ta1tá1nspitniyau ; yawambody2.1Body2figrepeat it (don't)Cops m-taI dislike itLit. Split saliva3figappetite (excited)Wu̱ m-co̱ro̱g m-taHe wants to eatLit. He to swallow salivavar.te̱su̱ru̱2
ta2tá1nendmta-mo̱...end of...2nbuttocksduwayyuu̱ru̱tbody2.1Body3figbig buttocksWo̱ u̱t-ta ne̱You have buttocksLit. You buttocks This is really not a figure of speech unless it has a deeper meaning like you are lazy or you are rich or you are influential....
ta3tá1nbowbugaoinstr6.7Tool2narrowbakau̱sinstr6.7Tool3figfar (not very) ; closeRek-mo̱ o-ta1 kilometerLit. Running of arrow
ta4tá1vshoothalbau̱s2vfinish(ya) kareMa-u̱t taag.Talk finished -- "The end"Ho̱-u̱r te'este̱EveningLit. Sun finish 3vkickm4figthroughout the daytaas u̱r-ho̱throughout the dayLit. finished day5figproblem (very serious)ho̱-u̱t no̱ taagIn troubleLit. Days you finish6figsuffer (prison or death)Ho̱-u̱t taag wo̱ caane̱You are going to sufferLit. Days finish you today7figsettle ; end discussionMa-u̱t te'este̱End of the matterLit. Talk finish8figconfusedWu̱ tagu̱te̱ yo m-no̱mHe is in troubleLit. He finish it do9figrunTentativevar.taan2teesteru̱ru̱1te̱su̱ru̱1ti'is
taagetáágévloserashiHow does this relate to "ege"?
taage̱1táágɨ̀tɛ̀vlacks ; missWu̱ taagu̱te̱ u̱s-we̱e̱r.He lacks wisdom.need to get the lexical form!! Is this a form or ta "finish"? We also have tage̱ with the same meaning.var.taagu̱te̱
ta'artàʔàr1nrockdutseu̱rou̱tye̱ge̱-house6.5.1.1House2adjstrong (person)3figtrustworthy (words)Ma-u̱t ru ta'ar-deTrust worthyLit. Talks of you stone4figwiseRamba ta'ar-deHe is strongLit. Ramba stone it var.taar