hor, ko, cirza-hanga lei vur dae, bbeix lei bbeix jjia nr ddo.菜市场里面,卖着菜,肉,米,什么都有,说也说不完。In the market, vegetables, meat, rice, all kinds of things are sold, more than can be expressed.varvurggie ~ varvurbbae ~vurbbae.Compare 另见varvurbbaevurbbaevarvurggieva²¹-vɤ²¹-gʲɛ³³
vaxva̠⁴⁴🔊adj.lush (plants only)茂盛/màoshèng/Sixzzei eil zzei vaer zzae vaer vax zzae vax, yar woxrke yarzi wornol seir ddo.这棵树又大又茂盛,在它底下很好休息。This tree is big and lush, it is nice to rest underneath it.waxwa̠⁴⁴
veive³³🔊CLF (measure word)load/bēi/Yar six ar vei bber xixl lei a.她背了一背柴回来了。She brought back a load of wood on her back.veive³³
veive³³🔊v.bring; take/ná/Hal ddei ni ddei nr nga, ni vei nr ddo.那个不是你的,你不能拿。That is not yours, you can not take (it).Compare 另见bbaxbberhierveive³³