Browse English



teetertakʋnhato teeter; to palpitate at the pit of the stomach.
teethnotia tooth; a grinder; teeth; a tusk; noti ma, teeth also, Matt. 8:12; noti ahampa, gnashing of teeth, Matt. 13:42, 50.
teethenoti offoto teethe.
teilbalupslippery elm; also the linden, or lind tree; the teil tree.
telescopeapisa isht hopo̱koyoa telescope; a spy glass.
tellato say, to tell, to call; ali, I say; alikamo, I did say, and you know it; imalikashkint, I told him so before, or that is what I told him, and you heard it (kashkint implies previous knowledge on the part of the hearer as well as on that of the speaker); alahe keyu, I should not call, Acts 10:28.anoachicaus., to proclaim; to tell; to cause to be told; to promulgate; to promulge; to post; annowachi, Matt. 9:31.anolito tell; to relate; to narrate; to publish; to declare; to rehearse; and to convey (news); to carry intelligence; to describe; to designate; to detail; to direct; to disclose; to divulge; to draw; to enunciate; to inform; to mention; to noise; to notify; to open; to preach; to predicate; to proclaim; to project; to promulgate; to promulge; to recite; to recount; to repeat; to report; to represent; to return; to reveal; to rumor; to show; to signify; to speak, Matt. 10:27; to specify; to state; to story; to suggest; to tell; to touch; to unfold; to utter; to vent; to witness; imanoli, Josh. 2:2; Matt. 2:8; 14:12; annonli, nasal form, anont, contracted; anont ia, to go and tell or gone to tell; anohonli, freq., to say; to reiterate; issʋmanoli, tell me; Josh. 7:19; anoyuoli, pro. form; imanoli, v. t., to tell him; to cite him; to warn him; to summon him; isht anoli, to tell about; to narrate concerning; pit anoli, to send word yonder or that way; et anoli, to send word here or this way; nan anoli, v. t., to blab; to tattle; isht ilanoli, Matt. 12:36; itanoli, to confess; to acknowledge; to own; to speak of himself, John 1:22; to render, Matt. 3:6; ilimanoli, Josh. 7:19; ilanoli, n., a confession; a concession; ilanoli, n., a confessor; itimanoli, to tell each other; anolahe keyu, a., unutterable; ilanolahe keyu, to disown; he will not confess; nan anoli, v. t., to tattle.atuklant anolito tell it again; to repeat.haiakʋchito cause to appear; to make known; to publish; to show, Josh. 5:6; Luke 4:5; to manifest, John 2:11; to develop; to disclose; to discover; to divulge; to elucidate; to exhibit; to expose; to illustrate; to indicate; to manifest; to present; to represent; to reveal; to solve; to tell; to unfold; to unmask; to unravel; haiakaiyachi, pro. form; ilehaiakachi, to make himself known, Gen. 45:1; 1 Sam. 3:21; i̱haiakʋchi, v. t., to undeceive; to show it to him; ishilehaiakʋchi, show thyself, Matt. 8:4.haiakʋt anolito unbosom; to tell plainly or openly.
tell a lieholabito lie; to utter a falsehood; to tell a lie; to belie; to fib; iti̱holabi, to lie to each other.
telleranolia teller; a relator; a narrator; an advertiser; a declarer; a director; an informer; an informant; a promulgator; a rehearser; a reporter; a representative; a story teller.
telltalenan anolia newsman; a newsmonger; one who makes known the mind or counsel of a head man; a notifier; an informer; a crier; a herald; a publisher; a reporter; a talebearer; a tattler; a telltale; a witness, Matt. 18:16; na chimanoli, your informant.nan anoli shahlia telltale; an officious informer; a blabber.
temeritynukwia ikshohardihood; hardiness; temerity; valor.
temperchu̱kʋshthe heart; the center; the stomach; the feelings; the affections; spirits; conscience; pluck; the reins; spirit; temper; disposition; a grain; chu̱kʋsh ako̱ aminti, Matt. 15:18, 19; chu̱kʋsh yohbi, chu̱kʋsh akanlosi, the person; himself, Matt. 11:29; chu̱kʋsh anu̱kaka okla ahnitok, think or say within themselves, Matt. 9:3; yakni chu̱kʋsh, heart of the earth, Matt. 12:40; okla ilʋppa chu̱kʋsh, this people’s heart; chu̱kʋsh okʋto, their heart, Matt. 15:8; inchu̱kʋsh, his or her heart; imichu̱kʋsh (I once heard this form used — Byington).chu̱kʋsh homia bitter heart; bitterness of heart; a venomous temper; fire; gall.itiʋmmitemper.kʋllochito straighten; to temper; to toughen, Matt. 9:30; 12:16; 16:20; to harden; to strengthen; to make strong, as coffee, rum, etc.; to confirm; to consolidate; to corroborate; to enforce; to establish; to indurate; to invigorate; to ratify; to sear; to season; to stiffen; ikkʋllocho, v. t., to dilute; to weaken; to enervate; ikkʋllochochi, v. t., to enervate.nuklibishatemper; warmth.nuktalalito quiet; to appease; to allay; to sober; to calm; to soothe; to assuage; to becalm; to compose; to cool (the temper); to ease; to lull; to mitigate; to moderate; to modify; to mollify; to pacify; to propitiate; to silence; to solace; to still; to suppress; to temper; to tranquilize.
temperancenuktanlapatience; sobriety; temperance; “peace,” Acts 10:36.
tempestapelia hurricane; a tempest; the place where a hurricane passed along and blew down the timber; a whirlwind.mahli chitoa great wind; a gale; a storm; a tempest; a tornado.mahli kʋlloa strong wind; a violent wind; a gale; a tempest; mahli kʋllo fehna kʋt, a great tempest, Matt. 8:24.
templeaboha holitopaa palace; a temple; a sacred house; a costly house.ʋbai anumpuli chukaa temple, Luke 2:27; a church; a meeting house.Chu okla imabohahantaa Jewish synagogue; a Jewish temple.chuka hantaa council house; a state house; a senate house; a house of peace and friendship; a white house; the capitol; a temple.haksun tapaiyithe temple; the part where the head slopes from the top.
temporalnitaktemporal.yaknitemporal; worldly.
temptaianukpʋllichito tempt with; to excite the feelings by means of.anukpυllichito interest; to excite the passions; to tempt; to allure.imomaka pisato tempt, Matt. 16:1.imomaka pisato make a trial; to have a trial; to tempt, Matt. 4:1; 16:1; 19:3.nukpʋllichito excite; to interest; to tempt; to allure; to invite; to draw; to entice; to lure.
temptationaianukpʋllitemptation; place of excitement, interest, or desire; see the Lord’s prayer.aianukpʋllikathe place of temptation; the temptation.anukpυllito feel interest; to feel a temptation; to feel the influence of an object; sianukpυlli, I am interested.anukpυllikatemptation, Matt. 6:13; Luke 11:4.nan nukpυllilust; temptation.nukpʋllichia provocation; temptation.
temptedanukpυlliinterested; excited; enticed; tempted.ashuchohato be tempted. See shochoha.nukpʋlliinterested; excited; tempted; engaged; incited; enticed.nukpʋllito be interested, excited, or tempted; to lust after; i̱nukpʋlli, to lust after her, Matt. 5:28.
tempteraianukpʋllichia tempter.anukpυllichia tempter.imomaka pisaa tempter, Matt. 4:3.nukpʋllichia tempter; a lure.
tenChihowa imanumpa ʋlhpisa pokolithe decalogue; the ten commandments of Jehovah.pokoliten; X; 10; pokoli auahchʋfa, a., eleven; XI; 11, and so on to 19; pokoli tuklo, a., twenty; XX; 20; a score; pokoli isht tuklo, a., twentieth; 20th; or, isht pokoli tuklo, and so of other numbers above 20; pokoli tuchina, a., thirty; XXX; 30, Matt. 13:8; pokoli isht tuchina, a., thirtieth; 30th; pokoli ushta, a., forty; XL; 40; two score; pokoli isht ushta, a., fortieth; 40th; or, isht pokolushta; pokoli tahlapi, a., fifty; L; 50; pokoli isht tahlapi, isht pokoli tahlapi; pokoli hanali, a., sixty; LX; 60; three score, Matt. 13:8; pokoli untuklo, a., seventy; LXX; 70, pokoli untuchina, a., eighty; LXXX; 80; fourscore; pokoli isht untuchina, eightieth; LXXX; 80th; pokoli chakali, a., ninety; XC; 90, Matt. 18:12; pokoli chakali akocha chakkali, ninety and nine, Matt. 18:12, 13; pukoli tukloha, adv., twenty times; in the same way add ha to the other numbers in order to express the same thing, i. e. as times; pokoli tuklo bat tuchina, three times 20, or three score.
tenacioushalʋllitenacious.kʋllot ishitenacious.
tenantyakni potaa tenant; a lessee.
tendabeka apistikelito watch the sick; to nurse; to tend the sick.ahinnato tend; to watch (as with the sick); to keep company; to be the companion of another person; to stay with, to guard, ahinʋt apela hioka imikbilashke, I will make an helpmeet for him; chiahinnali, I keep you company; issiahinna, you are company for me; you stay with me; itahinna, to keep company or be pledged together; to consort together.apesʋchito oversee; to direct; to manage; to rule; to tend; chiapesahanchi, etc., Matt. 4:6; apesaiyachi, pro. form.a̱yato go; to travel; to go along; to move along; to pace; to pass; to shoot, as an arrow; to stir; to strike; to sweep; to tend; to waft; to depart; Luke 2:29; Matt. 5:17; 10:34; 11:18; Josh. 1:5; 3:7; to come, John 1:31; to pass in any manner (Josh. 3:4) or to any end, as to fly, to sail, etc.; imaya (from im and a̱ya united) also imayʋchi, imaiya, and imaiyʋchi (the spelling varies), Matt. 10:24; isht a̱ya, v. t., to take along; to carry; to conduct; to drive; to lead, Luke 4:1; to govern; to sail; to treat; to fare; to fly; to run; shat a̱ya, to convey; achukmʋt isha̱yashke, farewell.
tenderhlachopʋchito make soft or tender.imissato offer him; to promise him; to give, Mark 12:9; Josh. 1:6; to tender; to bid at an auction; to offer; to proffer; to propound, John 3:16 [?]; to will, i. e., to devise; ilimissa, to offer himself; to dedicate himself.kanlikshotender; not strong; not hard; not tough; fragile.kanlikshoto be tender.nuktanlacoy; dispassionate; grave; modest; patient; peaceable; placid; tender; serious; sober; tranquil; urbane; see nuktʋla.walashatender or soft.walashato be tender or soft.walashasoaked till suppled; wak hakshup ʋt walasha.walohatender; soft.walohato be tender; ʋlla chu̱kʋsh ʋt waloha; fuli ʋt waloha; tanip holbi ʋt waloha.walohbipl., flexible; limber; tender; soft; flimsy; supple; pliant.walohbito be flexible or tender; nipi ʋt walohbi; bʋshpo ʋt walohbi; iti naksish ʋt walohbi.walohbichito make limber or flexible; to supple.walotʋchipl., tender, as the stalks of young vegetables.walunchito be tender, like new grass; weak, as young animals; see walohbi.wʋlwʋkipl., (waloa, sing.), tender; soft; chu̱kash wʋlwʋki.wʋlwʋkipl., to be tender or soft; to grow, like a plant or a person.wʋlwʋkichito make tender or soft.