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dolengilin 1.2synkoripot 1makiki 1.1ngilin 1vtTo be stingy, selfish with giving something; to just dole things out in small amounts.Angay ang ana mo ay agngilinan mo ta gatas?Why are you stingy about giving your child milk?Antabonda 1pagosto 1ov. syn.koripot 1.2makiki 1rel. wrd.ispot 1.2
doll (thebata-bata 1.1nDoll. (The root bata is the Tagalog word for 'child'.)
dolphinromba 1.1nDolphin; porpoise.
domesticated animalmalam 1.1Antila 1.2malam 1adjTame or domesticated animal.Antmaila 1.1ma-lat 1.1rel. wrd.alam 1
dominoesdomino 1.1nThe game of dominoes; a domino.tong2 1.1nA fee charged for borrowing a person's cards, dominoes, or mahjong pieces to use for gambling.
donationdonasion 1.1ov. syn.donasion 1tabiang 1.1rel. wrd.donasion 1sanag 1.2nDonation, usually of money.ov. syn.bolontad 1.1tabang 1.2ov. syn.apin 1.1asisti 1.1bangkia 1.1pabor 1.2pangaraba 1.1tabang 1tabang 1tabang 1tabang 1tabang 1rel. wrd.aboloy 1.2bolontad 1bolontad 1bolontad 1dolo1 1.2kontribosyon 1.1masinabangen1 1.1tabang 1tabang 1tabang 1tabang 1nHelp; assistance; financial help; donation; contribution.Gaeyakong mama-dol ta tabang ong nandia.I am shy to ask help from her.sanag 1.1nA donation given for medical services by a local healer, masseuse, or health center; a donation given to the church upon the visitation of the statue of the Virgin to one's house.tabiang 1.1nDonation, contribution; help.Nagtorol tanandia ta koarta bilang tabiang ong nio.She gave money to you as a donation of help for you.ov. syn.bolontad 1donasion 1bolontad 1.1ov. syn.bolontad 1tabiang 1.1rel. wrd.aboloy 1.2altar 1.1bolontad 1bolontad 1bolontad 1bolontad 1dolo1 1.2kontribosyon 1.1tabang 1tabang 1tabang 1nContribution; donation; offering.ov. syn.donasion 1.1
donation for bereaveddolo1 1.1nFood or money donated or given to a family who has just lost their house or lost a loved one.Yading dolong belat asing kataposan.There was a large amount of donated rice at the time of the dinner after the wake.aboloy 1.1nFood or money donated or given to a family who has just lost their house or lost a loved one.
donetapos1 1.2ov. syn.a-mo 3.1a-yep 1.1malapas 1.1tapos1 1tapos1 1tapos1 1statFinished; over with; done with; graduated already.Tapos da tang obra amen ang māga pa.Our work was finished early.Aroy! India kay magparbol ong pagadal tenged ang tanan ang mga logod mo polos da tapos, yawa lamang tang indi pa gātapos.Goodness! Don't you be lazy about studying because all of your siblings have graduated already, you're the only one who hasn't finished [school] yet.ov. syn.idso 2.1komplito 1.2lobot 1
done (cooked)lotok 1.2Antboray2 1.1ilaw1 1.1ilaw1 2.1lebed 1.1lotok 1lotok 1lotok 1lotok 1ov. syn.lotok 1lotok 1pikon 1.1tegat 1.2statFor food to be cooked, done.Lotok da tang yan, mamangan ita ra.The fish is done, let's eat.Antilaw1 2.1
donkeyasno 1.1nAss; donkey.Ang asnong asi mola pa, indi pa gatāyan ta taw.That donkey is still young, it hasn't been ridden yet.
don'tindi1 3.2exprDon't!; Don't do that!Indi! Itaben mabo-loga!Don't! You might fall!ov. syn.ayaw1 1
donutslobid-lobid 1.1nA native pastry like donuts, twisted into the shape of a figure eight. (This pastry is also know by the Visayan word siakoy.)siakoy 1.1nA native pastry like donuts, twisted into the shape of a figure eight. (This is a Visayan word. The Agutaynen word is lobid-lobid.)Masabor ang panganen tang siakoy mga makinit-kinit pa.Siakoy donuts are good to eat when they are still warm.synlobid-lobid 1.2
doorliston 1.1nMolding around a door, window, or ceiling.salodo 3.1nA small roof-like cover over the entrance of an outside door, to help keep the rain out.rel. wrd.sada 1porta 1.1nDoor; 1.1vtTo knock on a door.Tinoto-kano tang porta nira piro anday agsasabat.I knocked on their door but there was no answer.ov. syn.ti-tik 1.1
door frameamba 1.1nFrame of a door or window.
door openskabig2 1.1nThe direction a door opens.Ang kabig ta porta ong loa.The direction the door opens is to the outside.
dorsal fintenek 1.1rel. wrd.kampay 1.1tarak3 1.1tenek 1nThorn; the sharp dorsal fin of a fish.tarak3 1.1nThe large dorsal fin of a big fish.Mga may yan ang mabael tarin ong enasan, gitaen tang tarak na.When there's a big fish here in the shallow waters, its dorsal fin can be seen.rel. wrd.kampay 1.1kampay 1.1tenek 1tenek 1.2
doubledobli 1.1ov. syn.dobli 1sanib2 1.1adjDouble.Angay ang sol na ong nio dobli, ang yen belag?Why was the wage he gave to you double, but mine wasn't?e-leb 1.1vtTo double a layer of clothing; to double a payment; to stack something up, double up, in order to save space.India mage-leb tang lambong mo, dorog karinget.Don't double the layer of your clothes, it is very hot.Nage-leb da tang binayado ong PTA tenged nalipat tang risibō.I had to pay double to the Parents and Teachers Association because my receipt was lost.E-leb e-leben ta ra lamang tang mga libro tarin ong lamisan para may pagobran ta pa.Let's stack up the books here on the table so that we'll still have space to work.ov. syn.dobli 1.2sanib2 1.1
double a paymente-leb 1.1vtTo double a layer of clothing; to double a payment; to stack something up, double up, in order to save space.India mage-leb tang lambong mo, dorog karinget.Don't double the layer of your clothes, it is very hot.Nage-leb da tang binayado ong PTA tenged nalipat tang risibō.I had to pay double to the Parents and Teachers Association because my receipt was lost.E-leb e-leben ta ra lamang tang mga libro tarin ong lamisan para may pagobran ta pa.Let's stack up the books here on the table so that we'll still have space to work.ov. syn.dobli 1.2sanib2 1.1
double chinlamid 1.1nDouble chin; folds of skin or rolls of fat around the stomach.
double overtoad 1.1rel. wrd.agganing-aningen 1.1bampira 1.1dagpa 1.1kanolnolan 1kirit-kirit 1.1mangalok 1.1okot 1.1orab2 1sapat1 1sigbin 1.1tampok1 1.1tanggar 1.1toad 1toad 1viTo bend over or double over with one's hands and head on one's knees or on the ground; to stand on one's head or hands with one's feet in the air; to tumble headfirst into something; to accidentally tip over sideways or upside down.Ang mangalok mga agkaboton tang kamangalok na pagtoad ono.A person who is a witch, when overcome by his power, it's said that he stands on his hands. Ang mga mola ay pamagtoad-toad ong baybay.The children are standing on their hands on the beach.Totoad-toad da tanandia ong sobrang kasitsitan tang isi na.He is doubled over because his tooth hurts so much.Asing nake-keb ami, primiro simindoad tang motor.When we capsized, first the boat flipped stern-over-bow. Aroy! Na-wado rin ong wi!Oh my! I almost tumbled headfirst into the well!Nagtoad tang kaldiro ong langen ig ang dinongkol ay nabo-bok.The pot tipped over sideways on the cooking fire and the cooked rice spilled out.
doubled upsanib2 1.1vi., vtFor things to stick together; to be doubled up; to stack, arrange things in close layers, touching each other.Aroy! Nagsaniban palá tang koarta ang sindol na ong yen, ba-long naliparao, ibaliko ong nandia.Oh no! The money that she gave me all stuck together, I just noticed it, I'll return the extra to her.Indi papagsaniben mo tang ayo, sia madaling anayen.Don't let the wood be stacked up touching each other, it will easily be infested with termites.ov. syn.depet 1.2dobli 1e-leb 1.1
double-mindeddoa-doa 1.1viTo feel uncertain, undecided, or unsure about doing something; to hesitate, be hesitant; to be of two minds, double-minded; vacillating.India magdoa-doa ong pagtabid mo ong yamen.Don't be hesitant about coming with us.Antdisidido 1.2sigorado 1.1synalanganin2 1.1ov. syn.atras-abanti 1.1doda 1.1lintong 1.1lio-lio 2.1
doubtdoda 1.1vtTo doubt something or someone; to be doubtful of a person's actions; to have no confidence in; to suspect.Pagdoda tanandia ong taw ang asi tenged ong mano nang nalipat.She suspects that person with regards to her chicken that was lost.ov. syn.alanganin2 1doa-doa 1.1mintis 1.1nA small wrong done to someone; error; doubt, uncertainty.Ge-ley lamang mintis, gerepan ang lagi.Even if it's just a small wrong, he immediately gets mad.Binanggilo tang lamlam, sakep, anday mintis. I threw a rock at the bird, I hit it, without an error. Anday mintis paning ang enged ang mamangan ta karni.Without a doubt he will come to eat meat.rel. wrd.mali 1
dovemarapati 1.1nDomesticated dove or pigeon.rel. wrd.lare 1.1
downbabak 1.2Antbabak 1ka-biat 1.1vtTo bring, take something down from somewhere; to lower something; to lower the price of something.Ibabák mo kay tang libro atan ong kabinit.Please bring down the book from there in the cabinet.Ipababak ta ra tang bandira, apon da.Let's lower the flag, it's already late afternoon.Pinababak na tang priso tang tinda na para mabakal.He lowered the price of his goods so they would easily sell.Antpadibabawpalawigtaboan 1.1vi., vtTo go, come down; to disembark.Indi pa tatabóan tang mga pasahiro, itaben iabanti pa tang pambot.The passengers aren't disembarking yet, maybe they'll bring the pumpboat a little closer first.Ang kiro amen gatakong koma-yat ong aldan, piro indi ra matakong tomabóan. Our dog knows how to go up the ladder, but he doesn't know how to come down.Asing naglimat ami tang bobon amen, yo tang siminabóan ang naglimpio.When we cleaned our well, I was the one who climbed down inside to clean 1.1rel. wrd.palaypay 1.1pe-pet 1vtTo cut or chop a tree or plant down; to chop off a limb or fruit from a tree.Patigayon mo kay ang pe-peten tang ponsi, itaben masobran da tang kalotok na.Kindly chop off the hand of bananas, maybe they are about to become overripe.Sinopay pinapame-pet mo tang kawayan ang asia?Who did you have cut down that bamboo?ov. syn.korti1 1.1potol 1.2lampak 1.1ov. syn.lampak 1lampak 1palo1 1.1tampok1 2.1rel. wrd.ampak 1.1balda 1.2laba2 1.1laba-laba 1.1lagopok 1.2lampak 1lampak 1lampak 1lapik 1paralisado 1pilay2 1pokod 1poro1 1.1tapik1 1.1vtTo intentionally throw or slam something down forcefully, or smash it against something; to beat or club a person or animal forcefully with a stick or piece of bamboo; to beat a mat, blanket in order to clean it.Ang gitara ang binletano linampak tang tangayo asing labing pagabaleng na.The guitar I borrowed was smashed by my friend last night when he was drunk.Linampak na tang baskit ong tanek tenged gasilag.She slammed the basket down on the ground because she was angry.Onopa? Galiagang ilampako naning palo ong kolo mo?So then? Do you want me to use this whipping stick to beat your head with?Lampakan mo kay tang amek ong talsi, masiado rang makālep.Beat the sleeping mat in the ocean with a stick, it's already smelling badly of urine.ov. syn.laba2 1.1rel. wrd.dabog-dabog 1.1tandak 1.1karong 1.1rel. wrd.karong 1kiaw1 1.1tolba 1.1vi., vtTo sit, to sit down; to take one's seat; to sit down on something; to invite, cause someone else to sit down, take their seat.Komarong ita tarin ong orawan.Let's sit down here in the shade.Dayon! Pakarong amo. Come in! Have a seat. (lit. Cause yourselves to sit down.)Pakarongon mo tang mga bisita ta ong tokawan para mailala tanira.Have our visitors sit at the front so that they're recognized by the people.Antkereng 1.2ov. syn.lenda 1.1lenda 1.2