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jalia aaꞌinid. ofaaꞌininterjpardon, excusedisculparjalia pia taaꞌinforgive me / pardon me (I accidently kicked him under the table while adjusting my seat)perdón / discúlpeme (lit: cuidado tú con mi corazón)
jalouliivsbe useful, be beneficialser útilEꞌitaaushi tü kaꞌikat süpüla jaloulinjatüin sümüin wayuu.That day (sabbath) was established that it might be beneficial for man.
jamafr. var.jajaminterjhelloholaja nii wairühello, mother of friend (male greeting to lady)
jamaa1vs1why be?¿por qué ser?¿Jamüsü pia nnojot kaꞌaka püntüin?Why didn’t / don’t you (fem) come?2how be?¿cómo ser?¿Jamüsü saainjia? ... tü uujotkat?How is it made? ... the chicha?¿Cómo se hace ...? chicha?3what about? / how about?¿qué? / ¿cómo?¿Jamüinjat tü paaꞌakat?What is that cow for? / What’s going to happen to that cow?
jamaa2vsbe a misfortune, be harmfulser dañinojamaa atümaharm
jamaa amüinvtmatter (to), be important (to)importar(le)Nnojoishi jaaꞌamüin tamüin nia, nnojotsü jamajatüin nümüin tü tamakat nümüin.He didn’t pay attention to me, it didn’t matter to him what I told him.El no me hizo caso, no le importó lo que yo le dije.antnnojolaa kasa amüincfjaaꞌa maa achikijaaꞌa maa amüin
jamaa atümaid. ofjamaa2harm, do evil tohacerle dañoAnakajaꞌa jamüle naya watüma.Let’s do something [bad] to them.cfuwomuyuwaa
jamaamaavslightweightlivianojamaamachonsüit’s a bit lightweight / doesn’t weigh much (e.g. piece of coral)no pesa nadaantjawataa 1
jamaꞌacfjamataanhammockhamacaJuletshi pia suluꞌu jamaꞌa.You (masc) are lying down in a hammock.cfchinchoorosüigenoꞌula 1
jamaluꞌulucomp. ofjamaa1 3aluꞌucfalujulumaluꞌuluhave what meaning?¿tener qué significado?¿Jamaluꞌut tü püküjakat wamüin?What does what you told us mean?
jamataacfjamaꞌavsbe hangingestar tendidocfaamalaakachetaa
jamoꞌulucomp. ofjamü-oꞌuluadvseason of famine, season of droughttiempo de escasezantemiroꞌulucfjouktaleꞌulu
jamuuyaanchalk, talcyeso, talco
jamün1hungerhambreTepijüin tü tapüshkalüirua suulia tü jamükat.I take care of / keep my family from hunger.aiwaa jamühungryjamüsiraahungryouktaa jamüvery hungry2famineescasezsuꞌunna jamükatin the time of scarcity / scantinessdurante tiempo de escasezjamoꞌuluseason of famine
jamücheꞌenprickly pear cactustuna (especie de cactus)Koojusü sütüma jamücheꞌe.She got stuck by a prickly pear.ptjayajaya
jamüsaꞌainterjOf course!¡Claro que sí!¡Jamüsaꞌa shia! Eeshi süpüla toꞌunüin mmaa.Of course! I can go with you.¡Claro que sí! Yo puedo ir contigo.
jamüsiraacomp. ofjamü 1asirü 1vsbe hungrytener hambre¿Jamüsitshi pia?Are you hungry?synaiwaa jamücfouktaa jamü
japüliivs1be ashamedtener vergüenza, tener penacfaapülijaaaapülin2be timid, be shy, be bashfulser tímido, ser penosoWane wayuu eekai japüleꞌein müshika saaꞌin wane wayuu eekai malain .A person who is shy, timid (gets embarrassed in the presence of people, wants to hide his face) is like a fool.Una persona que es penosa es como los bobos.
jaraipl.jaraliinon-masc.jaralü1pronwho, whom, whosequién¿Jara antaka palajana?Who arrived first (at a place)?¿Jara püshika?Who is your father?¿Quién es su padre?¿Jara ejittaaka chi etkai sünain tü yosukot?Who tied the dog to the cactus?¿Quién lo ató el perro al cardón?¿Jara paapaka amüin tü rüikat?To whom did you give the knife?¿A quién dió Ud. el cuchillo?¿Jaralü keꞌiyooinjanaka jia cha Maikkoꞌumüin?Whose guests are you going to be there in Maicao?2pronsomeone, no onealguien, nadie¡Eetaaya jaralüin eirakaain tamüin!No one waited on me, took care of me , paid any attention to me, took me into account.Ninguno me atendió.3pronwhich (one)cuál4adjwhichcuál
jaralünon-masc. ofjarai
jasantype of cactus (multi-spined, organ-pipe, cottony)Jasa, müsü saaꞌin yosu.Jasa (cactus), it’s like yosu.cfkayuusiayosu