Browse English



gills (of a fish)kaʼkaʼngills (of a fish)O kaʼkaʼ pa iian to tökrus.The gills of the fish are broke.
gingertöʼtöʼngingerKa ma kakoʼ nee to vavoen voh ne ivarih, sinamon, töʼtöʼ ënëën, a ma tah ësës ovoavuh vih,...And the cargoes which they had been buying, these ones, cinnamon, ginger (spice) for eating, good smelling things for burning (incense),...
giveheʼ 1vgive (to), provide (to)Eöʼ se heʼ e voe a ruiʼ tovuh.I will give the man cold water.
give a drinkvakaakvdrink (to give a) ; water (to) vakaak raoe a give them a drink of water.
give accountmaaka 1vbright (to be), clean (to be), clear (to be), give account (to), know (to), light (to be), understand (to)...pan eöʼ se vataare a napan va Israël kee ep pare maaka poʼ e Ieesuʼ eteh....then I will show the people of Israel and they see and then know who Jesus is.
give an accountvamaaka 1vclarify (to), explain (to), expose (to), give an account (to), illuminate (to), make bright (to), make clear (to), shine (to)Ka se poʼ nok ataeah pa vamaaka a ma piuk pee?What will we(in) do then to expose all their lies?... ka se vamaaka manih peʼ a ma tah na to nok voh.... then we(in) must give an account to him all the things which we have done.
give birthvahuh 1vbear (to), give birth (to), pass (to)E sin toaʼ to vahuh a ma tök toaʼ.The mother chicken gave birth to an egg.vavahuhvbear (to continually)[bearing], give birth (to continually)[giving birth], pass (to continually)[passing]A korot to vavahuh non sih po kosan.The turtle always gives birth in the sand.
give communionvakomonioʼTok Pisinvgive communion (to)E masinë to vakomonioʼ a möm.The priest gave us communion.
give hair cutkeʼkeoʼ 1vgive hair cut (to), rend (to), shave (to), tear (to)Eöʼ se keʼkeoʼ sinup pa pöstakah.I will shave tomorrow morning.
give upkoe 1vabhor (to), abstain from (to), allow (to), dislike (to), give up (to), go (to), hate (to), interfere (to), lead (to), let it be (to), neglect (to), quit (to), refuse (to), reject (to), scrape (to), stop (to)Eöʼ to koe eöʼ a kiu me a bank.I quit my work with the bank.
give wayvaniuvbudge (to), give way (to), put aside (to), step aside (to)Vaniu öm a motoka to maʼ kom a neom.You step aside the car might run over you.
giving up, to bekokoevabhor (to continually)[abhorring], abstain (to continually)[abstaining], give up (to continually)[giving up], go (to continually)[going], hate (to continually)[hating], interfer (to continually)[interferring], neglect (to continually)[neglecting], refuse (to continually)[refusing], reject (to continually)[rejecting], scrape (to continually)[scraping]Eʼ a kokoe simuk.He is giving up smoking.
giving, to beheʼheʼvgive (to continually)[giving], provide (to continually)[providing]E koaʼ to heʼheʼ non e tamaneah o oe.The child is giving coconuts to his father.vaheʼheʼvgive (to continually)[giving]Eöm to heʼheʼ nem sih a ma tah varih nöm to nep, paröm ununun a havun ö tah, ko kon taneʼ a pah ö tah nën, ko heʼ na e Sosoenën.You(p) always continually give all these things which you(p) planted, then you(p) gather a ten portion thing (one tenth), and get a one portion thing from that, and give it to God.
glancekenevglance (to)Eöʼ se kene e noʼ pën.I will glance at you(s).ves 1vglance (to), look (to), scrutinize (to), stare (to)E köövo to ves non po karas.The woman is looking in the glass.
glasskarasEnglishnglass, grassA ma tök toaʼ to pet nee pa koman karas.The eggs are staying in the grass.siruaknglass, mirrorO siruak peöʼ to töpreʼ.My mirror is cracked.
gleamkötkötvblack very (to be), dazzle (to), gleam (to), glisten (to)Sospen pemöm to pah kötköt rakah en pa nöhnöh vatëh.Our(excl) saucepan is very black indeed from always cooking.
glistenkötkötvblack very (to be), dazzle (to), gleam (to), glisten (to)Sospen pemöm to pah kötköt rakah en pa nöhnöh vatëh.Our(excl) saucepan is very black indeed from always cooking.
glorious, to benenesvglorious (to be), wonderful (to be)Kuru nën se vatvus ke ra napan a ma taateʼ nenes peöʼ.Now when you(s) will reveal to the people all my glorious behaviour.
glorykikis 2nglory, might, power, strengthIvëhkëk, a teʼ vëh se suk a maʼ neoʼ, no o kikis peʼ to teʼ oah e non po teʼ kikis peöʼ.But, the person here who is coming after me, his power is bigger than my power.maaka 2nglory, light (a)E Sosoenën koman, eʼ o maaka, ka manih peʼ no a hikta pah ö popoen to teʼ non.God himself, he is the light, in him not one dark part remains.
glossarykölösöriʼEnglishnglossaryA Soe a Toʼtoʼ to teʼ me non a ma kölösöriʼ tonun o puk.Soe a Toʼtoʼ has a glossary in the back of the book.
glowing embersorannglowing embers, charcoal fireO oran to vih non pa tao a kuma pe koaʼ.The glowing embers are good to mumu sweet potatoes for the children.
gluevataop 1vattach (to), glue (to), seal (to), stick on (to)Ea se vataop o pëpaʼ soe vanat va pa rotuʼ.We(incl) will glue the information paper of the church.vaʼtop 2dial. var.vataopvattach (to), glue (to), seal (to), stick on (to)Ea se vaʼtop o pëpaʼ soe vanat va pa rotuʼ.We(incl) will attach the information paper of the church.
gluekruEnglishnglueO kru peöʼ to rak en.My glue is dry.
gnash teethvakuskusvgnash teeth (to)Ka manih pa vöön pamëh no a napan se okook kov e ne, ko vakuskus rivon me ne po kamis o apuh rakah.And here in that village where the people will just keep crying, and grinding teeth with the pain which is big indeed.
gnatkuvinflea, gnat, sand flyA kuvi to kot e koaʼ.The gnat bit the child.