Browse English



uproarshakapaa loud noise; a hallooing; a fuss; a hubbub; an uproar; a shout, 1 Sam. 4:5, 6.yahapaa screaming; a shouting; a racket; a riot; a shout; an uproar.
uproottehlipl., to pull up; to pluck up; to extirpate.
uprootedtehaplucked up; pulled up; tanchi ʋt tiha; pa̱shi ʋt tiha; onush ʋt tiha; tihat taha, extirpated; rooted up, Matt. 15:13.
upsetfilimmising., to turn it over; to come about; to upset; to turn away, 1 Kings 11:2, 3, 4; holisso ha̱ filimmi, to turn the book over; filihi̱mi, Josh. 7:8; mahli hʋt filimmi, v. a. i., the wind turns.kinʋffising., to fell; to throw down; to break down; to overthrow; to demolish; to overset; to subvert; to unsettle; to upset, John 2:15; chant kinʋffi, to chop down; isht oktʋpa kinʋffi, to undam; ilo̱kinʋffi, to throw himself on; itakinʋffi, to divide; to cause to fall from each other, as the waters of the Red Sea; to separate; o̱kinʋffit okpʋni, to overwhelm.
upside downhlipelito turn over; to turn bottom side up; to lay anything with the face toward the earth; to invert; to overthrow; to reverse.
upstarttu̱shpat holitopa tobaan upstart.
upstream part of a riveribetʋpthe fountain; the source; the head, as of a water course; the part of a water course between you and the fountain, as sokbish is the other part; the upstream part of a river, Josh. 3:13, 16; 15:19.
upwardʋba immaupward; high.ʋba pilaupward.ʋba pillaupward; on high; away up; far up; heavenward; to heaven; in heaven.
urbanenuktanlacoy; dispassionate; grave; modest; patient; peaceable; placid; tender; serious; sober; tranquil; urbane; see nuktʋla.yohbimild; serene; pleasant; fine; halcyon; lenient; meek; pacific; pure; urbane.
urchinʋlla haksi“a sauce box;” a tomboy; an urchin.
urethrahoshu̱wa amintithe urethra.
urgentchilitafierce; ardent; zealous; resolute; brave; animated; doughty; intent; keen; masculine; rude; sharp; spirited; strenuous; urgent, Josh. 1:14.
urinatehoshu̱wato state; to discharge urine; to void water; to urinate; to water; to “make water.”
urinehoshu̱waurine; the liquor secreted in the bladder; chamber lye.
Ursa Majorfichik issubathe stars called the pointers, or dipper, or butcher case, that point toward the North Star; lit., the horse star.
ushʋpiper. pron. us, ob. case, 1st per., social pl., before active transitive verbs, as hʋpipesa, he sees us, i. e., all of us; hʋpiakaiya, to follow us, Matt. 15:23.hʋpimper. pron., us, 1st per. social pl. in the dative case before verbs that begin with a vowel and usually translated with a prep., as to, for, of, etc., as hʋpimanoli, he told us; hʋpimanumpuli, he spake to us.hʋpishnoobj. case, us.pius; obj. case, before active transitive verbs; pipesa, he sees us; ishpitihlelikma, thou sendest us, Josh. 1:16.pi̱dative case and usually translated with a prep., as, of us, for us, from us, to us, etc., and found before words beginning as stated under pi̱; ishpi̱miha, thou commandest us, Josh. 1:16.pi̱poss. pron., 1st per. pl., us, our; removed from the noun in the nom. and placed before the verb, as tʋli holisso pi̱hotina, he has counted our money, or, he has counted the money for us.pimpre. per. pron., 1st per. pl., in the dative case before active transitive verbs beginning with a vowel, and to be rendered generally with a prep.; as pimanumpuli, talk to us.pishno1st per. pl., obj. case, us, Luke 3:14; pishno ʋto, we, in contrast with thee; i. e., the disciples and the Savior, John 4:22; Matt. 17:19.
useisht ʋttabusiness; employment; a function; an occupation; an office; use.nana kanihchito do something with; to treat; to use; to manage; to punish.
usedhlipaold; having been long used; threadbare; trite, Josh. 9:4.tahadone; gone; finished; completed; exhausted; used; passed; intaiyaha, Matt. 11:1;
used toachayato be wont; to be accustomed to a place, as animals; wak ʋt achayʋt taha, the cattle are wont; ikachayo, a., unwonted.
usualatakusual. It is perhaps compounded of tak with a ha or ya prefix, as in these examples: takon ʋt ʋpaka yʋmohmi hatak, yohmi kia ʋpa ka yohmi tak; see tak.chokʋmousual; wont; the said; the definite known one; cho has the sense of cha in chatuk.
usuallyataka colloquial word, not elegant nor used in solemn style; always so; usually; commonly; bekaalways; commonly; usually; only; merely; simply; totally; hitherto, Acts 23:1; Luke 20:20; yohmi beka, he does so always; yʋmmak beka, that one only; beka is used in speaking of the customary actions of one who is dead, while chatuk is used in speaking of such actions of one who is yet alive; chatuk connects a past act with present time, beka does okcommonly; usually; always; ever.chatokto have been always so; to have been usually so; was so always; tok is the sign of the remote past tense and not connected with the present.chatukusually has been and still is, etc.; commonly; usually.chokʋmo(for kʋmo, see under letter k) always; usually; connected with verbs when general customs, habits, truths are expressed, see chatok; hakloli chokʋmo, I always have heard it.keusually; commonly, as kanche ke, isht anumpule ki, John 3:34; Luke 4:27.takusually; commonly; a colloquial word.
utensilisht to̱ksʋlia tool; a utensil; an implement; an instrument.
utmostaiʋhlifinite; last; utmost.isht aiopithe last one; the one who is last; conclusion; finis; the hindmost; the rear; the upshot; utmost.
utteranumpulito talk; to speak, Joshua 1:1; to utter; to say, Matt. 17:4; to say a word; to pray, Matt. 6:9; to preach, Luke 3:3; to chat; to declaim; to deliver; to discourse; to enunciate; to exhort; to express; to gab; to gabble; to harangue; to lecture; to mention; to observe; to phrase; to pronounce; to reason; to tattle; to word; imanumpuli, v. t., to talk to him; to counsel; to deal with; to exhort; to expostulate; to rebuke; to reprehend; to read, as holisso imanumpuli; im anumpuli, n., a reader; isht anumpuli, to talk about; to advocate; to comment; to descant; to preach; to plead; to praise; ikanumpolo, nas. form, v. a. i., a., dumb; unsocial; isht anumpuli, to talk about, Matt. 7:22; yʋmmakosh ahʋchi anumpulʋhi oka, which shall speak in you, Matt. 10:20; aiitimanumpuli, Matt. 12:4; to read, Josh. 8:35; anumponli, nasal form, v. a. i., and a.; ʋbanumpa isht anumpohonli, preaching, Matt. 12:41; itimanumpuli, to speak with him; chitimanumpuli, to speak with thee; anumpohonli, freq.; isht imanumpohonli, to speak to them by, Matt. 12:46, 47; anumpoyuli, pro. form; itimanumpuli, v. t., to converse together; to talk together; to commune; to contest; to discuss; to negotiate; to parley; to reason, Matt. 16:7, 8; isht itimanumpuli, v. t., to reason; itimanumpuli, n., a colloquy; a dialogue; a conference; a parley; isht ishimanumpuli, Matt. 13:10; iti̱nupolih used for itimanumpulih; imanumpuli, v. t., to reprimand; to school; ilanumpuli, to talk to one’s self; isht ilanumpuli, to talk about himself; isht anumpuli, v. t., to handle; to talk about; to intercede; to treat; to vindicate.mihato utter; to say; to bid; to warn; to promise; to direct; to command; to order; to give charge over; to reprove; to denounce; to enjoin; to announce; to import; to instruct; to mean; to profess; to protest; to repeat; to threaten; to twit; i̱miha, to admonish him; to charge him; to menace; i̱miha imanumpuli, to advise him; i̱miha, v. t., to rate; to reprimand; to reproach; to reprove; to upbraid; to constrain; ilemiha, ilamiha, to say of himself, issa̱miha, “bid me;” isht ilemiha, to excuse himself; isht ilemihachi, to excuse himself, ilemiha iksho, a., facile; easy; having nothing to object; iti̱miha, v. t., to promise each other; isht amiha, to speak by means of or on account of; to swear by; i̱miha, n., a monitor; a counselor; mihahatuk; hυchi̱mihalishke, I say unto you; Matt. 4:3; 34, 35, 36; 6:16; 10:15; 11:7; 13:17; 14:7, 8, 22, 28; 16:12, 14, 20; Josh. 4:16, 17; 7:8; 8:4; Luke 3:7, 19; 14:18; 2 Sam. 15:12; 24:13.mishaulterior; utter.
utter a falsehoodholabito lie; to utter a falsehood; to tell a lie; to belie; to fib; iti̱holabi, to lie to each other.