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firmlyvakisadvfaithfully, firmly, hard, loudly, resolutely, strongly, wellE Jon to ep in o Jiuʼ varih to vavatet vakis ne sih a taateʼ pa kën sipun...John saw these Jews here who were strongly (strictly) following the custom (law) of the ancestors...
firstkeonadvbefore, first...marën a ö ne eöm varih to teʼ me nem o kikis pa Tuvuh Vasioʼ se puh vavih rakah pa taateʼ anoeh a ma tah ne Sosoenën to vamatop keon to heʼ a order that you(p) these ones who have the power of ...the Sacred Wind (Holy Spirit) will be properly filled indeed with the practice of waiting (hope) for the things which God has prepared before which he will give to us(incl).moaanadvbefore, first, previously, priorKe sinan voh e Solomon e köövo moaan voh pe Uraëaʼ.And the mother of Solomon (who) before was the wife of Uriah.momoaanadvahead, early, first, priorMomoaan vu po pöstakah.Recently early this morning.nonoadjfirstE koaʼ oeteʼ eʼ e koaʼ nono pe köövo.The boy is the woman's first child.vamoaan 2adjfirst, oldA ta vamoaan rakah vöh ivëh.That thing is older then this one.vamomoaan 2adjfirstKea köʼ kan këh na a matömah pa tapisik vëh pa matömah. Ivëhkëk vamomoaan nën se inan hah voh eo, eën to teʼ vanun e nom pa tanaon apuh vëh to teʼ non pa teʼ matömah.Brother let me scoop (take) from your(s) eye the small speck (of dirt) there in your eye. But first you(s) must recognize yourself back, you(s) are forgetting the big tree there that stays in your own eye.vavomoaanadjfirstVamomoaan no uvineah to tavus, ko vasuksuk no korom to tavus maʼ,...First it's leaf will come, and after that the stalk will come,...vavovoh 2adjfirstKa ankeroʼ vavovoh piu en pa teʼ suvin peʼ,Then the first angel blew his conch shell,voh 3adjfirst, long agoE to teʼ momoaan ke voh.God was first long ago.voh 4advbefore, firstE voe to nö voh Buka.The man went first to Buka.
first indeedvovoh 2advfirst indeedE voe to nö vovoh Buka.The man went first indeed to Buka.
first menstrual periodmöʼratnfirst menstrual periodE koaʼ mom to möʼrat.The girl menstrated (first menstrual period).
firstborn male siblingtoonaiʼkin.nfirstborn male siblingE koaʼ toonaiʼ e Ovonsi ivëh e Toriroe.The firstborn male sibling of Ovonsi that is Toriroe.
fisharaʼvfish (to)...kën se nö manuh pa tonon, parën araʼ maʼ must go there to the lake and you(s) fish.vavakanvfish (to continually)[fishing]E papaʼ to vavakan me non a kë.Father is fishing with a net.
fish hookunanany other hook, fish hookA una a tah rëhrëh iian.A fish hook is the thing for pulling (catching) fish. Ee se kon kurus a ma tah no masinë to nonok ne a kiu manih pa Pok, vamanih pa tis pa vahoʼ a suraʼ me a una me a ma savo sosoneʼ me peret sosoneʼ pa kon o eraʼ va po heʼ.
fish with rodararaʼvfish with a rod (to)E papaʼ to araraʼ non.My father is fishing.
fish, aiiannfish (a)E voe to rëh a iian po kanon.The man is catching fish with string.
fit, to beonöt 1vable (to be), allow (to), continue (to), fit (to be), inclusive(to be), qualified(to be)O tarosis to onöt e non pe Pitaʼ.The trousers fit Peter.
fivetönimnumfiveA tönim teʼ to nö pa kiu manuh Humui.The five men went to work there at Humui.
flag, apiraknflag (a), pennantO pirak pe Papua New Guinea ivaʼih.This here is the flag of Papua New Guinea.
flametëkrea 2nlight, flameO tëkrea i no sutram to ho maʼ iuun.The light of the torch went into the house.
flare, amopnflare (a)O mop se teʼ ko ës a iuun.The flare will stay and burn the house.
flashvavakësvflash (to continually)(lightening)Eʼ se matan va non manih pa ö no a vakës to vavakës non manuh akis.It will look like the lighting continually flashes in the sky.
flashing, to betëtëkreavburn (to continually)[burning], flash (to continually)[flashing]E Jon to teʼ vavoh non manih po ram to tëtökrea non pareʼ heʼ non a napan o maaka,...John had been like this a lamp burning and it gave the people light,
flashlightsutramEnglishnflashlight, torchKon maʼ sutram peöʼ.Bring my flashlight.
flatpapan 1nflat, group, rectangular, sideTa pah teʼ se keh tapan a panömah, a, tarih, parën heʼ na a meh papan, keʼ tapan.If one person slaps your cheek, yes, turn around and you(s) give the other side (other cheek) like that to him and he slaps it.
flat landsuinflat land, plainIvaʼih a moeh sui.This here is flat land.
flat singingvokennflat singing, tune (not in tune)E voken pe köövo to tanih vavih.The tune of the woman sounds good.
flat, to bemëvdeflated (to be), flat (to be) (tire), wilt (to), wilted (to be) (plant)A taiaʼ in a motoka peöʼ to më.The tire of my car is flat.riunvflat (to be), make level (to)A ma ö kokoveʼ söm pepe kee totoopin, ko hohoe a ma tope apaʼpuh me tope sosoneʼ kee riun, ka ma hanan kikirun neöm se vatotoopin.All the holey parts you(p) must continually fill and they become flat, and scrape level all the big mountains and small mountains and they become flat, and all the crooked roads which you(p) must make straight.
flatten bamboosus 1vbruise (to), chip stone (to), flatten bamboo (to), smash (to)A kën köövo to sus ee maʼ pa koop nopoen.The group of women flattened the bamboo yesterday.
flattervamomoorë 1vconvince (to), flatter (to), persuade (to)Eöʼ to vamomoorë noʼ e Roman suk a rëteo peʼ.I flattered Roman because of his radio.
flattervavarauʼvbribe (to continually)[bribing], flatter (to continually)[flattering], tame (to continually)[taming]Ee a nap hat rakah, ee to teʼ va ne manih po tah poa ënëën teʼ to vavarauʼ ne a napan.They are indeed bad people, they are like the wild eating person thing (wild animal) who continually flatter the people.
flatteringlyvamomoorë 2advflatteringlyE voe to vato vamomoorë pe voe suk e' to iu a ma tah peʼ.The man talked flatteringly with the man because he wanted his things.