Browse English



unseenlumaoccult; unseen; out of sight; clandestine; close; dim; dormant; disguised; latent; privy; quiescent; recluse; recondite; tacit; underhand; unexposed; unsearchable; Matt. 5:14, hid; Matt. 10:26; 13:44; Josh. 7:21; iklumo, a., naked; undisguised.
unsettlekinʋffising., to fell; to throw down; to break down; to overthrow; to demolish; to overset; to subvert; to unsettle; to upset, John 2:15; chant kinʋffi, to chop down; isht oktʋpa kinʋffi, to undam; ilo̱kinʋffi, to throw himself on; itakinʋffi, to divide; to cause to fall from each other, as the waters of the Red Sea; to separate; o̱kinʋffit okpʋni, to overwhelm.
unsheathshu̱fito take off, Josh, 5:15; to loose a shoe; to take out; to strip off; to slip out; to draw out, Josh. 5:13; to uncover; to ungird a belt; to unhinge; to unsheath; to unstring; i̱shu̱fi, to unbridle; to unclothe; to uncouple; to undress; to unfasten; to unfetter; to unstop; to disengage.
unsoldkanchi keyuunsold; ungranted; unceded.
unsparingilatomba keyuunsparing.
unspottedkashofatidy; unspotted; clean; cleanly; immaculate; pure; neat; null; ikkashofo, a., impure; unclean; uncleansed; unfaded; unpardoned; unrepealed; unwashed.
unstableimanukfila apissanli keyuunstable.
unsteadyilaiyuka takohli shahliunsteady; variable.inla shahlichangeable; addicted to change; unsteady.
unstoptuwito open; to unlock; to broach; to unbar; to unbolt; to unclose; to unfasten; to unfold; to unroll; to unstop.
unstoppedshu̱fasing., taken off; stripped; uncovered; unstopped; i̱shufa, undressed; unfettered.tiwaopened, Matt. 7:7; unlocked; unfolded; unsealed; unstopped, Luke 3:21; Matt. 3:16; Josh. 8:17; open, John 1:51; iktiwo, a., unopened.
unstringmitiffising., to unloose; to untie; to ungird; to unseal; to unstring.shu̱fito take off, Josh, 5:15; to loose a shoe; to take out; to strip off; to slip out; to draw out, Josh. 5:13; to uncover; to ungird a belt; to unhinge; to unsheath; to unstring; i̱shu̱fi, to unbridle; to unclothe; to uncouple; to undress; to unfasten; to unfetter; to unstop; to disengage.
untamablehopoyuksahe keyuuntamable.kostinahe keyuuntamable; implacable; incorrigible; ungovernable; unmanageable.
untamedhonayowild; untamed; shy; ikhonayo, tame; not wild.
untastedishkot ikpesountasted.
unteachableikhʋnahe keyuincomprehensible; inscrutable; unapt; unteachable.
unthankfulaiokpanchi keyuunthankful, Luke 6:35; inattentive; ungenerous; iksʋmaiokpancho at, he is not grateful for what he has of mine [?].
untiehlitoapl., to untie, as it unties.hlitofasing., to untie; to loosen; to get loose; to unwind.hlitoffito untie; to unloose; to loosen; to loose; to unwind; to unbind; to disengage; to disentangle; to unbuckle; to undo; to unfetter; to unshackle; to unstring; i̱hlitoffi, to free him.hlitoffichicaus., to cause to untie, etc.hlitofkʋchipl., to untie; to loosen.hlitohlipl., (hlitoffi sing.), to untie; to unwind; to unloose, Luke 3:16; to unbind; to unlink; see hotofi.hlitohlione who unties, unwinds, etc., more than once, or they who untie.hlitohlichito cause to untie.hotofising., to untie; to unbind; to unwind; to loose, Matt. 16:19; Mark 11:2, 4; holhtufa, pp.hotohlichipl., to untie; to unbind.mitefato get loose; to unloose; to untie.mitehlichito unloose; to untie; to rip; to unravel; to unseal.mitiffising., to unloose; to untie; to ungird; to unseal; to unstring.
untiedhlitofauntied; unloosed; loosened; unwound; disengaged; disentangled; freed; loosed; i̱hlitofa, pp., unfettered.hlitofkʋchipl., untied; unloosed; loosed; unwound.hlitohauntied.hotohlipl., untied; unbound, etc.mitefauntied; ripped.mitehliuntied; loose; ripped.
untiltaklaprep. adv., with; among, 1 Kings 11:20, 21, 22; between; on this side; amid; amidst; till; until, Matt. 1:23 [?]; John 4:40; chitakla hikialahe, 2 Sam. 18:14.ta̱klanas. form, during; while; along; being with; until; in the way, Matt. 5:25; 9:10; 13:25; 14:22; 15:32.
untriedmomaka ikpesountried.
untrueholabilying; false; counterfeit; sham; untrue; iti̱holabi, false to each other.
untrulyholabiuntruly; falsely.
untruthholabia lie; a falsehood; a fable; a fabrication; a falsity; a fib; untruth; a liar; a falsifier; a fibber; a recreant.
unusualyohmi fehna keyuunusual.
unvaluedholitobli keyuunvalued.