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gentleteʼ amotadjgentleEöm se keh nat nem pa taateʼ tö me teʼ amot po poen vëh kuru, ...If you(p) would know about a peaceful behaviour and gentle behaviour on this day now, ...tö 2adjeasy, gentle, humbleKeʼ eöm to iu nem neöʼ se teʼ noʼ pa taateʼ ururuan me a taateʼ tö, paröʼ nö nös peöm, ha?Or do you(p) want me to be in the merciful custom and the humble custom when I come to you(p), ha?vakamöʼ 3adjgentle, reciprocal (love)Keʼ eöm to iu nem neöʼ se teʼ no pa taateʼ vakamöʼ me a taateʼ ururuan?And do you(p) want me to be in the gentle custom and the humble custom?
gentle, to berurëvgentle (to be), self-controlled (to be)E voe peʼ to rurë vatëh.Her husband is always gentle.
gentlytominadvgently, quietly, softlyTo tomin hah ka pënton voh.Speak softly again and then we(incl) had listened.
GeraseneGerasaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGerasene, placeVasuksuk nee to tok po paröʼ, pare tavus pa muhin va Gerasaʼ.Afterwards they got on the boat, and they arrived at the area of Gerasene.
GermanSiamanEnglishPrp.NGerman, GermanyA Siaman a ëhnan a muhin.Germany is the name of a country.
GermanySiamanEnglishPrp.NGerman, GermanyA Siaman a ëhnan a muhin.Germany is the name of a country.
germinatepisiʼvgerminate (to), sprout (to)A kon pe voe to pisiʼ en.The man's corn is sprouted.
getkan 1vboil (to) (water), dip (to) (water), get (to) (water), hill (to), plough (to), scoop (to)Pitaʼ nö ko kan maʼ.Peter went to get (water).konvaccept (to), beget (to), catch (to), choose(to), earn (to), get (to), have (to), peal (to), receive (to), select (to), take (to), thunderclap (to) [thundering]E koaʼ to kon a uhin pa poen.The child caught a cold in the chest.rëhvget (to), pull (to)E voe to rëh maʼ a naon.The man is pulling the tree.
get a piece of burning woodkahvallow (to), collect (to), get a piece of burning wood (to), leave him alone (to), let (to)Antoen e nom pa kah kaneoʼ ta ö suraʼ ah?Can you get me a piece of burning firewood?
get acquaintednanatvget acquainted (to)O kukön kirismas to oah ee, köʼ nö eoʼ Jerusalëm pa nö nanat pe Pitaʼ, kemöm teʼ vaʼpeh em po havun me ro tönim poen.Three christmas (years) passed, then I went to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Peter and we(excl) stayed together for ten and five days (fifteen days).
get hurttakeo 1vget hurt (to), wounded (to be)Koe ta peah eën to maʼ takeo.Do not climb up you might get hurt.
get ontokvare on, baffled (to be), blunt (to be), climb (to), dull (to be), embark (to), get on (to), is on, on (to be), perplexed (to be), sit on (to), was on, were onO rapis vëh to tok.This knife is blunt.A kuma to tok non pa peret.The sweet potatoe is on the plate.
get readyvamatopvcare for (to), get ready (to), prepare (to), get ready (to), serve (to)Eën se vamatop nös a ma tah pën.You will later prepare for all your things.
get readyvavamatopvcause to care for (to continually), cause to get ready (to continually), cause to prepare (to continually), cause to be ready (to continually), cause to serve (to continually)Eöm to vavamatop nem a nö Buka.They are getting ready to go to Buka.
get rid ofveovchase (to), chase out (to), expel (to), get rid of (to), remove (to)Veo na e këh vëh.Chase out this dog.
get upsun 1varise (to), awaken (to), get up (to), put on top of (to), remain (to), stand (to)Emöm to sun nem koman iuun.We remain in the house.taʼkëvget up (to), rise (to)E Ieesuʼ to taʼkë maʼ, pareʼ hi e köövo pamëh pan, “A napan varih to teʼ ko ne manih nö nih?”Jesus got up, and he asked that woman like this, "These people who were here where did they go?"
get up earlysunkökvdrowsy (to be), get up early (to)Eöʼ to sunkök hah pa topnin poen.I got up early at midnight.
get waterisuvfill with water (to), get water (to)E koaʼ to nö pa isu maʼ.The child went to get water.
GethsemaneGëtsëmaniʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGethsemane, placeE Ieesuʼ to nö vaʼpeh me ra ma vamomhë peʼ pa ö muhin va Gëtsëmaniʼ.Jesus went together with all his disciples to the part of bush of Gethsemane.
getting closer, to bevavahukvgetting closer (to be)E Ieesuʼ to ep a napan to vavahuk nö e ne maʼ manih pee,...Jesus saw the people coming closer to them,...
getting on to betoktokvare on (continually), be on (to continually), embark (to continually)[embarking], get on (to continually)[getting on], is on (continually), sit on (to continually)[sitting on], was on (continually), were on (continually)A taëën o toktok po tevo.The food is sitting on the table.
getting water, to beisisuvfill with water (to continually)[filling with water], get water (to continually)[getting water]E köövo to isisu maʼ.The woman is getting water.
getting, to bekokon 1vcrush (to continually)[crushing], get (to continually)[getting], grind (to continually)[grinding] (with a stone), smash (to continually)[smashing] eöʼ ep in a ankeroʼ eh to kon a vös apuh kokon vuit,......and I saw a strong angel get a big stone for grinding wheat....A tuvuh to pah kokon rakah en pa siʼ kök pemöm.The wind indeed is smashing our(excl) little hut.
GideonGideonBiblical SourcePrp.NGideon, nameEöʼ to hikta teʼ me noʼ ta tëëm, nöʼ se vahutët suk pet noʼ na a ma teʼ varih to vaman voh ne e Sosoenën, e Gideon,...I will not also continue telling about all these people who had believed in God, Gideon,...
giftheʼ 2ngift, nest, offeringA növan to tok non pa heʼ peʼ.The bird is perched on top of her nest.