Browse Wayuu



walashiabs. ofaꞌwalanhairpelo¡Poꞌotojoo walashikat suulia püsheꞌin!Brush the hair from your clothes!Atulasü walashü.She is braiding hair. (Jenni’s)
walatshinheat (atmospheric)calor (atmosférico)Aisü walatshi süpüla juya.It’s hot [a sign] for rain.
walawaacfawalaajaawalaashi1vsbe paidestar pagadowalaasü maꞌi nütüma tü aꞌyataasükalüirua nümaa sünainthose who worked on that (profession) with him were paid by himwane aꞌyatawaa walaasüa well-paying jobun trabajo bien pagoThe subject apparently can be either the one receiving the payment or the thing being paid for (as demonstrated in the above two groupings of examples).2nact of payingacto de pagar
walekerünspiderarañaAkuꞌujüsü suꞌula waleeket.The spider is spinning its web.cfwuchii 2
waletchaꞌanbig vine that spreads into treestipo de enredadera grandewaleꞌecha (?)/ waletcha (?)vine that grows into tree (fine threads inside its bark, strong like twine, used here to bind bunch of yotojolo)
walewettaaviturn, rotatewalewettüsü tü(wringer on washer) this turns, rollscfleeyataa
waliꞌinanteateroso hormiguero
walirünfoxzorrowaliruutafox hidecuero de zorro
waluuseechinbig black scavenger bird, vulturebuitre, ave cataneja, oripopowaluuseechlarge buzzard with red, featherless headbuitre de mayor tamaño, cabeza roja sin plumascfmashaleꞌesamuluwarulapaigenwuchii 1
wanaa amaa1postequally with (in like manner as)igual comosüpüla aluwatawaa wanaa nümaato rule equally with himcfwanaawaawanawaa2conj relwhen (at same time as)cuandoMojusü wunuꞌu shishottünüin wanaa sümaa jotüin kashi.It’s a bad time to cut wood when the moon is shining.Es malo tiempo para cortar palo cuando la luna está prendida.Wanaa sümaa chejeein José suluꞌujee koleejiakat oushkaasü tü nüchonkat nüchiirua.When José went to school (and returned), his daughter followed after him.cfamaꞌinruꞌu
wanaawaacfwanaa amaa 1vsbe the same; be equalser lo mismo; ser igualPiamale wanaawasü.Both are the same (clan). [man and wife, contrary to expectation]Wanaawashii waya.We are equal (in the contest).wanaawasü puwalaajüin namüin wanaa wamaa waya paid them equally / the same as ususted les ha pagado igual que a nosotros (VPE)antnaataa 1cfmaliraa
wanawaacfwanaa amaa 1vsbe proper, oughtser apropiado, deberNnojotsü wanaain sümaa tooꞌuleꞌeraa shia suulia saaꞌinrüin tüü.It’s not proper that I stop her from doing this.nnojoishi wanaain sümaa niainjachin wane tekirajüinhe is not fit to be my disciple
wanecfwaneeshiacomp.uwatuaonceunspec. comp. formwaneꞌewai akuaeachadj1aun, unaEkirajaashii waya paalapa sünain wane pütchi kapüleesü maꞌi.We practiced this morning on a very difficult word.2otherotro, otrawane saꞌatathe other sideel otro ladocfwaneꞌeya 13nextpróximo, próxima
wanee amüinvsdifferent, otherdiferente, distinto, otronaatajachi; waneꞌe nümüinit’s another / apart; it’s differentwane nüchiki chi Oꞌtteꞌerüikai wane sümüin suulia tü jünoujakat anaina story of the Savior different from what you believed oncfwaneꞌeya 1
waneejachinon-masc.waneejatüadjdifferentdiferente¿Jamüsü waneejat kaꞌa ( ... ) suulia ( ... )?How is ( ... ) different from ( ... )?Nnojotsü waneejatüin.It is not different.synnaatajachi 1cfwaneꞌeya 1
waneepiaadv1always, constantly, all the timesiempre, continuamenteWaneepia suꞌuyaajanashi taya tü tawalakat (laairukumüin).I always accompany my sister (to the waterhole).Siempre acompaño a mi hermana (al jagüey).yaajee soꞌukaꞌi süpüla waneepiafrom now on (i.e. from this day forward)de hoy en adelanteAyalajüshi taya yotojolo waneepia.I (masc) buy yotojolo (everyday) all the maameinshi2usually; regularlynormalmente; con regularidad, con frecuenciaNaashajeꞌerüin Bibliakat waneepia.They read the Bible regularly.Waraittüle pia waneepia, pirajeerü mmakat süpüshua.If you walked every day, you would know all the land.
waneepiaa1vsbe whole, be completeser entero, ser completoKeeꞌireeka taaꞌin eekai waneepiasüin.I want a whole one (goat). (e.g. in buying meat)Quiero uno (chivo) entero. (por ejemplo: al comprar la carne)2vipersevereperseverarwaneepiaa süchiiruaalways perseveringperseverar siempre
waneesianon-masc. ofwaneeshia
waneeshianon-masc.waneesiacfwane1adjoneun, unaEesü tamaꞌana waneesia kaaꞌula.I have one goat.Waneeichi juya.He is almost one year, one and onlyúnicoNaapüin chi Nüchonkai waaꞌu, chi waneeshikai Nüchoin.He gave his Son for us, his only Son.3adjsame, one and the samemismoJe mayaasüje nnojolüin wanaawain tü waꞌyataakat anain nümüin chi Maleiwakai, waneeshia chi Senyotkai aluwataakai waya.Even though our service to God is not the same, the Lord who rules us is one and the same.4prononeuno, unaNa püliikkana apünüinshii. Jayashii piamashii, nnojoish jayain waneeshia.There are 3 donkeys. Two are visible, one does not appear. (in a photo)
waneꞌereꞌeyaconj(not) until(no) hasta queWane wayuu eekai neewaain müshika saaꞌin kemion eekai seewaain (~ sheewain) süka jimatüin nia waneꞌeereꞌeya nütamaain anapa nia.A man who has had an accident / is injured is like a car / truck that is broken down (mechanical problems) because he is inactive until he gets up when he is well.waneꞌere mietkoleoꞌu(no) rather Wednesday (instead) / not until Wednesday (response to: Is Linda returning today?)ctprtanainmüinreꞌeya 1
waneꞌewai akuaunspec. comp. form ofwaneakua 2fr. var.waneꞌewaire akuacfamüiwaꞌaadv releach (individually)cada uno, cada una (individualmente)Tü mürütkat, nümünüinsü waneꞌewai nükua wayuu.Each person owns his own animals. / The animals are owned by individual persons.Los animales son animales (propiedad) de cada persona.nawalaajünakalaka waneꞌewaire nakuaya süka wane ‘denario’they were each also paid with one denariuscf-iraa 3-yaa maa 1
waneꞌeyafr. var.waneꞌe1adjanotherotro, otraJe soꞌu waneꞌeya sükalia eemerawaa, ekerotshi Jesús ....On another day of rest, Jesus went in ....Otro sábado, Jesús entró .... VPEcfwane 2wanee amüinwaneejachi2pronother, anotherotro, otraAashajaashi joo Jesús nümüin waneꞌeya:Jesus now said to another,Jesús le dijo a otro:
wanetüünaina certain mythological being (half person)cierto ser mitológicowanetüünai ~ wanetuunaimythological being (appears as a half of a person)cfchaamaepeeyüi
wankeetanbenchbanquetaJoyotüshi saaꞌu wankeeta.You are sitting on a bench.
wanülüün1demon, evil spiritdemonio, espíritu malignoWane wayuu eekai kewiiralin saaꞌuai müshika saaꞌin wanülüü.A person who whistles at night is like a demon.cfaaꞌin 3aseyuuayolojo 3yolujaa 12sicknessenfermedadKachoꞌosü wanülüü / yooi sünain niiyoꞌu.He has a sickness / an infection on his anus.cfachiꞌraayuulii 2