Browse English



parerluffia husker; a parer.luhlia parer.
paringhakshup lufaa paring.hakshup lufapl., parings.isht luhlian instrument for paring; a parer.
parrakeetkili̱kkia species of parrot; a parrakeet.
parricidei̱ki ishki ʋbia parricide.
partfilamohlechito turn them away from it or them; to separate from and turn away; to part them from each other; mikmʋt iti̱filamohlechikmʋt, and when he separated them from each other, Matt. 25:32; late edition, iti̱filamohlichi.fullottokʋchising., to part; to move suddenly, as if by a twitch.kashapaa half; a part; a division; a proportion; a share; a snack.kashʋblising., to divide; to separate; to part; to subtract; itakashʋbli, v. t., to half; to separate from each other into two parts; to sunder.kashkoadivisions; parts; portions.tushafaa piece; a fraction; a part; a scrap; a slice, Matt. 17:27; pʋska tushafa sapeta, give me a piece of bread.tushahlichito cut in pieces; to break into pieces, Matt. 14:19; to divide; to part; to shave; pʋska ya̱ tushahlichi, to break up the bread; to haggle; to mince; to nip; itatushahlichi, to break in pieces; Luke 24:30.
part waychakpabeing part way; not midway; iti chakpa; nitak i̱chakpa.chakpato be part way; to be not midway.
partakeishkoto drink, Matt. 6:31; to imbibe; to partake; to sup; to take, ikishko, Matt. 11:18; ihi̱shko, drinking, Matt. 11:19.
partake withibata̱klato partake with, Matt. 23:30; to be among, Josh. 3:10.
partakerishia taker; a seizer; a holder; a maintainer; an obtainer; a partaker; a receiver; a winner.
partedkashapadivided, as a part, in two; parted; subtracted; itakashapa, divided into two; halved; separated; sundered; divided against itself, Matt. 12:25; ikkashapo, a., undivided.tʋpasevered; parted; broken in two; clipped; disjointed; dissevered; separated; topped; noshkobo tʋpa, beheaded; tʋbli, v. t.tʋptuaparted; severed; separated; cropped.
partialkanimachipartial; ikkanimancho, a., impartial; pp., unbiased; ikkanimancho, n., impartiality; kanimanchi keyu, pp., unbiased; “is no respecter,” Acts 10:34.kanimachito be partial; to despise. Matt. 5:44; 18:10; to act partially; kanimanchi, nasal form, to act with partiality; Matt. 6:24; kanimachilahe keyu, to despise.
partiallychohmisomewhat; in some degree; measurably; moderately; in a limited degree; to some extent; partly; partially; hardly; like; pretty; scarcely; tolerably; achukma chohmi, kapʋssa chohmi.
particlechipintasiparticles.iskitinisia jot; a small quantity; a particle; a whit.
particularfehnamuch; very; real; own, John 1:41; self; exceeding; excessive; exorbitant; intense; intimate; intrinsic; mighty; particular; passing, as passing strange; peculiar; quite.
partitionitintaklaa partition; presence, as before anyone.kʋshkoaa division; a partition; itakʋshkoa, n., a partition.
partlychohmisomewhat; in some degree; measurably; moderately; in a limited degree; to some extent; partly; partially; hardly; like; pretty; scarcely; tolerably; achukma chohmi, kapʋssa chohmi.
partneritapelaa partner; see itʋpela.itauayaa marriage; a couple; a partner; a partnership; a spouse.itʋpelaa help; a helper; a partner; an ally; a colleague; mutual helps, Luke 5:7.itichapamates; a pair; a mate; a fellow; a partner; a partnership.
partnershipitapelachia copartnership; a firm.itauayaa marriage; a couple; a partner; a partnership; a spouse.itibafokaa mixture; a junction; a partnership.itichapamates; a pair; a mate; a fellow; a partner; a partnership.
partridgekofia quail, called by some at the south a partridge, where the partridge of the north is not known; a partridge.kofi chitoa guinea hen; a pintado; a partridge.
partyoklaa people; a tribe; a nation; citizens; folks; persons; men; population, 2 Sam. 24:2; a tongue; a multitude, Matt. 8:1; inhabitants; they, i. e., mankind, animals, and things, John 1:37 (when employed in this manner as a pronoun the particle pronoun t is omitted); a community; a party; a region; applied to boats, as isht iʋt okla, Luke 5:7; Spani okla, Spanish people; people of Spain; Spaniards; Miliki okla, American people; people of America; Americans. In this way it corresponds to national adjectives, as French, etc.; Pʋsk okla, Bread people, Pascagolians [Pascagoula]; Chahta okla talaia, the one nation, or the single tribe of Choctaw; hatak ʋpi humma, okla taloha puta, all Indian tribes; hatak toli okla, a ball-playing people; okla ibbak, their hands, Matt. 15:2; imokla i̱holitopa, a., patriotic; okla, following a verb, is dual, as anumpulit oklatok, preceding a verb it is plural; see John 9:23, 24; oklaachi, they say, i. e., people say; Matt. 11:18; oklat achi, all the people say, i. e., the people say; hatak ashosh okla nukhlakancha, Matt. 8:27; okla, they, often thus used before verbs; okla ʋbi tukma, Matt. 17:23; okla, n., the relatives of a man’s wife, and his sister’s husband; ʋmoklama, my people (pl.); my countryman (sing.); of my wife’s family, it is used in the singular number; okla, in the dual number, of persons and things and animals; achit oklatok, they two said, Matt. 8:29; neg. form, tʋshkit ikoklo ki̱sha ho̱, Josh. 2:8.
PascagoulaBʋshoklaPascagoula; bread people, or cutting people [almost certainly “bread people.” — Eds.].
passahlopullising., a ford; a pass; a ferry; a crossing.akuchaa pass; a ford; a ferry; a crossing place; the place where anything comes out; an extract; a landing.ahlopolipl., fords, passes.a̱yato go; to travel; to go along; to move along; to pace; to pass; to shoot, as an arrow; to stir; to strike; to sweep; to tend; to waft; to depart; Luke 2:29; Matt. 5:17; 10:34; 11:18; Josh. 1:5; 3:7; to come, John 1:31; to pass in any manner (Josh. 3:4) or to any end, as to fly, to sail, etc.; imaya (from im and a̱ya united) also imayʋchi, imaiya, and imaiyʋchi (the spelling varies), Matt. 10:24; isht a̱ya, v. t., to take along; to carry; to conduct; to drive; to lead, Luke 4:1; to govern; to sail; to treat; to fare; to fly; to run; shat a̱ya, to convey; achukmʋt isha̱yashke, farewell.ʋbanʋblising., to pass over; to leap over; to go over; to run over; to get over; to overreach; to superabound; to go past the time; to jump; to leap; to overflow; to overgo; to overrun; to pass; to surmount; to transcend; to transgress.ʋlaan arrival; a pass.hʋshi himmona talalito change, as the moon; to pass the sun, as the moon in its orbit.hinaa road; a path; a street, a way, Josh. 2:19; Matt. 7:13; a furrow; a pass; a pathway, Luke 3:4; a route; a row; a track; a trace; an alley; an avenue; a walk; Nachi i̱hina, the Natchez Trace.hina kuchaa ford; a pass.hlopotolipl., to go through; to pass through; to pass; hlopohnli, nasal form; hlopulli, sing.isuba ahlopullia horse ford; a horse pass.isuba akuchaa horse ford; a horse pass.itintakla atiaa pass; a narrow place; a narrows.kʋniato go away, Matt. 13:25; to disappear; to elope; to pass; to escape; to spend; to stray; to vanish; to wag; itakʋnia, to go away from each other or together, as to offset accounts; iti̱kʋnia, to leave each other, as man and wife when they part, Matt. 5:31; iti̱kʋnia, to go off together, as in runaway or clandestine matches; kʋniʋt ia, to dwindle; itakʋnia, v. t., to offset; to go away together.mosholito go out, as fire; to expire; to pass; to go out, as a lamp; to vanish, 1 Sam. 3:3.onaan arrival; a pass; a reach.onochito inflict; to oblige; to pass; to reproach; to rest; to set, as a price; to wreak; to send on, 2 Sam. 24:15; to put on; to lay on, Josh. 2:19; 4:5; 8:31; to impose; to apply; to throw on; to cast, Matt. 5:25; to enact over, as laws; to charge; to enforce; to enjoin; to impute. This is the causative form; itonnuchi, v. t., to recriminate; to impose on each other; anumpa onochi, to condemn, Matt. 12:41; anumpa kʋllo onuchi, v. t., to command; isht ilonochi, Josh. 1:6; isht aiilonochi, to lay on himself thereby, or therewith, Matt. 5:33; ilonuchi, to engage himself; isht imilonochi, Josh. 5:6; ilonochichi, had adjured, i. e., made them take on themselves, 1 Sam. 14:24; isht ilimonochi, sware unto them, Josh. 9:15; onnuchi, n., one who puts on; an inflicter; onuchi, n., an obligation.yʋmohmito do, Matt. 4:1; 7:12, 21; John 2:18; 3:2; Luke 4:23; ayʋmohmi, do there, Matt. 6:2; to be, John 3:9; to occur; to operate; to pass; to practice; to transpire; to come to pass; to take effect; to be done; Matt. 1:23; yʋmohomi, to work, Acts 10:35; aiyʋmohmi, Josh. 4:8; 7:20; yʋmohmichatuk, accustomed to do so.
pass aroundafoblito go round; to pass around; to encircle.