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for TR3ka 3conj.n.mrkr ; ; conj.prn ; ; io.mrkrand n.mrkr, and the, then n.mrkr, then the, and we (incl), then we (incl), ?ke 3TR3for
for what reasonsuk 4advconcerning, for what reason, on, on behalf of, on account of, since, so that, the reasonEën ip eah suk ataeah?For what reason did you hit him.E Mosës to vaonöt suk voh ka neöm a taateʼ pamëh, ...The reason Moses allowed for you(p) that custom (law), ...
forbidamunvforbid (to), hold back (to), prohibit (to), refuse (to), selfish (to be)E torara to pah amun en pea pa ma moniʼ pea.The boss held back indeed our(incl) money from us(incl).mon 1vbake (to), cover (to), dress a sore (to), enclose (to), forbid (to), wrap (to)Eën se mon a ö kuʼ po oeh.You(s) should wrap the part of the pig with ground.soepip 1vforbid (to)Ko Parësi ep in a tah vaʼih no vamomhë pe Ieesuʼ to nonok ne, pare soe va ee manih pan o vammohë peʼ to nok ee pa hat suk o vaman pee to soepip i non a öt taëën koman o Poen Apaapo,...And the Pharisees saw this thing his diciples were doing and they said that all his disciples are doing the conduct which is not good to do on the Resting day (Sabbath),...supon 1vban (to) ; forbid (to), smoke fish (to)E Adam pen Ev to kök voh a soe supon pe Sosoenën.Adam and Eve broke first the forbidden talk of God.uhuhvforbid (to)(by placing a thorny branch), rub (to continually)[rubbing], taboo (to)Ka ma kakoʼ nee to vavoen voh ne ivarih, sinamon, töʼtöʼ ënëën, a ma tah ësës ovoavuh vih, a tah uhuh ovoavuh vih,...And the cargoes which they had been buying, these ones, cinnamon, ginger (spice) for eating, good smelling things for burning (incense), good smelling grease for rubbing the body,...vapenpen 1vabstain (to), fast (to), forbid (to), forbidden (to be), revere (to)Eʼ to vapenpen non a taëën.He is abstaining from food.
forbid to take awaype 1vban an item (to), bury (to), cut (to), cut with a razor (to), forbid to take away (to),A pe poe pe papaʼ pe Karensi.This banned betelnut belongs to Karensi's father.
forbidden, to bevapenpen 1vabstain (to), fast (to), forbid (to), forbidden (to be), revere (to)Eʼ to vapenpen non a taëën.He is abstaining from food.
forbidding, to besosoepipvforbid (to continually) [forbidding], warn (to continually) [warning]O upöm teʼ to kehkeh nö ne nën köm sosoepip e nem pee.The other people are continually wanting to go there and you(p) are continually forbidding them.
forcetoon 1vbrace (to), force (to), push (to), support (to), throb (to) (heart)Ea se toon a vös vëh.We(incl) will push this stone.
force something out of bamboo,suʼ 1Englishvbeat (to), blow ones nose (to), force something out of bamboo (to)E voe to suʼ a kamus.The man is beating the slit drum.E koaʼ to suʼ o piru.The child blew mucus out of (his) nose.
foreheadnainbdpt.nforeheadManih pa nain e köövo to kiun non o ëhnan to teʼ non a soe vapipinoʼ.On the forehead of the woman was written a name that has a parable talk.
forehead hernaineahinal.bdpt.nforehead (her), forehead (his), forehead (it's)A naineah to kamis.Her forehead hurts.
forehead hisnaineahinal.bdpt.nforehead (her), forehead (his), forehead (it's)A naineah to kamis.Her forehead hurts.
forehead it'snaineahinal.bdpt.nforehead (her), forehead (his), forehead (it's)A naineah to kamis.Her forehead hurts.
forehead our inclnairainal.bdpt.nforehead (our)(incl)Emöm to iu vateʼ nem o vëknöm pe Sosoenën pea manih pa naira ma teʼ kikiu peʼ.We(excl) want to put the sign of our(incl) God on the foreheads of his working people (servants).
foreheads theirnaireinal.bdpt.nforeheads (their)Ee to soe ka neoʼ a napan varih to teʼ me ne o vëknöm pe Sosoenën pa naire/naiire...They(excl) told me these people who have God’s sign on their foreheads...naiiredial. var.naireinal.bdpt.nforeheads (their)Ee to soe ka neoʼ a napan varih to teʼ me ne o vëknöm pe Sosoenën pa naiire/naire...They(excl) told me these people who have God’s sign on their foreheads...
foreheads your pnaineöminal.bdpt.nforeheads (your)(p)Paröm nat nem soe vaman manih pa ma naineöm marën a vakikis a soe peöm.And you(p) must not talk promise by your foreheads, in order to strengthen your talk.
foreignaun 2adjalien, foreignA aun voe se nö iuun peʼ.The foreign man will go to his house.
foreign, to beaun 1valien (to be), foreign (to be), leave (to)A kën tom taman to pah aun avoeʼ ee.The father and the children are indeed still foreigners.
forestmuhinnarea, bush, country, district, forest, jungle, land, kingdom, nation, place, province, scrubA muhin pea a Papua Niukini.Our country is Papua New Guinea.veanforestA ma vönaʼ to teʼ ne topnin a vea.The animals live in the middle of the forest.
foretellvanënën 1vforetell (to)E Jon to vanënën pa ne Ieesuʼ se nö maʼ.John foretold that Jesus will come.
foretellervanënën 2nforeteller, prophetO teʼ vanënën soe to soe voh pan, “Pënton öm!,The talk foreteller persons (prophets) had said like this, "You(p) listen!,
forevertamoaanadvalways, eternal, everlasting, expectantly, foreverEöʼ se teʼ tamoaan noʼ manih.I will always stay here.vatamoaanadvforever, from before, oldE Sunön Sosoenën to soe pan, " Eöʼ a Taneo, me eoʼ a Vahik. Eöʼ e vatamoaan, eöʼ to teʼ e noʼ kuru, me eöʼ se hah eoʼ maʼ. Eöʼ e Sosoenën A Kikis Vi."The Lord God said like this, "I am the Beginning, and I am the End. I am from before, I am here today, and I will come back again. I am God the Very Strong One."
forgetvavanunvcause to forget (to)[forgetting]E Sosoenën to kekehoʼ en pee, Pareʼ vavanun en pa ma kokoman pee.God continually blinded them, And he caused all their minds to continually forget.
forgetanoevforget (to)Eöʼ to anoe maʼ a ia peöʼ.I forgot to bring my lime.umevforget (to)E koaʼ to ume a puk peʼ.The child forgot her book.vanunvconfuse (to), forget (to)...eën to teʼ vanun e nom pa tanaon apuh vëh to teʼ non pa teʼ matö are forgetting the big stick there that stays in your own eye.
fortunate, to bevaeö 1vcelebrate (to), excited (to be), fortunate (to be), happy (to be)Ko poen nee to ep in a ö no a vesun to teʼ totoopin e non nën, ee to puh rakah ee po vaeö.And the day (time) when they saw that the star halted directly there, they were filled indeed with joy.vih 1vacceptable (to be), best (to be), correct (to be), enjoyable (to be), fortunate (to be), good (to be), pure (to be), right (to be), well (to be)Eën to nok a tah pën pah teʼ vih e non.Your thing you made is very good.
FortunatusFortunatusBiblical SourcePrp.NFortunatus, nameEöʼ to vaeö noʼ pe Stefanas, ke Fortunatus, ke Akaëkus, ee to nö voh maʼ.I am happy that Stephanas, and Fortunatus, and Achaicus, they have come.