Browse English



largeri̱shahlaklibeing a little more; a little larger.
largessimaa gift; a largess; a donation; a cession; a sale; a dedication; a legacy; a render.
largesti̱shaht tahligreatest; largest; highest; sign of the superlative degree of comparison; superlative.
larkshunluloa lark.
lascivioushaksideaf; drunk; tippled; intoxicated; inebriated; boozy; besotted; cunning; wicked; vile; stubborn; obstinate; abominable; arrant; bewitched; felonious; roguish; drunken; sinful; deceitful; disguised; double faced; evil; flagitious; fraudulent; fuddled; groggy; guileful; guilty; hollow; immoral; impure; insidious; lascivious; lewd; licentious; mellow; naughty; profligate; roguish; saucy; subtle; tipsy; turbulent; unfair; unprincipled; unruly; venal; vicious; villainous; wanton; wicked; wily; nashuka haksi, applied to an old man.hauilewd; lascivious; given to lewdness, as an abandoned female; wanton; adulterous, Matt. 12:39; 16:4.
lashatakchichito lash on; to tie on; to tie it to something. This form is plainly explained by the word ahokchichi (see Matt. 13:25), to plant with other seed or plants after they have been planted.fahamaa stripe; a lick; a blow; a lash.fʋmmito whip; to flog; to chastise; to scourge; to lash; to castigate; to chasten; to correct; to discipline; to leather; to punish; to lick.hlukahapl., to scourge with a whip that has a lash; to lash.hlukahaa scourger; one that uses the lash.hlukalichising., to lash; to snap a whip; hlukaha, pl.; hlukalihinchi, freq.isht fʋmaa whip; a scourge, John 2:15; a lash.isht hlukataa lash; a whip lash.takchito tie; to bind, Matt. 12:29; 14:3; 16:19; Josh. 2:21; to enchain; to chain; to hobble; to confine; to lace; to lash; to leash; to restrain; to shackle; iletakchi, to tie himself; to thrum; to trammel; to truss; to constrain; to enchain; to fillet.
lashedfʋmawhipped; flogged; chastised; scourged; lashed; punished; chastened; ikfamo, a., unpunished; unchastised; not whipped.talakchitied; bound, Matt. 16:19; banded; enchained; chained; confined; constrained; corded; laced; lashed; packed; shackled; ibbak ʋt talakchi; iyi intalakchi; itatalakchi, bound together; iktalakcho, a., unbound; unconfined.
lasherfʋmmia whipper; a castigator; a chastiser; a chastener; a lasher; a scourger.lukahlichia lasher.
lashinghlukahaa scourging; a lashing.
lassʋlla teka girl; a female child; a lass.ohoyo himmitaa young woman; a young lady; a lass; a damsel; a virgin, Luke 1:27; a girl; a maid; a maiden.
lassitudetikabiweariness; fatigue; languor; lassitude; tikambi, n., weakness; a weariness.
lastaiʋhlifinite; last; utmost.aiisht aiopithe extreme; the last.ʋlla isht aiopithe youngest child; the last child.hatak wishakchithe tip end men; remnants of men; the last, or least among men.hekʋnothe last speech of a dying man.isht aiopithe last; the youngest; the least, Matt. 2:6; extreme; final; ultimate; ont isht aiopi, finally, Matt. 5:26.isht aiopito be the last, Matt. 12:45; ont imisht aiyopikmʋt, in the end of, Matt. 13:40, 49.isht aiopithe last one; the one who is last; conclusion; finis; the hindmost; the rear; the upshot; utmost.isht aiopilast; ultimately; uttermost.
last (form for making a shoe)shulush atobaa last.
last nightninak ashyesternight.
last, athimmakhereafter; afterward; after; at last; himmak isha̱ya, at last, you are along.
lastingbiliacontinual; eternal, John 3:15; ever; e’er; everlasting, John 3:16; incessant; lasting; perennial; permanent; perpetual; unbegotten; unceasing; unintermitted; unremitted; aiissikkopa bilia and aiokchayʋt bilia, Matt. 25:46.
latchafachalising., (afʋshli pl., afʋshkʋchi pass.), to fasten; to latch; to hasp; ʋfʋsha, pass. pl., latched; fastened.afʋshlipl. of afachali, to fasten; to latch; ʋlhfʋsha or afʋshkʋchi, pass.isht afachaa latch; a button to a door; a fastener; a hasp.isht akamʋssʋchia latch; a button; a buckle.okhisa aiafachaa door latch.okhisa isht afachaa door latch.
latchedafachafastened; latched; isht afacha, fastened with; n., a latch; a hasp.afʋshkachipl., fastened; latched; from afʋshli.ʋlhfʋshafastened; latched; okhissat ʋlhfʋsha; afʋshli, v. t.
latchetshulush isht talakchia shoestring; a shoe latchet, John 1:27; a latchet.
lateachibaslow, laborious, tedious, belated, hard, late, Mark 2:9; occupying some time; see ahchiba.achibato be slow, laborious, or tedious; ahchieba, pro. form of ahchiba.achibachicaus., to cause to be slow, tedious, or troublesome.atʋpa fehnainsufferable; late; overmuch; redundant; superfluous.atʋpa ont ialate.chekispeedy; quick; near; late; recent.hopakifor a long time; for a long way; far; late; long; remotely; wide; widely; hopaki tahachi̱, it will last a long time.
latelychekikashlately. See kash, late, recently.chekikashto be lately, in reference to things past.
latenessatʋpaan overplus; an exaggeration; excess; lateness, as to time set; the rest; a surplus.
latentlumaoccult; unseen; out of sight; clandestine; close; dim; dormant; disguised; latent; privy; quiescent; recluse; recondite; tacit; underhand; unexposed; unsearchable; Matt. 5:14, hid; Matt. 10:26; 13:44; Josh. 7:21; iklumo, a., naked; undisguised.
lateratʋpabelated; later than the proper time; excessive; exorbitant; immoderate; inordinate; intemperate; intense; intolerable; intolerant.i̱himmakafter it, him, her, or them; later; i̱himmak o̱, a., latter.