Browse Wayuu



wopumüincomp. ofwopuamüin 1advin the westpor el occidentesynwaapünaa
wotoovsbe full (of solids)estar lleno (de sólidos)... wotüsüje tü mmakat sütüma tü karaloktakatthe earth would be filled by the bookscfpirataa
wotsiiaFrom Spanish bolsillo.npocketbolsilloNikerotirüin najap suluꞌu nuwotsiase.He put his hand into his pocket.El se metió la mano en su bolsillo.
woutiisaaFrom Spanish bautizar.cfowoutisaajaavibe baptizedser bautizadoWoutiisa kalaka nia. / (woutiisashi)Then he was baptized.
woyowoyotoovibe face down horizontally (several persons)estar inclinado horizontalmente (varias personas)woyowoyotsü.?. ((Arabs) bowing down together/ praying)
wuchiin1birdpájaroAwatüshi wuchii.A bird flies.shipia wuchiibird’s house (no specific word for ‘nest’)specchipirüinchoochoochooloichünüꞌüiishoiruꞌuikaaraikalekalekaralakatipirüinkotoorokuꞌlupüchoꞌumashaleꞌemaꞌuwanaaiolopeerüpirijirüsamuluserumashuushiisikirulusiꞌyateiteitoolütoomasütoroitüitüiuluiwainpiraiwalamüiwaluuseechiwarulapaiwaspíraiwawaachiwushiishawaiyakuteꞌe2insectinsectocfwalekerüspecalepeꞌeyachineꞌeishisüjaꞌyumulerüjesulajeyuujeꞌyulujoꞌomajulirüjunuunaijuꞌikaashapükapchüꞌüi 1kashirolukasipakasipatuikoꞌoimüsichi 1süshi mapa
wuleefr. var. ofulee
wuliyuunafr. var.uliyuunanintestinal parasitic wormlombriz (intestinal)¿Pütüjaa aaꞌulu sukuaippa tü ayuuliikat sütüma tü wuliyuunakat?Do you know the nature of the illness caused by parasitic worms?cfjokoma
wunaꞌainküincomp. ofwunuꞌu 1ainküinfr. var.unaꞌainküinadvin the woods, in the wildpor el bosque, por el monteNüma kalaka Maleiwakai -- Jooꞌu(ya) waainjai(wa) wayuu maꞌaka waaꞌin, laülaainjachikai (tü) jimekat, je (tü) wuchiikat, (je) tü mürüt miichipaꞌajatkat, tü mürüt unaꞌainküinjatkat (je) tü lemtüs(kat) saaꞌu mmakat.God said, “Let us make man like us, he will rule the fish, the birds, the animals around the home (domesticated), the animals of the woods (wild), and those that crawl over the earth.”antmiichipaꞌa
wunaꞌapücomp. ofwunuꞌu 1-aapüfr. var.unaꞌapünbrush, woods, forestmonte, bosque, selvacfmojuuiawunaꞌapajaago to the bush
wunuꞌuposs.anuꞌusen1tree, plantárbol, mataAjuttüsü (?) wunuꞌu sütüma.Trees fall down by it (storm wind).sütüna wunuꞌubranch of treeshikii wunuꞌutree stump (lit. tree’s head)süsii wunuꞌuflowerspecaippiaalaapaiapotolüata2ichii 2jashiirüjitnutajiꞌiruwai 1kapüchirükashuushirakoushalü 1mapuamokochiramuuraioloꞌolotsüpatsuatoolinchiuraichi 1wanülüütapaiyoꞌuleerüwunaꞌainküinin the woodswunaꞌapüwoods, bushawunaꞌapajaago to the bush2stick, postpalo, posteSüchikijee pupotüin ishikat, piꞌitaain wunuꞌukot suluꞌu ishikat.After you dig the holes, you put the posts in the holes.3woodmaderasaꞌata wunuꞌua piece of woodwunuꞌu jeket / wunuꞌu irotnew wood / fresh woodcfkachueera 2koucha 1maraaja 1paasta 14medicinemedicina... süpüla saapünüinjatüin tü wunuꞌu shipikat.... so that she might be given the medicine which cures it.
wunuꞌu joꞌuuunspec. comp. form ofjoꞌuuseedling
wuraichifr. var. ofuraichi
wushincooking potolletacfwushu
wushiishawainbird speciesespecie de pájarowushiishawai / mariia nüta, joꞌuuchanbird spec. (has prolonged, insistant, high-pitched / clicky call a little similar to hummingbird’s) / yellow skinned, very little (sized bird)genwuchii 1
wushunclay cooking potolla de barro cocidosuturula wushuradiant heat of potcfotse 1siꞌwaraiwayeetawushi
wutaisp. var. ofutai
wutiasp. var.utiaposs.oꞌutiainnneedleagujasaruuna, wane wotso kuluulu aꞌyapujuushi süka wutia aꞌyapüjiasaruuna a cloth bag sewn with a sewing needle (in contrast with a crocheted bag)
wuusüFrom Spanish bus.nbusbusoꞌotooshii waya suluꞌumüin wuuskatwe got on the bus
wuyaaliunskunkmofeta, mapurite
wüinsnakeculebraSeꞌewana, wüi; ouktüsü kaaꞌula sütüma, shiküle.‘Seewana’, a snake; goats die from it, if it bites.specikajiꞌikakasiwaanoꞌumaaꞌalamapuasiramoꞌuyuuooroliasaruluseꞌewanauraichiish
wüinposs.ainyanwateraguaAsüshi wüin saamatsü.He is drinking cold water.Tejitüin aase saꞌaka wüinkalü.I put laundry soap in the water.cfmiirokuawüinjaawater downwüinsiraadrown
wüinpejeꞌewainnative of the upper Guajiraarribero, nativo de la Guajira arriberacfwiinnaawüinpumüinctprtwopujeꞌewai