Browse Yao'an Loxrlavu - English



hoxo³³🔊v.accompany/sòng/Almer lei a, yar, yar aniux ddox leil sulzzaggie ho mal. 下雨了,她送她的孩子去学校。It was raining, (so) s/he accompanied his/her child to school.ho xo³³
hoxo³³🔊n.elephant大象/dàxiàng/Ho mel yarzi vaer, halae yar ddei zzi ddei paelpae. 大象很大,还有它的皮是灰色的。Elephants are very big, and their skin is grey.ho xo³³
hoxo³³🔊v.collect; gather; look for/zhǎo/Veixr zeil a mel, veixr zzo ho nia. 养猪要找猪食。When raising pigs, the pig food has to be gathered (from the fields and around the edges of the fields).Kax gga goxr dae ca mel var zzor a mel mi gga ho ssi; zzi gga goxr dae ca mel nael vae ssi. 住在农村里的人吃菜是去田里采;城市里的人呢去买。When people living in a village (want to) eat vegetables, (they) go to the field to gather (them); as for people living in the city, (they) buy (them).This word is used with this meaning only when used with the words /sixveix/ 'a flower that grows on old tree trunks 树花', /var/ 'vegetables ' and /veixr zzo/ 'pig food 猪食'. / ho/ 用于‘找’的意思是指找树花,找蔬菜,和找猪食。ho xo³³
hoxo³³🔊1adv.increasingly; more and more; the more/yuè/Eilcar a, ca mel ho bei ho goxrseir a. 现在的人越来越好过了。Now, people have increasingly better lives.Ca hal ddei zabbar-seilseir a sul zza a, ho bei ho yarzi jilir. 那个人好好的读书,所以越来越聪明。That person studies very well, s/he is getting smarter and smarter.Ca hal ddei yarzi sulkuddo; ho bei ho be du lei a. 那个人很能吃苦;越来越富裕了。That person is very hard working; (so s/he) is getting richer and richer.Yar ho vaer ho barver du lei a. 他越大越稳重起来了。The more s/he grows up, the more responsible s/he is.2while一边/yībiān/Ngo yar dax ddar ho biar ho ake gga ddir a. 我一边跟他说话,一边进房子。While speaking with him/her (we) entered the house.Ca mel ho ssi ho sul i a mel, armael meixddur ddei leil nr seir. 人们一边走一边看书,对自己的眼睛不好。If a person reads a book while s/he is walking, it is not good for his/her eyes.This word is used in a construction where it precedes a verb then a second verb or adjective. It is similar to the word /zzae/ which is used to express several conditions and is placed between adjectives. It also is similar to the adverb /no/ which has been glossed 'furthermore; and even; again', except that /no/ is used to emphasize an action and is placed between a verb which is repeated. The adverb /bbeix/ is placed between nouns and emphasizes quantity. 此字用于这样一个词语的结构中:放在一个动词前面,第二个 / ho/ 后面可以跟着动词或形容词。与 /zzae/ 字相似(放在两个形容词当中)。也与副词 /no/ 相似(有‘又’,‘甚至’,‘此外’之意);不过 /no/ 是用于强调一个行动,放在两个一样的动词当中。副词 /bbeix/ 放在名词当中,强调数量。Compare 另见bbeixnonr nor azzaeho xo³³
hoxo³³🔊realis完成时already; after; completed; finished以后/yǐhòu/Ngo eil ddei bei teixl ho a, kebal miar bei nia. 我做完这以后,要做别的活。After I have finished this, (I) have to do another task.Ngo miar bei jjia ho a. 我做完活了。I have completed all my tasks.Yar halae zu-nr-cur seir, ngo dder almeixr zzor ji ho a. 她还没睡醒,我就已经吃饭了。S/he still had not woken up, (and) I had finished eaten.Compare 另见baeqietorxiar har hoxilmeir leilqixl tʃʰi̠⁶⁶
hoxo³³🔊n.saddle/ān/Mur leil zzaegu jix a mel, mur ho dexl nia. 要马驮东西,就要安上马鞍。If (someone) is going to have a horse carry something, a saddle needs to be put on.Mur zzaer a mel ho dexl gex nia; nrnga a mel, sirddurbex ddei zzaer no. 骑马要放上鞍;要不然,骑得屁股疼。When riding a horse, use the saddle, otherwise the buttocks will hurt.ho xo³³
hoxo³³🔊ǎi/Loxrlamo pia naexr a mel, hoba mae ho ssi nia. 缝彝族人的衣服,要先去买布。When the Yi women make clothes, (they) first must go buy cloth.This verb can only be used with cloth. For buying other things the verb /vae/ is used.此动词只能用于买衣服。买其它的东西用 /vae/ 字。Compare 另见vaevae væ³³
ho xo³³v.take root生根/shēnggēn/Loxlmoxr mel yarji ho nr var a merni ddux lei a, cirleixr dder lexl hie zzu gger a. 庄稼不会生根的话,太阳出来,马上就晒干了。If the grain does not take root, (when) the sun comes out, it will quickly dry and wither upner nə²¹
hoxo³³🔊v.give a gift/sòng/Ngo ddei gaxggor carbeix leil fu a, ngo yar leil zzirbae ho. 我的朋友嫁人我送她钱。(When) my friend gets married, I (will) give her money.Ngo yar leil zzaegu ho a lei, yar ngo leil bei-nr-jjiu. 虽然我送他东西,他没有帮助我。Though I gave him/her something, s/he did not help me.Vixlux mel hazzi igax zae, yel arseir lei zzicarzzi leil vixlux ho. 花很好看,所以谁都互相送花。Flowers are very pretty, so everyone gives flowers to each other.This word is also used when bribing an official. 此字用于也贿赂官员。Compare 另见lahoneir hoho xo³³
hoxo³³🔊v.serve food/bǎi/Ngo zzo ho teixl a, zzo zzor cexr a. 我摆好饭了可以吃饭了。After I have served the food, (I) can eat.It means placing the food on the table (or floor) so it is ready to eat. It doesn't ha/表示把菜摆上桌子或地上,可以开始吃了。不必只用在给客人上菜。Compare 另见neir hoho xo³³
hobaxo³³pa³³🔊adv.first/xiān/Ni hoba ake jjixr. Arleixr hher a, ngo jjixr lei a. 你先回家,我等一下会来。You first go home. After a while, I'm coming back.Compare 另见helserxilmeirzaxrhoba xo³³pa³³
hobbe🔊亲家公/qìngjiā gōng/Ngo ssormaer yoxrpor ddei mel ngo ddei hobbe nga a. 我女儿的公公是我的亲家公。My daughter's husband's father is my co-father-in-law.Compare 另见homohobbe
holxo⁵⁵🔊adv.there那里/nàlǐ/Nia allur taex zza zza dae? Hol zza dae. Ni vei si la. 你们的锅有没有在着?在那里呢,你拿来。Do you have a pot? There is one over there. Take it.1. This word /hol/ is used moslty by the older generation. Young people would use /halmaex/. /hol/ 字多半只有老人用。年青人多半用 /halmaex/。It was reported that this word is not used in the village of ZhangJia.据说张家村那里不用此字。Compare 另见nol
holbbaexlxo⁵⁵bæ̠⁶⁶🔊RHET Q反问式难道/nándào/Holbbaexl, ngo bei cox a? 难道,我做错了?Did I do wrong? (No.)Note: The words: /neil/, /ngo/, /bbeixleir/, /holbbaexl, are words that mark rhetorical questions. The word /neil/ can be used to confirm information as in, /Eil ddei zzor cexr cexr neil?/ 'This can be eaten, can't it?' Or it can have a sense of rebuking as in, /Ni arsaenga a, eine bei neil?/ 'Why did you do this?" The word /ngo/ is used confirm information, as in: /Ni ngo leil hol-nr-cir a ngo?/ 'You don't remember me, do you? The word /leir/ commuicates irritation, as in: /Ni azo bei leir?/ What (in the world) are you doing? The /bbeixleir/ is similar to the /leir/; it communicates irritation: /Ni azo ar ddei meddu zza bbeixleir?/ 'What do you have to say for yourself?" /holbbaexl/ is the only one of these words that occurs at the beginning of the clause and simply marks a rhetorical question, as in: Holbbaexl, ngo bei cox a? 'Did I do what was wrong?' (No.)Compare 另见bbeixleirneilngoholbbaexl xo⁵⁵bæ̠⁶⁶
holcirxo⁵⁵tsʰɿ²¹🔊v.remember记住/jìzhù/Ni, ni zzuxci ddei arddolmaex dol a arleixr holcir. 你回忆一下你的钥匙放在哪里了。Remember, where did you put the key.Ngo ni leil miardal dae mel, holcir dae nia! 我吩咐你的,要记住!You must remember what I told you to do!holqir xo⁵⁵tʃʰi²¹
holpixlxo⁵⁵pʰi̠⁶⁶🔊adv.wastefully浪费/làngfèi/Aniux hal ddox mel almeixr zzor a, yarzi zzor holpixl a, cirmaex-hanga lei almeixr a nga! 那个孩子吃饭很浪费,到处都是米饭!When that child eats, (s/he eats) very wastefully, there is rice everywhere!This is for food, not money; that word is /zoxl/./holpixl/ 是指浪费食物,浪费钱是用 /zoxl/。Compare 另见zoxlhoxlpixl xo̠⁶⁶pʰi̠⁶⁶
homo xo³³mo³³亲家母/qìngjiāmǔ/Ngo ssormaer yoxrmo ddei mel ngo ddei homo nga a. 我女儿的婆婆是我的亲家母。My daughter's husband's mother is my co-mother-in-law.Compare 另见hobbehomo xo³³mo³³
hor xo²¹DISC话语(word expressing anger or urgency)(话语[生气;急迫的感觉])(huàyǔ [shēngqì; jípò de gǎnjué])Ngo capor hal ddei leil bbeix: "Ni ni maerssor leil tor nr deil hor!" 我对那个男人说:“你不要再打你的妻子了!”I told that man, "Don't hit your wife!"Ni tor nr nge hor!" 你别再哭了!Don't cry!Ni nialnga ssi hor! 你赶快走了!Go quickly!This particle is to show a lot of urgent feeling. It also includes the ideas of entreating someone or pleading with someone to do something./hor/ 这个小品词表现了生气或紧急的意思。包含恳求某人做些什么事。hor xo²¹
hor xo²¹n.meat/ròu/Hor mel hormo yoxr nei zza: yix hor, veixr hor, niur hor lei zza. 肉有好几种:鸡肉,猪肉,牛肉也有。As for meat, there are many kinds: there is chicken, pork and beef.Compare 另见horhor-zzizzihorpiuhorseixl
hor xo²¹
horbuzidal xo²¹pɤ³³tsɿ³³ta⁵⁵n.brown sugar and egg soup红糖煮鸡蛋/hóngtáng zhǔ jīdàn/Xiu mu a mel, horbuzidal dda nia. 生完孩子一个月,要喝红糖煮鸡蛋。During the month of rest after giving birth, (the mother) should drink the brown sugar and boiled egg soup.horbuzidal ~ horbozidalloanNote 注意:借词 horbujidaxl xo²¹pɤ³³tʃi³³ta̠⁶⁶
horcu xo²¹tsʰɥ³³n.grilled meat烤肉/kǎo ròu/Halleix ngua ye tor seir a, zoxlzoxl a horcu cu lel, yarzi zzorci. horqu xo²¹tʃʰy³³
horhor-zzizzi xo²¹-ho²¹-dzɿ³³-dzɿ³³idiom习语food and drink酒肉/ǰiǔ ròu/Eilni hal hhexr ggie baxl; yel ngua yaa dax horhor-zzizzi zzor ssi a. 今天那家办喜事,所以我们去他们家吃肉喝酒。Today that family is putting on a wedding; so we are going to eat and drink with them.Gulsixl goxr a mel, kax gga ca mel horhor-zzizzi nei hexzzi vei dae a, seirpormar leil zi ssi. 过年了,村里的人拿着酒肉和香去祭树神。When celebrating the Spring Festival, the people in the village take food, drink and incense, (and) go offer them to the local spirit.Compare 另见horzzibbaerhorhor-zzizzi xo²¹-ho²¹-dzɿ³³-dzɿ³³
hormo xo²¹mo³³1pron.however much/many; that much/many多少/duōshǎo/Ni hormo zza mel, hormo gger. 你有多少,给多少。However much you have, give that much.2adv.a lot; lots很多/hěn duō/Ca hal ddei mel zzirbae hormo zza. 那个人有很多的钱!That person has lots of money!Yar hallae hormo goxrsol si lei a; nael eilleix goxrseir dae a. 她以前过了很多苦日子,但是现在好过了。In the past s/he suffered a lot, but now he is doing well.3Qhow many; how much多少/duōshǎo/Ca hal ddei zzirbae hormo zza? 那个人有多少钱?How much money does this person have?1. When using the question word /hormo/ 'how many/much', the number classifier /-ler/ is used when quantifying nouns that take the generic classivier /ddei/. If the nouns take other classifiers, those classifiers are used rather than /-ler/. The number classifiers are written attached to the numbers so, to stay consistent, the /-ler/ is also attached to the question word /hormo/. 用 /hormo/ '几, 多少' 在问句中时,数字量词 /-ler/ 用在一般量词 /ddei/ 上。若是该名词有不同的量词,那么该量词就该被使用。When /-ler/ is attached to /hormo/ the /-mo/ syllable changes to the high tone, i.e. /hormol/, but it is still written /hormo/.数字量词 /-ler/ 通常跟在数字后面,所以 /-ler/ 也照样跟在 /hormo/ 后面,但 /hormo/ 要变成55调 (*hormol),但是还是写的(hormo)。Compare 另见hormo dirhormo koxl loxrhormolerhormo nei hormohormosaelhormo xo²¹mo³³
hormo (i) dil xo²¹mo³³ (i³³) ti⁵⁵1adv.a lot很多/hěn duō/Yar no i a, zzirbae hormo i dil a. 他看病,看了很多钱。(When) s/he saw the doctor, it cost a lot./dil// in this context means 'used'./dil/ 的意思是‘用掉’。2Qhow much多少/duōshǎo/Arni nia zalbbaer almeixr zzor ssi a, almeixr zzor a hormo zzor dil a? 昨天你们去外边吃饭,吃了多少?Yesterday when you went out to eat, how much did you eat?Note: Different verbs can be put substituted in the parentheses.hormo (i) del xo²¹mo³³ i³³ tə⁵⁵
hormo ardae nr goxr seir xo²¹mo⁵⁵ a²¹tɛ³³ n̩²¹ ko̠ʔ²¹ se²¹adv.a short time没过多久/méi guò duō jiǔ/Yarbbor si ho a, hormo ardae nr goxr seir, yarma yoxl si a. 她爸爸死后,还没过多久,她妈妈又死了。After his/her father died, after a short time his/her mother also died.1. /yarbbor/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /arbbor/; /yarma/ is the combination of /yar-/ and /ama/. /yarbbor/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /arbbor/ 的组合词; /yarma/ 是 /yar-/ 和 /ama/ 的组合词。This temporal ADV phrase can be interchanged with the other similar /hormo ardae nr .../ or /hormo arleixr nr .../ temporal phrases.这个时间性副词片語可以与其他类似的时间性副词片語交换,如:/hormo ardae nr .../ 或 /hormo arleixr nr .../。Compare 另见hormo ardae nr nga seirhormo ardae nr ssahormo arleixr nr goxrseirhormo arleixr nr nga seirhormo arleixr nr ssahormo arleixr nr nga seir xo²¹mo⁵⁵ a²¹ɮe̠²¹ n̩²¹ ŋa³³ se²¹