Browse Buli – English



biisiril l lbiisini,biisabiisin.female breast, bosomBa mawa ale jo bora num zomu la, wa biisanga yaa yug taam de, taam de.When their mother went in and was grinding the millet, her breasts were swinging to and fro.biisi noai [l l lm], pl. biisi noa(lit. mouth of breast) teat, nipple, papilla
biisiroal l lbiisiroawa,n.speaker, talker, (restr., e.g. in court, not of a chief)Atiim ka biisiroa courtwa po.Atiim is a speaker in the court.bag-biisiroa(sb. who can speak; more negative than biisiroa) talker, talkative person, gossip
biisitieroal l l lbiisitieroawabiisitieroaban.1spokesman, interpreter, "linguist" (man who in a loud voice repeats and simplifies the sentences of a speech, e.g. spoken by the chief, so that the contents can be understood by everybody)Naawa biisitieroawa a nyu ka daam.The chief's spokesman is drunk.2prophetIsaiah jam ka Naawen biisitieroa.Isaiah was a prophet of God.
biitalm hbiitanga, pl.n.fatness, corpulence, stoutness, plumpness, obesityPagrim ka biita po.There is no strength in obesity.Wa biig biita.He has become fat.syngbiema
biituk1m hbiituku,biita or biititaadj.fat corpulent (humans or animals)Akubelie ka nipok biituk.Akubelie is a fat fat childbiigi, biling
biituk2l mbiituku,biitan.fat or corpulent personMi kan yaa biitingade.I do not like these fat persons. get (become, grow) fat, to be fatMaa nye ain biaka bila. I am fattening up the dog (lit. I make the dog get fat). nye bilato fatten upbiigi dust, to remove dust or dirt, to wipe up (e.g. water)Bili nyiamu tabluku zuk.Wipe up the water on the table.
bili(k)bilika,bila, bilsa, bilisa or bilinsabilikadj.small, little (restr.; used only with a certain number of nouns); bili is often used synonymously with fiik (small) Li-bilika a mobi ya.The small water-pot has broken.nur-bilik, pl. nur-bilsaa small manbali (young) roll, to be rolled, to turn roundGbeni a bilim.The ball is rolling.Nurwa bilim ankoarawa a ta cheng mogini, ain wa ngari nyiam.The man rolled the barrel to the dam to fetch water.
bilim-biliml l m mbilim-bilni,n.roller, (mod.) steam-rollerBilim-bilim a za siuku zuk, ate nurba a bora jaari di.A steam-roller was standing on the road, and men were repairing it.
bilim-bintah h m mbilim-bintanga, pl.,n.scarab (beetle)Naapierisanga a tigsi bilim-binta naa-vuuku.The shepherds collected scarabs at the resting place.Scarabaeus sp.
bilinim m mbilini, m m hbiliman.waist-ring of plaited straw (made and worn by children and young adults)Naapierisanga a su bilima.The shepherds are wearing straw waist-rings.
jek, jiak
bilingm mbilini,bilima, bilinsa or bilintaadj.fat, corpulentN kowa po-bilini ka nipok biling.My father's junior wife is fat.
biliokh lbilioku,biloaata [bilɔa:ta] (boy or girl, cf. also bi-ziim n.)Ban diem te bilioku yue ya.The baby has not yet been given a name.
biliok-nuoongh m mn.earwigBiliok nuoong dan dom fu, ku kan jueli.If an earwig bites you it does not pain very much (lit. it does not climb). roll, to give sth. a round shape by rolling (e.g. clay rolls in pottery or wax threads in brass casting), to twist (e.g. ropes)Bisanga a voo bogta a bora bilisi miisa.The children pulled up fibres and are twisting strings.
bilim v., bilim-binta n., bilim-bilim
biluanih l l lbiluani h l l mn.babyhood, infancy (still breastfeeding)Nipoowa a yig puuk wa biika biluani po.The woman became pregnant (again) during her child's (early) infancy.
bilungl lbilungku,bilimaadj.rolledNipoowa bora bilim tan-bilima ain wa me liik.The woman is rolling a clay-coil to make a water-pot.taung bilung (tan-bilung)clay-coil (of potter)bilim v., bilisi v.
bimbaanih l lbimbaani h l mbimbaann.childishness, childish or childlike behaviour (insulting for adults)Fi bi-kpagni a nye bimbaan nyeka.Your eldest son behaves childishly (lit. does a doing of childishness).Fi ta bimbaan lie.You have a childish daughter.
bimbaangh lbimbaangka,bimbaansan.1child (irrespective of relationship)Bimbaansa goom dok ale nna.This is a bedroom for children.2(pl.) young people, a junior group (e.g. of musicians; senior group: nisoma)
bimbantirih l l lbimbantini,n.childhoodFan diem bangi fi bimbantini wie?Have you not forgotten your childhood experiences?
bimbeinbimbẽi ; l mbimbeini,bimbenan.sp. grass, used for making hats, shepherds' waist-strings etc.Nipok cheng goai a yaali bimbein.The woman went to the bush to fetch bimbein-grass.Cyperus dilatatus
bimbilil l mbimbilni,bimbilisan.clay pot, esp. for cooking soupNipoowa bora nari wa bimbilisanga.The woman is washing her soup-pots. be or feel ill or weak, to have feverMi kan cheng yaba jinla, mi nying ale bingti.I will not go to the market today, I am ill.Anyawon nyingka a bingti wa kama, dila nying wan baga a de nalim nyiini.Anyawon has a fever, therefore he cannot eat well.