Browse English



searcherhoyoa seeker; a gatherer; an inquirer; a demander; an expectant; an expecter; a hunter; a searcher; na hoyo, the harvest; ahoyo, the place of seeking; a harvest ground, etc.; see Matt. 9:38.
searedshiladried; baked; cured; withered; contracted; evaporated; saved, as meat; seared; seasoned; shrunk; ikshelo, a., undried; unseasoned.
seashoreokhʋta ont alakathe sea bank, seaboard, sea coast, seashore; the strand.
seasickokhʋta aiabekaseasickness; seasick.
seasicknessokhʋta aiabekaseasickness; seasick.
seasideokhʋta chito lapalikathe sea coast; the seaside.
seasonaionatime; season, Luke 2:6; ikaiono, before the time; ikaiono ki̱sha ho̱, before the time, Matt. 8:29; ikaiono, adv., untimely.homechito season, Mark 9:50; to embitter; to make bitter or strong, as a liquid, etc.; to turn sour, etc.; to sour; to make sour, acrid, bitter, etc.; hominchi, nasal form; ikhomecho, neg. form; to dilute; to weaken; to reduce.kʋshahʋchito season; to render pleasant to the taste; to cause to relish; to give a relish; to relish; to zest.shilato dry; to bake, as the earth; to season, as wood; to cure; to contract; to wither; to evaporate.shilelito dry; to bake; to cure; to season; to save, as meat; to shrink; to dry up, Josh. 2:10; 4:23; 5:1.
seasonablenita̱kimild; pleasant; good; seasonable;
seasonedhʋpi yʋmmisalted; seasoned with salt; hʋpi ikyʋmmo, a. fresh; not salted; unsalted; unseasoned.kʋshahaseasoned; ikkʋshaho, unpalatable; unseasoned.shiladried; baked; cured; withered; contracted; evaporated; saved, as meat; seared; seasoned; shrunk; ikshelo, a., undried; unseasoned.
seatabinilisettlement; the place where one sits; a seat; a pew; abinit is contracted from abinili.abinilit nan apesaa judgment seat.abinohlichipl., to settle; to establish at a place; to colonize; to cause to take seats, as children or visitors.aio̱binilia seat; a chair.aio̱binili hantaa sacred seat.aio̱binili holitopaa holy seat; a sacred seat; a throne.aiomanilia seat; a chair; bottom of a chair; a stool.aionashaa seat; a chair; a cricket; room.apatʋlhpoa spread; a mattress; a seat; a cushion, John 19:13. Perhaps this word is used for “seat” because in early times the Choctaw spread out some kind of skin as a seat for visitors and others.aiashapl., seats; abodes; habitations; mansions, John 14:2; Chintail aiasha; Matt. 10:5; aiaha̱shwa, freq., John 1:39.binilito sit; to take a seat; to settle; ont binilima “when he was set,” Matt. 5:1; 13:1; to fix one’s habitation or residence; to abide, John 1:32; to sit down, Luke 4:20; to encamp; to light; to nestle; binint; ilebinili, to seat himself; to sit; to perch; to rest on the feet, as fowls; ilabinili, to retire; to sit alone; ilabinili, n., a retreat; a retirement; ombinili, v. t., to sit on; to incubate; to ride; ta̱kla binili, v. a. i., to intrude; to sit among.binilichito seat; to place on a seat; to establish one in a habitation or place; to cause to sit down; to settle him or her at a place, as on new land; kanʋllichit binilichi, v. t., to colonize; to install; to locate; to set; to settle.binohlichicaus., to seat; to place on a seat; to colonize; to settle them.chukaa house; a building; a dwelling; a domicile; a cabin; an abode; a residence; a seat; a home, Matt. 8:6; a nest; a den; the hole or the abode of animals; a dome; an edifice; a habitation; housing; a mansion; a mansion house; a structure; a tenement; chi̱chuka, thy house, Matt. 9:6; chuka yo̱, an house, Matt. 10:12; 7:24, 25, 26, 27; inchuka kak illa hoh chatuk oke, Matt. 13:57; itinchuka, v. t., to keep house together; itinchukali, n., my husband, or my housemate, but usually uttered by the woman.chukachʋfa abinilia few; a seat for a single family.hapullothe seat of a man; the rump or the protuberant part behind; the buttocks.iti wa̱yaa stool; a seat; a cricket.ombinilia rider; a seat; a throne, Matt. 23:22.pehlichika aiashaa throne; a ruler’s seat.
seat mateibabinilia fellow; a seat mate; a fellow settler; ibabinohli, pl.
seat withibabinilichito seat with; to cause to settle with; ibabinohlichi, pl.
seatedabihlepato be seated round.abihlepaseated round.aiasha holitopa ombinilienthroned; seated on a throne; v. a. i., to sit on a throne.biniliseated; settled; located; kanʋllit binili, colonized; ikbinilo, a., unseated; achukmat ikbinilo, a., unsettled; binili bilia, a., sedentary.binohliseated; settled.binohtcont. from binohli; binoht taiyaha ma or binohlit taha ma, and were set down together, Luke 22:55.chiyato be seated.
seated aroundbinoht aiashaseated around, John 6:11.
seated withibabiniliseated with; settled in company with; ibabinohli, pl.
secedeissato quit; to leave; to forsake; to renounce; to abandon; to stop, Luke 5:4; to abdicate; to cede; to end, Luke 4:13; to cease; to come off; to depart; to desert; to discontinue; to expire; to fail; to flinch; to forego; to give; to halt; to hush; to knuckle; to part; to pause; to recant; to reject; to release; to relinquish; to remit; to resign; to rest; to revolt; to secede; to stanch; to vacate; to void; to waive; to yield; sʋssa, to leave me; iesa, pro. form.
secludekuchichicaus., to cause to go out; to turn out; to draw out; to dislodge; to enfranchise; to evacuate; to exclude; to extricate; to ferret; to land; to oust; to out; to seclude, Luke 16:3, 4; Josh. 8:6; kuchihinchi, freq.
secondatuklato be the second; to be a second; nanta hosh atukla wa.atuklasecond; next.atuklantsecond time; again.hituklasecond.hituklato be second.hituklahatwice; second time.hituklanchito do it twice, or a second time, or again.hotuklasecond.iakaiyasecond; subsequent.yakosi ititaklaa moment of time, Luke 4:5; an instant; a moment; a second.
second in commandimanumpeshia lieutenant; a vice-agent; a second in command; a minister.
second timeanontiagain; once more; a second time; further; and, Matt. 12:25; 11:4; 17:4; “again,” Matt. 13:44, 45; anonti, Mark 11:27; Matt. 2:8; 5:33; conj. “and,” Matt. 7:22.
secrecyluma̱kasecrecy; aluma̱ka, n., in secret; the secret place, Matt. 6:4; aialuma̱ka, n., in secret, Matt. 5:18.
secretaluma̱kaa secret; a secret place.alumpoapl., secret places; hiding places.lumaquietness; a retreat; a secret.lumaoccult; unseen; out of sight; clandestine; close; dim; dormant; disguised; latent; privy; quiescent; recluse; recondite; tacit; underhand; unexposed; unsearchable; Matt. 5:14, hid; Matt. 10:26; 13:44; Josh. 7:21; iklumo, a., naked; undisguised.lumasisecret; easy; slight; lumasecrets, Matt. 13:35.nan lumaa mystery; a secret.
secretaryanump imeshihis secretary; his aid; one that receives instructions from his superior; the combination im is a prefixed pronoun.anumpeshia presiding officer in a council; a secretary; a messenger, Matt. 11:10; an aid-de-camp; a consul, a disciple, John 3:22; a servant, Luke 2:29; an apostle, Luke 6:13; a legate; an officer; a representative; a resident.hatak holissochia scribe; a secretary; a writer.holissochian amanuensis; a writer; a scribe; a clerk; a scrivener; a chirographer; a composer; a copier; a penman; handwriting, as B. holissochioka, B’s handwriting; a marker; a penner; a printer; a recorder; a secretary; na holissochi, a scribe, Matt. 7:29.
secretary of wartʋnʋp anumpulia secretary of war.
secretealuhmito hide at or in; to conceal; to secrete.luhmito hide; to secrete; to conceal; to cloak; to closet; to couch, Matt. 11:25; 13:44; Josh. 2:4, 6; to abscond; to envelop; to shut, as a book; to skulk; to stifle; to suppress; to veil; ikinluhmo, 1 Sam. 3:18; to cover: ileluhmi, to hide himself; to hide herself, Luke 1:24; itinluhmi, to hide from each other.lumpulipl., to hide; to secrete; to conceal.