kam1kàm1vused of holding the mouth as to keep quiet or keep something secret.2figspeechless ; amazementkamu̱ru̱ o-nuspeechless / amazementLit. close mouthinfl.kamu̱ru̱
ko̱ de1kɔ́ dèconja conjunction expressing a contraexpectation. This sentence begins with "ko̱ de" (which gives the evidence which would have given expected results with a dependent clause followed by "mye̱t u̱n kane̱ ne̱" conjunction with the head clause which gives the unexpected conclusion.)cfmyet u̱n kane̱ ne̱unexpectedly...mye̱t u̱n kane̱ ne̱BSC, 17var.ko̱6
ko̱ de ke da-detime1all the timekodan yanshecfko̱yandaall the time ; every time ; always2everytimekodan yanshecfko̱yandaall the time ; every time ; always
ko̱ de ken ho̱-detimeeverydayI think there is a difference between this word and "ko de ke ho̱-de" -- Does this word mean "on a certain day" or "some day"
ka5kàvto harvest by picking: peppers, fruitdebewamvar.kees1ke'es1
ka6ká1vtying of a goat,cow with stick in ground.daure2vUsed of a chief restraining a person who has done wrong3vFiguratively with ears it means don't forget about us4figremember (what I am going to tell you)To̱-u̱t to̱ ka no̱ rii-yo u̱m he no̱ m-ru̱re̱ áremember (what I am going to tell you)Lit. ears tie you think I am going to tell you5figremember me alwaysWo̱ ka me̱ u̱t-to̱ áDon't forget meLit. You tie me ear notMe̱ ke wo̱ u̱t-to̱ áDon't forget meLit. I removed you ear not6figlisten!ke'e u̱t-to̱ListtenLit. Tie ears7figprisonKe'et-m reMy sufferingLit. Tied me8nchainsvar.ka'ag (pt)ke (fut)ke'este̱ (pt pf)