Browse Buli – English



chogsiroam m mchogsiroawa,chogsoroan.person who accompanies and holds a mourning person at a funeralN doawa ká n chogsiroa kuumu po.My friend was my chogsiroa at the funeral.chogsi v., yigroa n.
chogsung1l lchogsungku,chogsitan.buttress made of bricks (cf. more common syn. piila < Engl. pillar)Siaka a la ka lo la, mi nye chogsung a kasi ka.As the wall was falling down, I supported it with a buttress.synganik
chogsung2l lchogsungku,chosgsuntachogsumn.middle sized (only for musical instruments?)ginggaung-chogsungmiddle-sized cylindrical drumsaaring adj.
chogtaʧɔγta; m, free of charge, as a gift (present), without payingMi te chogta.I give it as a present.Wa pai chogta.He takes it without paying (also without the consent of the giver).Hausa kyàuta, gift
cholimbeinʧɔləmbẽi,~; l m mcholimbeni,cholimbenachulambein, chulimbein, chumbein, cholinbeinn.maize, (Indian) cornChoaring cholimbenanga ta ga num.Pound the corn, go and grind it.cholimbein duok, pl. cholimbein-daataempty cob of maize (e.g. used for impressing decorations into the wet plaster of a wall)Nipoowa pai cholimbein-duok a ngmirisi wa siaka.The woman used an empty maize cob to decorate her wall.cholimbein pielukwhite maizecholimbein moaningyellow maizeDagbani cholimbeinDagbani cholimbein (lit.) Dagomba maize (big red grains)Zea mays
chonoam mchonoawa,chomn.equal (n., e.g. of the same age group or the same species), transl. like thisPa liikade chonoawa ta jam.Take a pot like this and bring it.chong3 v., choa1 n. be better, only in: zung chong(Prov.) Biak ain, "Nangsa poaka a zung chong bitagi fiik poaka".A dog said, "Rotten legs are better than a rotten anus" (He who fears hardship starves).- Fi tuemu zung chong-a?Is your sickness better? Have you got better from your illness?chonoa n. rinse with clean water (after sth. has been washed), to clean or wash the interior of a vessel with one's handsN suuri samoaningka a chongti ka.I washed the cooking-pot and rinsed it. be sharpPiesi pensilwa ate ku noani chorisi.Sharpen the pencil that its tip is sharp.
chorisikl l lchorisika,chorisaadj.pointedGeuku (gebika) ta noai chorisik.The knife has a pointed tip.
choroam mchoroawa,choroaban.husband, spouse, mateNipok ale wa choroa ale jam boro a biag nidoa-bili.There lived a woman and her husband, and they gave birth to a boy.synpok-nyono
chorototototo...m m m m m madv.quiet(ly), silent(ly), stillN nye chorotototo.I am (very) quiet.Ti guuk-yeni a yaa nye ka nna chorotototo.At our abandoned house it is now very quiet.synchorrngmikikikiki..., sikikikiki..., yirititititi...
chorrʧorr; madv.quiet(ly), silent(ly), stillKumu zan chorr, wa me chogsi.Death stood quietly, and she responded.Nye chorr!Be quiet! Shut up! Silence!synchorototototo...
chorukh hchoruku,chortacharukn.evil being (man) in the shape of a sp. animal, "werewolf", monsterChoruku diem yig nuru.Yesterday the choruk caught a man.
chubiʧɥbi; ʧubiv.1to prick, to stab, to peck, to pierceBa le jam la, wa yaa yueni ain wa le pa muub a chub nangzuni numu.When they came there, he said that he would take a blade of grass and prick the caterpillar's eye.2to hit sb. with one's fist, to box, to punch Wa chubi wa ale wa nisanga.He hit him with his fists.chub choa-diakto boxBisanga a boro a chub chaab.The children were boxing each other.chub bagta (syn. siebii v.)to make (stab) holes (with sauk) for sowing grainsNurwa a bor'a chub bagta.The man is making holes (for seeds).
chubitam m mchubitanga pl., n.beat, hitGanduokku chubitanga ale paari wa ate wan baga a yiri.The tall (and strong) man’s blows had an effect on him (lit. "reached him") and he cannot get up.
chueʧɥe:chueni,chuema [ʧue:ma]n.ancestor who lived a long time ago (but it is not necessarily the first ancestor of a lineage, cf. ngiak; chue is used esp. if the ancestor is not a forbear of the addressee)Maa yaali ain n kaab n chueni.I want to sacrifice to my chue-ancestor.
chueri1ʧɥeri; m mchueni,chue [ʧɥe:; m m]n.1fixed price, fee, fare, due, rate (e.g. for work or service)Wa tuni fi chueni?Has he paid your fee?2gambling stakeMi yig naab a duen chueri.I caught a cow and risked (lit. put down) it as a gambling stake.
chueri2ʧɥ show sb. sth. desirable (e.g. food) so as to give it to him and then withdraw it (when the other wants to take it), to tantalize or tease a person in this way, to make a person's mouth water for sth.Wa chue wa ale wa maasanga.He teased him with his millet cakes.gbieli v.
chuiri1ʧɥi:riv.1to fail to hatch (eggs), to spoil after prolonged incubationJenanga chuiri ya.The eggs failed to hatch.2to lose a game (e.g. bie goluk), to be lost (game)(Prov.) Pagroa yiok kan chuiri.The strong man's yuok-hole (in bie-game) cannot be lost.3to become loose, to get dispersed, to loosenSienga chuiri.The grass of the broom got loose. bend down, to turn down, to look down, to peep intoAtiim chuiri nya waamu vorumu po.Atiim bent down to look into the snake's hole.synchurinti 1churinti v. accumulate, to put together, to heap up, to sweep together, to sweep and collect (e.g. rubbish, groundnuts, millet)Ni chuiri yaatanga ni yienga teng a ju.Sweep and collect the rubbish and burn it. – Cf. tuesi (to collect) pour a libation (on a shrine)Yeni nyonowa chuiri zu-nyiam wa boglatanga zuk.The house-owner poured millet water on his shrines.
chuisi1ʧɥi:siv.1to make a special implosive sound with one's mouth as a sign of doubt, refusal or as an insult; to click one's tongue (longer than chiesi, teeth are closed, air is breathed in)Nipoowa ale chuisi mu la, n sui puuri.When the woman clicked her tongue at me, I was annoyed.syntuisi2to make fun of Bisinga a chuisi ja-kpaka.The children made fun of the old man.tuisi, chiesi withdraw (retract, recant) a curse (kaka)Nisomoawa a weeni nipoowa ate wa chuisi ngmoruku.The old man told the woman to withdraw her curse by thunder (some Bulsa swear by thunder, others by the ancestors).