Palawano B - English



labu2adjsoft,ant. tigas [Tag.]antmektulsynberentionimlunglumekmektulrabutigas3
labu'ngourd; vegetable which is about 50cm long, and 10cm in diameter. It light green in color, mild flavor, and has seeds in the middle which are usually removed when vegetable is cooked, a squash, long green one called opo in Tagalog. (about two ft. long fruit from vine similar to squash). Good to eat.Mengluak kut labu' dut ebit benua kay.I will plant gourd near our house.Mengluak kut labu apang maya tulnu' ku.I plant squash so that i have viand.labu' or calabasa.anttigas1synlameglumekrabu'
labudnbroth that forms when rice is boiled.wl49.
labunv1boil over. bubble, foam.*Labun ne emey ku sampay danum neng ininit ku.My rice is already *boiled and also the water that I had heated.Meglabun - to bubble up and give off steam. to boil up.; Nelebunan - have been boiled or cooked in water.; Pegpelebunan - heat to cause to boil and bubble and steam.; Lumabun - to cook rice boiling in the heat of the flame.; Ipelabun - to ask someone to boil his rice on the fire.syningleyenipelabunipelabunlalalamu'legaenlegaenlumintabulumintabulutulutu' 1lutuen2lutuen2luwegenmeglelabunmengilutu'2cook by boiling in water.Pegpelabunan et danum eset susuraan.A container for heating liquids.Megpelabun ku et emey beke danum.I boiled cook rice in water.Megpelabun - to boil food.; Pegpelabunan - someone is boiling water.; Ipelabun - to let someone boil water.; Lumabun - some water is boiling.; Nelebunan - have boiled water.
labungnpump air onto fire in order to increase heat, using Palawano "bellows" made in the form of a pump; a common instrument of the blacksmith.Labungi' mena daken apang tumepiug deres ye gam lutuan sekali' besi' in selsalen kut tukew ku.Please you pump air onto fire, so that the air may blows and my steel become red immediately and i made it for my bolo.Meglabung - to pump air on to a fire to increase heat.; Peglebungan - someone is pumping air.; Lumabung - to pump air for the firewood to make flames.; Nelebungan - have been pumping and blowing air to make flames.syntepyugan
labyakvswing high.Pelelabyak mene dut dibuat kayu taaw bin.That person is swinging high up on the tree-top there.w. 1.#141.
lada'npepper; general name for pepper, weather red, white, or green. See also " lara' ". Also the name of NTM landing strip location north of Brooke's Pt.Meperes banar ba' ingaran ye lada' tu'.Very peppery if it is named lada' there.wl49.synlara'
lademnblack - chickens only.Larim manuk dye ginsan bin.All their chickens are black.wl49.; larem PCsynitemmeitemnegro
ladiawanadjexpression, (flowery speech) mold for making something. Can refer to son like father.Menge' lediyewan et menge' kenggurangan meliut retien.The flowery speech of the olds is very hard to understand.lajawan.syndelehitan
ladingnsmall knife with about a six inch blade.Laring ku merinek.My knife is small.Sinugiran ku si Nasdu na buatan ye aku et lading.I told Nasdo that he is to make for me a laring knife.wl49.synlaring2peis
ladipvcut off a little pieces.Pinengladip et isek-isek menge' tulnu' ye.He cut off with a little pieces his vegetable.wl50.synlarip
ladiya'npoisonous fin of a certain fish known as lepo'.Natey ya eset tabak et sera' neng lepu' in.He died from the poisonous fish fin.wl50.synbisa 1lassunlepo'
ladyungvvery far; 2. to go high up.Meladyung banar ba' lumpad dut dibuat iruplanu bin.Very high if flying up-high in an airplane there.wl62.synkinedibuwatkinedibuwaten et langitlabewlampas2landewlangkew 1langkew 1layuglayuglebi 1megpepagenmelangkewmerayu'merayu'pabbupepesangdanpineketaastaas 2 synonymstaas3
lag'inthigh. PC dialect.Gen 24:2; 32:25.
laganleaves that are ded, dead leaves.Nereregdag ne menge' laga et kayu sabab mebasag deres.The dead leaves of the tree were fallen because of strong winds.Meglaga - to fall leaves on the ground.; Lumaga - dead leaves falling in the wind.; Nemenglaga - leaves have fallen because of changing to new leaves again.synlaga neng deunpatey neng deun
laga neng deunnleaf condition, dried leaves.Mekansang nereregdag neng laga et deun sabab et mebasag neng deres.Plenty of falling leaves on the ground because of strong wind.synlagapatey neng deunpatey neng deun
laga'nboil to cook, anything cooked with small amount of water such as sanglay, sanglay kayo, tales and punti.Linaga' ku et merinek neng danum sanglay ku.I cooked my camote with a small amount of water.Meglaga' - to cook camote or vegetables.; Peglegaan - to prepare food by cooking in the fire.; Lumaga' - someone cooking camote.; Ipelaga' - to send someone cooking some vegetables.; Nelagaan - have cooked all the camote.; Menglelaga' - a cook/chef, person cooking vegetables.
lagakveating too much always.Melagak banar megaan ating taaw.That man is always eating too much.synderenderenerim 1gaay3garukgarukimbengimbengimon PCimunimutinginipnu'kegaayanmederenmederenmeinepsuenmesua'2meswa'1meswa'2napsu'2napsu'2penawelpengisegsagka'2sua'sua'sua' tekab
lagari'nsaw to cut wood.synget-getget-getget-geta'seraka 1simaya' 1sumbali'sumbelien2sumbelien2
lagastbdreview entryantbulbul
lagbas2tbdreview entrysynlawes
lagbas pareynrice type which is old stock rice.Tiban maya nega sengpulung karut lagbas parey ku.Today I still have an old stock of ten sacks of my rice.synnekuit neng parey
lagbaynillness characterized by dizziness, coughing and jaundice believed to be caused by smoking.Kas pegsigup ba' maya sakit mu lagbay.Don't smoke if you have the illness of lagbay.Neseuran ku lagbay sakit ku, sabab mata ku mekunit, bilug ku melasi', sampay sibu ku mekunit gasi.I know my sickness is lagbay, because my eyes are yellow my body become pale and my urine are yellow also.Peglelegbayen - a person that has illness of dizziness.
lagemtbdreview entryantbatun