vav.1to follow, to pursue; (restr.:) to go, to passAte nurwa din va biika, ate biika ga ta yieri buntori.Then the man followed the child, and the child went and took out a nan-gaangto sneek or creep up from behind...ase piuk womi a da magi va nan-gaang....when a hyena listened and watched him secretly and then sneaked up to him from follow (behind), to go afterApiuk yaa deri va Asuom ngaang a cheng.Then the Hyena went after the come (together with)Va te mi a jam.Come (together) with chaab(lit. to follow the companions) to accompany one anotherChana-Gbiidem ale Gbedem va chaab nyin ka jig yeng.Chana-Gbiidem and Gbedema came (together) from the same place.Nuruba baye a yaa jam va chaab a cheng yaba.Two men (came together and) went to the market.2to hauntFi dan bob wa mang duoku nying a tusi wa lonsi, ku kan va nuru.If you tie him to the log and push (him) to make him fall, he (the ghost) will not haunt anyone.
va-juelikal l l (entrance) in the clay parapet of a flat roofgbongu va-juelika jignientrance to the flat roof
va-kilingl lva-kilingkuva-kilintava-kiing [l l]n.strong whirlwind (especially of the dry season)Va-kiling ale lonsi wa viuku.The whirlwind pushed his hut down.Va-kiling ale a chiag yaata.The whirlwind is moving the rubbish.
viok (wind), and kiling adv.
va-kpiongl l mva-kpiongku [l l m]va-kpiongta or va-kpiengsa [l m l]n.stormVa-kpiong ale chiena.A storm is coming.synva-pagrikviok (wind), kpiong (big)
va-pagrikl l mva-pagrika [l m m h]va-pagrisa [l m m m]n.strong wind, stormVa-pagrik ale pa chini a ta ga basi tuika teng.A storm blew my calabash to under a baobab tree (lit. took my calabash, brought and left it under a baobab).synva-kpiongviok (wind), pagrik (strong)
va-yogsumm m mva-yogsumuva-yogsuntan.1cool, fresh air or wind; breeze, freshnessVa-yogsum ka tiimu teng-a.The air under the tree is not fresh (lit. freshness is not under the tree).2freedom, peace, reliefKuli fi yeni abe fi basi mu ale n va-yogsum.Go to your house and leave me in peace (lit. with my peace).nag va-yogsum or va-yogsum ale fugto be or feel relieved, to feel freeNurwade ale kan karo la, maa nag va-yogsum.As this man is not there, I feel relieved.Va-yogsum ale fug ti.We are relieved.viok (wind), yogsum (coolness)
va-yokl lva-yokuva-yoktan.dawn, daybreakN dan yiri va-yok a paai ale fan yiri ya, mi le nag fu yiri.If I wake up at dawn and you are not awake, I will wake you up.
vari (day), cf. yok (night), yogsik (cool)
va-zagsikh l lva-zagsika [h l l m]va-zagsa [h l l]n.Kaffir butter shrub, (cf. titibi n. and kampelung n.)N pa ndek duiri va-zagsik, ate ku a zagi.I rubbed myself against a Kaffir butter shrub and now my skin (lit. it) is itching.Combretum molle
vaalim mvaanivaalan.stalk(s) of millet, esp. when old; rubbish in the fields (e.g. sticks, dry millet stalks etc.)Waab ale doa vaalanga po.A snake is lying under the millet stalks.nag vaala, v.n. vaala-naka(cf. nagi to beat) to prepare the fields for sowing by removing and burning weeds, dry stalks, rubbish etc., to clear bushland, v.n.: preparation of the fieldsMi le nag vaala yeni nan-gaangka ate ti bori suma.I will prepare the land behind the house so that we can plant round beans.vaala chiik(lit. moon of millet stalks) n., March
vaanchoal mvaanchoawa [l m h]vaanchaab [l m]n.companion, friend (often same sex), neighbour, fellow, (age-)mate, colleague, co-wifeAte wa vaanchoawa ain: "Ao-wo! Kan chubi."And her companion said: "No! Do not prick."Nipok le boro, wa yaa kan biagi, ate wa vaanchaab a la wa.There lived a woman, she did not bear children, so her friends (co-wives) laughed at her.Te ti chim vaanchaab.Let us become friends..– Cf. doa (to follow), choa (companion)
vaari1m mvaarinivaaran.second stage of building a wall from wet mud balls (2-3 layers; the first part, nyubi must have dried for at least half a day) build the second stage of a wall from wet mud ballsBa bor’a vaari doku.They are doing the second stage of a room.synvoori3vaari 1 n. sweep, to collect (e.g. rubbish)Nipoowa a vaari wa yaata.The woman swept her rubbish.vaari yitito get up (from sitting) suddenly or quickly, to leap up, to jump upWa vaari yiti jue gbong.He got up quickly and climbed up to the flat roof.
vaasiv.1to boil, to bubbleAsuom a ga pa samoaning ale nyiam a dig bolim po, ate nyiamu a vaasi, ate wa pa takabi a vug nyiamu.The Hare took a big pot with water and boiled it, and when the water was bubbling, he took a potsherd lid and placed it on the water.2to talk too much, to talk nonsense, to babbleBiika a vaasi.The boy talks too much.3to joke, to be silly, to clown aboutDii ate faa nye la ka vaasika, daa kpari ya.You are joking, you are not farming.Ta fi vaasika cheng du.Stop being silly (lit. take your silliness away).4to anger or annoy sb.Dii ate fi yueni la, vaasi n choroawa kama.What you said is annoying my husband.
vakmvakavaksan.nest, nesting place for chickens inside or outside the houseNya ase kpiaka doa ka vaka po ya.Look whether the hen is in her nest.
valikl ml mvalika [l l m]valisa [l l m]n.gluttony or greediness for meatNipoowade ta noai valik.This woman is greedy for meat (lit. has greediness for meat). be light (not heavy), to be weak Kpiaka valima.The chicken is light.Biika noai valima.The child's mouth is weak (i.e. he readily reveals secrets).
valingvalingkavalingsa or valimaadj.light, weakKpiaka ka kpa-valing.The chicken is light.ja-valing [l l l], pl. ngan-valima [l l l l]light thingkpa-valing [l l l], pl. kpa valingsa [l l l l]light fowlnur valing [h m m], pl. nur-valingsa [h m m m]light man
valubim m mvalubwavalubbavalubn.valve (e.g. of bicycle tube)Anaamtoa wusumu valubwa a kaasi kama.Anaamtoa’s bicycle valve is spoilt.wusum valub(i) or kutuk-wusum valub(i)bicycle valve
English valve
varam mvara-vara [m m m m]adv.every day, always, often, many times, frequentlyBa me yaa ta kpaling ale chaab vara-vara.They also quarrelled with one another every day.Wa jam n jigi vara-vara.He often comes to my place.vari n.
vari1m mvanivara or vaa n.dayJinla vani yue le boa? - Asibi dai.What day is it today? - Saturday.vari vienti (lit. day begins or opens) or vari nyaanti (cf. nyaanti to clear, to clean) or vari kal(cf. kali to sit) day breaks, it is dawningVani le nyaanti la, man goa chagi-a.When the day was dawning, I had not slept long enough.vani ale vienti la(transl.:) at daybreakCf. also: vari-chingmarik n., vari-nyaantiri n., vari-vientiri n., va-yok n.syndai seize, to take sth. by force, to confiscate, to robBa var ti kambon-daatanga.They seized our guns.vari tengto conquer or capture a country or a townBaabatu a jam vari Bachonsa tengka.Babatu came and conquered Bachonsa.vari naamto take over (the) power (of chieftaincy), to seize power (in a legal or illegal way), to usurp the power of chieftaincyKa wana ale vari Gbedema naamu?Who took over the chieftaincy of Gbedema?vari basito save, to set free, to deliver, to rescue, to escape (cf. varibasiroa n.)Wa va nan-gaang sing cheng yaaloawa yeni, a yueni wa ain wa, wa nye ka se a vari wa basi.He followed (them) and went into the hunter's house and asked him what he should do to save himself.Vari chiimu biaka jig basi.Save the chicken from the dog.varibasikaritual of drinking earth in order to find out a witch vari loto drop, to fall off, to slip offN ligni vari lo fi taasini po.My money dropped into your bowl.varibasika(Chr.) redemption
vari-chingmarikm m h h hvari-chingmarikavari-chingmarisan.morning star (lit. day star)Mi nya vari-chingmarika bang buyuebi ale ka diem boro.I saw that the morning star was still there at six o'clock.syn. vari nyaantiri chingmarik and vari vientiri chingmarik
vari (day), chingmarik (star)
vari-nyaantirim m m m mvari-nyaantinin.daybreak, dawn, early morningTi diem gogi a paai vari-nyaantiri.Yesterday we danced until daybreak.synvari-vientirivientirivari (day), cf. nyaanti (to clear)
vari-vientirim m m m mvari-vientinin.daybreak, dawn, early morningNaapierisanga yiag niinga ta jam ka vari-vientiri.The cowherds drove the cows home at dawn.synvari-nyaantirivientirivari (day), cf. vari vienti v.