Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



veiduve³³-tɤ³³🔊v.put away收起来/shōu qǐ lái/Ni ddei pia mel zabbar-seilseir a arleixr veidu!你好好把你的衣服收起来一下!Put your clothes away!Almer lei a; ni ngua ake ssi a, ngo ddei pia mel arleixr veidu gger ssi!下雨了,你去我家,帮我把我的衣服收起来一下!It is raining, go to our house, (and) take my clothes (off the clothesline and) put them away./dex/ is used when referring to storing or putting away some type of crop; /geso/ means to make a messy room neat; /veidu/ means to take and put things away. The word /se/ is a Chinese Mandarin loan which also means to organize when something is messy. There is a lot of overlap in the use of these words./dex/ 用在将某种作物收拾起来;/geso/ 意为将一个杂乱的房间收拾好;/veidu/ 意为将东西拿走,放好。/se/ 这个汉语借词也是指将杂乱的东西整理好。这些词的用法有许多重叠的地方。Compare 另见dexgesoseveiduve³³-tɤ³³
vei gexve³³ kɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.take hold拿着/ná zhě/Ca hal ddei mel yar leil zoxlnixr a, yar leil zzirbae gger a, yar zzirbae ddei vei gex dae a, nge dae a.那个人可怜她,给她钱,她拿着钱哭了。That person pitied him/her, (and) gave him/her money, (and) when s/he took hold of the money, (s/he) cried.vei gexve³³ kɯ̠⁴⁴
veilve⁵⁵🔊v.shake the hand; swing the arms; shake the head from left to right/shuǎi/Yar leixrhher ddei gga azo ar ddei veil dae nr saexl.不知道他手里甩着一个什么东西。(I) don't know what s/he is shaking in his/her hand.Aniux hal ddox mel ddar te nr var, yel si yar dax ddar te a, yar oldde veil.那个孩子不会讲话,所以别人跟他讲话,他摇头。That child can't talk, so when someone talks with him/her s/he shakes (her) head.Ngo aniux hal ddox leil almeixrmeixrmeixr biex a, yar oldde veil dae a ddarkoxl a bbeix: "Nr meixr."我问那个小孩肚子有没有饿,他摇着头回答说:“不饿。”I asked that child if s/he was hungry, (and) she shook his/her head (and) said, "(I'm) not hungry."This does not mean to wave goodbye or to beckon someone to come. One example would be when there is something on your hand and you want to shake it off.veilve⁵⁵
veimarve³³ma²¹🔊n.wolf/láng/Halcar a mel veimar yarzi be, kax gga zoxlzoxl a aniuxssor bei pixl doxr.以前有很多的狼,村里的孩子经常失踪。In times past there were many wolves, (and) in the villages small children were frequently lost.veimarve³³ma²¹
veixve̠⁴⁴🔊1v.bloom开花/kāi huā/Yar ddei vixlux zzei mel so koxl sael ar boxl veix var.他的花三年才会开一次。His/her flower can only bloom one time in three years.2n.nectar花蜜/huāmì/Bbiur mel veix ho ssi a saelnei bbiurvi zza.蜜蜂要去采花蜜才会有蜂蜜。Bees have to gather nectar before there is honey.Compare 另见vixluxveixve̠⁴⁴
veixhherve̠⁴⁴ɣɯ²¹🔊n.flower petal in Yi embroidery花枝/huā zhī/Veixhher naexr a mel, seilci saelsae naexr miur. 绣花枝,要多用黄色的丝线绣。When embroidering the petals of the flowers, it is necessary to use a lot of yellow thread.veixhher ve̠⁴⁴ɣɯ²¹
veixkorve̠⁴⁴-kʰo²¹🔊n.tool used to thresh grain连杆(打粮食的工具)/liángān/ dǎliánshídegōngjùHalleix ca mel veixkor sser a so ddaexr, cei ddaexr.以前的人用 "veikor" 打麦子,谷子。In times past, people used the "veikor" to thresh wheat, (and) to thresh rice.This is a tool that consists of a pole with a second pole attached by a rope. The pole is swung and the attached section swings around and is used to hit against the cut crop to thresh it.
veixlbbortaexve̠⁶⁶bo²¹tʰæ̠⁴⁴n.hill; slope陡坡/dǒupō/Ngua mermi mel veixlbbortaexmo ar nga; yel jjiumo ssi a, yarzi ssi sol.我们地方都是陡坡;所以走路很难走。Where we are from it is hilly; so walking is very difficult.veixlbbortaexve̠⁶⁶bo²¹tʰæ̠⁴⁴
veixlkorve̠⁶⁶kʰo²¹🔊n.mugwort (artemisia vulgaris)艾叶/aì yè/Leixrhher de no arddeirnga, veixlkor sser a, sex a, yarzi kor so.如果手摔伤了,用艾叶,揉,恢复得很快。If (one's) hand hurts, (the) mugwort can be used, to rub (in the sore spot and) it will heal much easier.veixlkorve̠⁶⁶kʰo²¹
veixlkor vixluxve̠⁶⁶kʰo²¹ vi̠⁴⁴lu̠⁴⁴n.chrysanthemum菊花/júhuā/Veixlkor vixlu cirmelmel a, zix dda cexr.菊花可以泡水喝。Some chrysanthemem flowers can be steeped (in water) and drunk.
veixnixve̠⁴⁴-ni̠⁴⁴🔊n.center of the flower in Yi embroidery花心/huā xīn/Vixlux naexr a mel, veixnix ddei leil nilni naexr nia.绣花时,花心要绣红色的。When sewing flowers, the center of the flower must be sewn red.veixnixve̠⁴⁴-ni̠⁴⁴
veixpeixlve̠⁴⁴-pʰe̠⁶⁶🔊n.leaf of the flower in Yi embroidery花的叶子/huā de yèzi/Veixpeixl naexr a mel, seilci nibaexbaex sser nia.绣花的叶子要用绿色的丝线。When sewing a flower leaf, it is necessary to use green thread.This applies specifically to embroidery; not to the real plant./veixpeixl/ ‘叶子’此字只用于彝族刺绣上,并非真的叶子。veixpeixlve̠⁴⁴-pʰe̠⁶⁶
veixrve̠ʔ²¹🔊v.dress; put on clothes; wear穿/chuān/Yar ha lei ha nr var a, pia lei si yar leil veixr gger nia.他动也不会动,穿衣服也要别人给他穿。S/he can not move at all, others even need to dress him/her.Loxrlamo mel veixr ddu pia mel yaa armael naexr teixl lei, yel yarzi igax zae.彝族女人穿的衣服是他们自己缝出来的,所以很好看。The clothes that are worn by Yi women they sew themselves, so they are very pretty.Compare 另见ddexrkoxveixrve̠ʔ²¹
veixrve̠ʔ²¹🔊n.pig/zhū/Loxrlapor mel Guxlsixl goxr a mel, bbecir-bbekoxl lei veixr ar ddei seixl lel.彝族人每年过年都杀一头猪。The Central Yi people, when they celebrate the Spring Festival, every year kill a pig to eat.Compare 另见veixrbolveixrbolmarveixrmoveixr sir saerlil zzeiveixrssorveixrve̠ʔ²¹
veixrbolve̠ʔ²¹-po⁵⁵🔊n.boar公猪/gōng zhū/Veixrbol mel ssor cer nr var, veixrmodo mel sael ssor cer var.公猪不会下小猪,母猪才会下小猪。The bore can not give birth to little ones, the sow is the one who can give birth to little ones.Compare 另见veixrveixrbolmarveixrmoveixrssorveixrbolve̠ʔ²¹-po⁵⁵
veixrbolmarve̠ʔ²¹-po⁵⁵-ma²¹🔊n.mature boar大胖猪/dà pàng zhū/Veixrbolmar mel Guxlsixl goxr a seixl lel labox a.大胖猪是过年杀吃的。The mature bore is what is killed and eaten when celebrating the Spring Festival.Compare 另见veixrveixrbolveixrmoveixrssorveixrbolmarve̠ʔ²¹-po⁵⁵-ma²¹
veixrmove̠ʔ²¹-mo³³🔊n.sow母猪/mǔ zhū/Ngua veixr nrnel zza; cir ddei a mel viexrbol, cir ddei a nael veixrmo.我们有两头猪,一头是公的,一头是母的。We have two pigs; one is a bore, one is a sow.Compare 另见-modoveixrveixrbolveixrbolmarveixrmocuveixrmodoveixrmove̠ʔ²¹-mo³³
veixrmocuve̠³¹mo³³tsʰɥ³³🔊Compare 另见veixrmoveixrmodo
veixrmodove̠²¹-mo³³to³³🔊n.sow母猪/mǔ zhū/Veixrmodo cirmelmel a, ssor yarzi cer miur.有一些母猪下小猪下的很多。Some pregnant sows give birth to a lot of piglets.Compare 另见acixl-modoaniuxmodo-modoniurmodoveixrmoveixrmocuyixmodoveixrmodove̠²¹-mo³³to³³
veixrpaeve̠ʔ²¹-pʰæ³³n.the front shoulder of the pig (for eating)前腿/qián tuǐ/Veixrpae mel pirgulne sael a hor niar nr miur.前腿没有后退那么多肉。The front shoulder of the pig does not have as much meat as the rear end (of the pig).veixrpaeve̠ʔ²¹-pʰæ³³
veixr sir saerlil zzeive̠ʔ²¹ sɿ²¹ sæ²¹ɮi⁵⁵ dze³³🔊n.wild pear tree棠梨树/tánglíshù/Veixr sir saerlil zzei leil mel saerlil zeixl cexr.棠梨树上可以接枝梨树。A cultivated pear tree can be grafted into a wild pear tree.Veixr sir saerlil mel yarsaer taex neix ho a saelnei zzor cexr. Ake dax ner naer dae veixr sir saerlil mel ca mel yaa leil saerlil zeixl ngexl. Saerlil zeixl a mel, haexrto zeixl lesel.棠梨果黑了以后才能吃。长在家附近的棠梨树人们架接梨在上面。架接梨像架接核桃。The wild pear tree fruit is edible only after it turns black. For those that grow near the house, people graft (cultivated) pear trees into them. Grafting paer trees is similar to grafting walnut trees.1. The literal meaning of the name of this tree is 'pig manure pear tree' because the fruit is black and looks like pig manure. It isn't really a pear but it resembles a pear.The fruit of this tree is small and edible when it is ripe and turns black. The main use of these trees is to be used to graft in the cultivated pear trees.Compare 另见saerlilsaerlil zzeiveixr
veixr xir saeryil zzeive̠ʔ²¹ ʃi²¹ sæ²¹ʝi⁵⁵ dze³³
veixrssorve̠ʔ²¹-zo²¹🔊n.piglet小猪/xiǎo zhū/Veixrmodo mel veixrssor cer a, yarzi cer miur; cirdaedae a ceiceimo cer.母猪下小猪下的很多,有些时候会下十多个。When the mother pig gives birth to piglets, (she) gives birth to a lot (of them), sometimes it is around ten that are born.Compare 另见veixrveixrbolveixrbolmarveixrssorve̠ʔ²¹-zo²¹
veixr zzo naxgaxve̠ʔ²¹ dzo³³ na̠⁴⁴ka̠⁴⁴🔊n.pig feed made from grain猪食面/zhū shí miàn/Seixl lel labox veixrbolmar mel leil seixl lel zi ci halgielggur mel, veixr zzo naxgax lar zol.要杀吃的公肥猪到了要杀吃的那段时间,就只喂猪食面。When the time has come for the bore to be slaughtered to be eaten, during that time, only the (high-quality) food made from grain is fed to the pig (to fatten it.)veixr zzove̠ʔ²¹ dzo³³
veixsixlve̠⁴⁴-sɿ̠⁶⁶🔊v.after blooming dies开败/kāibài/Saerhher veix mel veixsixl ho a.桃花已经开败了。(The) peach blossom has (already) bloomed and died.veixsixlve̠⁴⁴-sɿ̠⁶⁶
veixzoxve̠⁴⁴tso̠⁴⁴n.base of a flower; the part at the bottom of the flower and the top of the stem where they join花萼/huā'è/Vixlux cir pex leil mel veixzo cir dde a zza.一朵花只有一个花萼。Each flowers has a base.veixzoxve̠⁴⁴tso̠⁴⁴