Browse English



yachtmi̱ko i̱penia yacht; a royal yacht.
yamahea potato; a sweet potato; a yam.ahe kʋshahaa yam; a potato which has a good relish.
YankeeMiliki hatakan American; a Yankee.
yardholihtaa fence; a yard; a barricade; a lot; a court; a pen; wak i̱holihta, a cow yard or lot; an inclosure.nan isht apesaa measure; a rule; a yard; that with which anything is measured.nan isht υlhpisaa rule; a carpenter’s square; a measure; a yard; a yardstick; a parable, Mark 12:1; 13:10, 53; 15:15.nan tυnna isht υlhpisaa yardstick; a measure for cloth.wanutaa door yard; a court; a yard.
yard (in length)isht ʋlhpisaa measure; a yard; a bushel; a gallon; a mile; any measure; a badge; an ensign; an emblem; a degree; a figure; a gauge; insignia; a metaphor; a model; a note; an omen; a picture; a plan; a rule; a sample; a scale; a sign; a specimen; a square; a symbol; a symptom; a simile; a test; a token; a type; ninak isht ʋlhpisa, n., watch of the night, Matt. 14:25.isht ʋlhpisa tukloa fathom; two yards; two measures.
yard starsfichik isi nʋhla silhhithe yard stars; the ell stars; lit., the stars that track the wounded deer.fichik baietathe yard stars.
yardstickiti isht ʋlhpisaa yardstick.nan isht υlhpisaa rule; a carpenter’s square; a measure; a yard; a yardstick; a parable, Mark 12:1; 13:10, 53; 15:15.
yarnchukfi hishi itapana achʋfaone hank of woolen yarn.chukfi hishi shʋnawoolen yarn.ponolacotton; cotton thread or yarn; a filament; linen ponola, linen yarn, 1 Kings 10:28; a cord, Josh. 2:15.
yarrowfʋni hasimbish holbayarrow or wild tansy.
yawlpenia boat; a trough; a barge; a yawl; a skiff; a canoe; peni o̱, a ship, Matt. 9:1; peni chukowama, when he was entered into a ship, Matt. 8:23; peni asho̱, the ship, Matt. 8:24; a pirogue; a ship, Luke 5:2, 3; Matt. 14:13, 24, 32, 33; pehni ʋt ala, the boat has arrived; a ferry; peni ʋto, the ship, Matt. 14:24.penushia skiff; a yawl; a small boat; an ark, such as Moses lay in when found by Pharaoh’s daughter, John 21:8.
yawnchisemosing., to stretch the limbs, or the body; to yawn.hawato gape; to yawn.yichinato stretch the limbs; to yawn; to exert; to flounce; to flounder; to strain; to struggle; to toil.
yehʋchinom. case of neuter, and passive verbs, 2 per. plu., you; ye or you; hʋchinusi, you are asleep; hʋchilli, ye die; hʋchinukshopa na, Luke 2:10; hʋchitalakchi, you are tied; hʋchiachukma, you are good, Matt. 5:48.hʋchia2d per. plu., ye or you; na hollo hʋchiahoke, Matt. 5:13, 14, 45; see chia; hʋchiama, Matt. 12:34; ye, Matt. 15:7; 16:3; hʋchia hokʋto, ye, Josh. 1:14; hʋchia kʋt, Matt. 12:34.hʋchik2d per. pl., neg. form, ye or you; hʋchikminto, ye do not come; hʋchik chohmokashke, Matt. 6:2; hʋchikayʋmihchokashke, Matt. 6:1.hʋchishnopron. pl., ye or you; hʋchishno a̱, Matt. 7:1; hʋchishnoma, you also; hʋchishnomʋt, ye also.hʋsye or you, as hʋssʋthana, ye know me; hʋssiachi, ye say of me, Matt. 16:15; hʋssʋmashke, Josh. 2:13.hʋshye or you, 2d per. pl., nom. case, before active verbs, as hʋshia, Matt. 5:44, 47, 48; 6:1, 2; 13:14.
yeaomeyea, Matt. 5:37.yauyes; yea; yau, chitokaka ma, Matt. 9:28; 13:51; some persons say yoh, but it is not in the best taste.
yearafʋmmaiyukaliannually; yearly; each year.afʋmmito be a year, as ont afʋmmi.afʋmmia year; also a yearling, Josh. 5:6, 12; ilʋppʋt afʋmmi atuchina mako̱, “these three years,” Luke 13:7; afʋmmi pokoli untuchina akocha ushta, 84 years, Luke 2:37.afʋmmi achʋfaone year; a twelve-month; afʋmmi hosh afʋmmikma, “from year to year.”afʋmmi iklʋnnahalf a year.afʋmmi tahlepa achʋfakmaevery century; every hundred years.afʋmmi tahlepa sipokni achʋfaa thousand years; the millennium.afʋmmi tuchinakmatriennial.afʋmmi iklʋnnasemiannual.afʋmmi hannalisexennial.afʋmmi untukloseptennial.afʋmmi untuklokmaseptennially.afʋmmikmayearly; annually; every year, Luke 2:41.himak afʋmmithis year; the present year.
yearlingatampaa yearling.wak ʋtampaa yearling; one over a year old and under two years.
yearling cowwak afʋmmia yearling cow.
yearnnukha̱kloto feel sorrow; to exercise compassion; to commiserate; to sorrow; to spare; to yearn; to be sorry, Matt. 14:9; to bewail; to lament; to mourn; to compassionate; to deplore; to moan; to repent; to wail; isht nukha̱klo, v. t., to lament; to regret; to weep; to sigh; to mourn for; i̱nukha̱kloli, i̱sanukha̱klo; iti̱nnukha̱klo, to pity each other; i̱nukha̱klo, to pity; to be moved with compassion, Matt. 14:14; ibanukha̱klo, v. a. i., to sympathize with; to sympathize; ibanukha̱klo, a., sympathetic; ibanukha̱klo, n., sympathy.
yellpa̱yaa cry; a whoop; a yell; a clamor; an exclamation; a waṟyaa crier; one who halloos, whoops, yells; a recreant; one who cries for mercy in a contest; a̱yʋchito cause him to cry; to make him whoop, etc.tahpʋlato shout; to scream; to halloo; to call after; to exclaim; to shriek; to vociferate; to yell; tahpʋlʋt okla mʋt, they (2) cried out; to cry, Matt. 12:19; 14:26; 15:22; isht tahpʋla, v. t.; tapahanla, freq.tahpʋlaa shout; a shouter; an exclamation; an outcry; a shriek; a yell.tasalipl., to whoop; to scream; to yell; to shout; nanta hosh tasali, Acts 7:57; intasali, v. t., to whoop for him.
yellingtasahapl., a shouting; a whooping; a screaming; a yelling.
yellowalaknaripe; yellow; rusty.alaknaripened; rusted; turned yellow.alaknato ripen; to turn yellow; to rust; to be ripe.laknayellow; russet; saffron; ripe; iklakno, a., unripe, as pumpkins; lakna, v. n., to be yellow.laknadyed yellow; rusted; turned yellow; colored yellow; painted yellow.laknayellow.laknʋbirusty; ripened or yellow, as fruit turned yellow.laknʋbito be rusty; to rust, as wheat; to turn yellow.laknʋchito rust; to turn it yellow; to color yellow; to dye yellow; to paint yellow; to saffron.nan isht laknυchicopperas; yellow dyestuff.
yellow feverabeka laknathe yellow fever; jaundice; lit., yellow sickness.
yellow hammerfitukhakname of a bird often called the yellow hammer, or yellow woodcock.
yellow jacketyakni foithe yellow jacket’s nest or comb; a yellow jacket; a small yellow wasp.yakni foishkea yellow jacket; a small yellow wasp.
yellow pinetiak hobʋkyellow pine.
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