Browse English



palmhaksichito beguile, Josh. 9:22; to cheat; to deceive; to bewitch; to bilk; to impose upon; to mislead; to overreach; to delude; to befool; to abuse; to cajole; to coax; to surprise; to make drunk; to get drunk; to intoxicate; to cozen; to bribe; to lead astray; to deafen; to debauch; to decoy; to defraud; to delude; to disguise; to dishonor; to dupe; to fascinate; to fool; to fuddle; to gull; to inebriate; to juggle; to lure; to muddle; to overreach; to palm; to reach; to reduce; to sharp; to sponge; to stun; to swindle; to tantalize; to trick; isht haksichi, v. t., to cheat with; to bribe; ilehaksichi, to deceive himself, Gal. 6:3; haksinchi, nasal form, haksihinchi, freq., v. t.pashohlipl. of potoli, v. t., to feel of; to rub; to stroke; to handle, as a horse; to palm.
palm of the handibbak pʋtathe palm of the hand; lit., the spread hand; ibbak pʋtha, palms of her hands, 2 Kings 9:35.
palmettotalapalmetto; also the name of a weed.talimushihigh palmetto.
palpablepotola hinlapalpable.
palpitatemitiklising., to beat; to throb; to palpitate.mitikminlipl., to beat; to throb; to pulsate; to palpitate.nukbimikʋchito palpitate.nukbimimkʋchito palpitate.nukkitekʋchito palpitate; to flutter, as in the stomach.nuktimichito palpitate quickly; chu̱kʋsh ʋt nuktimichi.nukwimekʋchito shake or tremble; to palpitate, as after an effort at running.takʋnhato teeter; to palpitate at the pit of the stomach.timiklito beat; to throb; to palpitate; chu̱kʋsh ʋt timikli.
palpitationmitikminlia beating; a throbbing; a palpitation; the pulse.nukbimikʋchia palpitation.nukkitekʋchipalpitation of the heart; pulsation of the heart, caused by fever as some say; chu̱kʋsh nukkitekʋchi.nukwimekʋchia palpitation; an agitation of the heart, after violent running.
palsiedhaknip illipalsied.
palsyhaknip illi ʋbithe palsy.haknip illichito palsy.palsipalsy. It is more natural to a Choctaw to say palisi than palsi.wʋnnichian ague fit; a shake; palsy; a quake; a waver; a shivering; a shudder; a trembling; tremor.
paltryiskitinising., small; little, Matt. 18:2; diminutive; paltry; petty; puny; scanty; acute or high as to sound; fine, in music; chipunta, pl. Some Choctaw use the word chaha.makalimean; worthless; abject; base; contemptible; degenerate; ignoble; ignominious; insignificant; low; niggardly; paltry; poor; scabbed; scandalous; scurrilous; sordid; underhand; unmanly; vulgar;
pamphletholisso hakshup ikshoa pamphlet.
panaiʋlwʋshaa frying pan.amphʋtaa plate; a pan; pottery; crockery.ampmahaiaa griddle; a broad, shallow pan for baking cakes.ampoa bowl; a pan; crockery; earthenware; pottery; a vessel.ampo mahaiaa pan, 2 Sam. 13:9.apʋlaa frying pan or anything in which to carry a torch or a light; usually applied to a frying pan, because it was used to carry a light by those who hunted game in the night. The light was made of fat pine knots or wood cut and split fine.asonak hʋta maihatin pan (maiha = wide).asonak mʋlhhaa tin pan.awahlʋlli iskitinia saucepan; a small boiler.haiyu̱kpulo awahlʋllia saucepan.haksuna priming pan.haksun aionchiyathe priming pan.hituk aionchiyaa pan; a priming pan.mʋlhaa tin pan.nushkobo tabokakathe pan; the top of the head; the pate.
panderhaui pehlichit nowato act the whoremonger; to pander.
paneapisa achʋfaa pane of glass; a pane.
panghotupaa hurt; a pain; an offense; a pang; persecution; smart; a sore; a throe; torture; travail.
pantbʋnnato want; to desire; to wish, Matt. 5:42; to crave; to seek, Luke 6:19; to will, Matt. 14:5; to gape; to long; to need; to pant; to strive; to water, as the mouth waters; ikbʋnno, nas. form ikchibʋnnokashke, thou shalt not wish; baiyana, pro. form, abʋnna, to want of or for; in want of, Matt. 6:8; to need, Matt. 6:32; ikbaiyʋnno, a., not willing; ikbʋnno, a., averse; loath; reluctant; unwilling; v. n., to be averse.bufbohlito pant for breath, as a man in a fever.fiopat tahato pant.fohuklito pant or puff, like a laboring ox; to blow.fotukfunlito be out of breath; to pant hard like a running horse.hahkato loll; to pant from fatigue or from heat or from overexertion; wak ʋt hahka, the cow lolls; ofi ʋt hahka, the dog lolls; fakit ʋt hahka; aka̱ka yʋt hahka the hen lolls.shutukshonlito breathe quick and hard, as in speaking Choctaw loud and fast; to pant.
pantaloonobala fokaa pantaloon; pantaloons; breeches; trousers; drawers; overalls; hose.
pantherkoia tiger; a panther; a catamount; a jaguar.
papipi̱shikthe teat; the breast; the nipple; the bag; the dug; the pap; an udder, Luke 23:29.ohoyo ipi̱shika woman’s breast; a pap.
papai̱kihis father (Matt. 15:5); her father; father; sire; fatherhood; papa; a procreator; abba; I̱ki, the Father, Matt. 11:27; 16:27; I̱ki o̱, Father, Rom. 8:15; Chihowa akosh i̱ki yo̱, Jehovah was a father to him, John 5:18; hʋchii̱ki, Matt. 18:14; Josh. 1:6.
paperaholissopaper.holissoa book; a writing; a letter; a paper; a volume; a brief; the Bible; Scripture, Luke 4:21; a character; a letter or figure used to form words; a composition; an essay; a dissertation; a gazette; handwriting; an instrument; a ledger; a manuscript; a mark to shoot at made of paper; a note; o̱holisso, an inscription; a minute; a magazine; a pamphlet; a pass; a passport; a permit; a piece; a print; a receipt; a record; a remark; a roll; a safe conduct; a schedule; Scripture; a suffrage; a table; a title; a tome; a transcript; a treatise; a volume; a vote; a warrant; a work; isht holisso, of whom it is written, Matt. 11:10.holisso hlilafaa piece of torn paper; a slip of paper; a bit of paper; a ticket; a butt, used as a mark; a certificate, because written on a small piece of paper.holisso pʋtaa spread paper; a paper spread out.holisso tohbiwhite paper; writing paper.
paper (apply wallpaper)holisso alapalachito paper, as a room.
paper makerholisso ikbibook making; the author of a book; one who makes a book; a printer; an editor; a paper maker; a bookman.
paper millholisso aiikbia printing office; a paper mill.holisso atobaa paper mill; a type.
paper moneyholisso lapushkia bank bill; a bank note; paper money.tʋli holisso tapuskia bank bill; paper money.
papered (wallpapered)holisso alapalipapered.