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go regardlesshonvgo regardless (to), in spite ofEmöm se hon na pa iuun pe Sinto.We will go to Sinto's house regardless.hoondial. var.honvgo regardless (to), in spite ofEmöm se hoon na pa iuun pe Sinto.We are going to Sinto's house regardless.
go secretlyvaopopvgo secretely (to), go stealthily (to)E Pitaʼ to vaopop nö e non maʼ.Peter went stealthily.
go simultaneously, p sbjvareonvgo simultaneously (p sbj)E voe me a këh peʼ to nö vareon.The man and his dog went simultaneously.
go stealthilyvaopopvgo secretely (to), go stealthily (to)E Pitaʼ to vaopop nö e non maʼ.Peter went stealthily.
go upëpvgo up (to)A napan to ëp e pa tope.The people go up on the mountain.peah 1vascend (to), climb (to), embark (to), go up (to), rise (to)A potan to peah maʼ pa pöstakah.The sun rises in the morning.E voe to peah o oe.The man climbs the coconut.
go up riverëhaexclm.wdgo up riverËha na öm pom.Go up river, both of you.
goatmeemeʼTok PisinngoatA meemeʼ to ep ke non pan e kuʼ.The goat looks different then the pig.
GodSosoenënBiblical SourcePrp.NGodE Sosoenën to nok voh o oeh vëh.God made this ground first.
GogGogBiblical SourcePrp.NGog, place...o vuteʼ va pe Gog, me Megok....the clan of Gog and Magog.
going across, to bepapahanvgo across (to continually)(going across)E keh to papahan maʼ.The dog is going across.
going around in the dark, to bepönpönvgo around in the dark (to continually)[going around in the dark]Ivëhkëk, a teʼ pamëh se keh pönpön vah non pa popoen, eʼ se kuʼ en.But, if that person will continually go around in the darkness of the night, he will fall down.
going around, to betatavivgo around (to continually)[going around]Keʼ kukuteʼ en pa ma napan varih to ihoʼ tatavi e poë,...And he was staring at these people who were going around with him,...
going ashore, to betatakinvgo ashore (to continually)[going to shore)E Jon to pupui vahik en pe Ieesuʼ, keʼ tatakin nö non, pareʼ ep in a akis to nö vakëh. Ka Tuvuh Vasioʼ pe Sosoenën kunah va maʼ manih pa panuh, ko atantön e non peʼ.After John had washed (baptized) Jesus and he was going ashore then he saw Heaven go apart (open), and the Sacred Wind (Holy Spirit) of God came down like a dove and hovered over Jesus.
going down, to bekukunahvdescend (to continually)[descending], go down (to continually)[going down], set (to continually)[setting]...a nap peo rakah to hikta teʼ ne ro Jiuʼ se taneʼ maʼ manuh pa ö no a potan to pepeah ke non maʼ. Me manih pa ö no a potan to kukunah koe ke non,......lots of people indeed who are not Jews will come from the part there where the sun is rising from. Also here from the part where the sun is going down towards,...
going in, to behohovhusk (to continually)[husking], go in (to continually)[going in])E voe to hoho non a oe.The man is husking the coconut.
going out, to bevatatavusvbring out (to continually)[bringing], go out (to continually)[going out]A Oneʼ pen a Rawaʼ to vatatavus ne keʼ nok o komhan.The One (river) and the Rawa (river) is going out continually and arrives and they make a junction.
going up, to bepepeahvascend (to continually)[ascending], climb (to continually)[climbing], go up (to continually)[going up], rise (to continually)[rising]Ivëh ke Hëërot vaoe aven en pa ma teʼ varih to taneʼ maʼ manuh pa ö no a potan to pepeah ke non maʼ, pan ee se nö maʼ manih peʼ.At this Herod secretly called these people who came from where the sun rises up from (east) that they would come to him.
going, to bekokoevabhor (to continually)[abhorring], abstain (to continually)[abstaining], give up (to continually)[giving up], go (to continually)[going], hate (to continually)[hating], interfer (to continually)[interferring], neglect (to continually)[neglecting], refuse (to continually)[refusing], reject (to continually)[rejecting], scrape (to continually)[scraping]Eʼ a kokoe simuk.He is giving up smoking.nönö 1vfly (to continually)[flying], go (to continually)[going], walk (to continually)[walking]A növan to nönö non.The bird is flying.
going, to be continuallyvanönövgo (to be continually) [going]E tövaneah pa taëën to vanö voh o vipuh manih pa napan kee pënton varo ee pa soe pa peʼ, pare vanönö ee pa nok a ma kiu pee.The owner of the food (feast) had sent invitations to the people and they listened faraway (disobeyed) the talk of the lord person (important man), and they went continually to do all their work.
goldgolEnglishngoldEe to heʼ poë a gol me o tah a voavuh vih me o vanom a voavuh vih vëh o voen vapeah.They gave him gold and things with good smell and oil with good smell which is very expensive.körEnglishngoldA ma kör peöʼ e maneom po pëk.All my gold is there in the bag.
GolgothaGölgötaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGolgotha, placeEe to tavus ee pa tope nee to pokaʼ ne a Gölgötaʼ.They arrived at the mountain they continually called Golgotha.
GomorrahGomoraʼBiblical SourcePrp.NGomorrah, place...a napan va pa poa vöön varih Södom me Gomoraʼ, the people who had lived in these two villages, Sodom and Gomorrah,...
gongpëroʼEnglishnbell, gongPitaʼ nö ko va han a përoʼ.Peter went to hang up the bell.
goodavihadjfine, good, goodness, wellA rëteo avih peöʼ.My good radio.vavih 3adjbeautiful, good, wellA uhop pe koaʼ to ep vavih.The child's clothes look beautiful.vih 2adjbeautiful, goodEöʼ se rit o vahutët vih pa matanpoen vöh kuru.I will read the good talk this now afternoon.
good byeaton 1vfarewell (to), good-bye (to)E Pöl to aton a soe peʼ.Paul says his farewell.