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labeltikita 1.1nLabel.
labia majortonggil 1.1nLabia major.
labortalo 1.1vTo take turns working for each other; to trade skills or labor; to work, do a job for someone else, in this case with pay.Magtāloan ita kay ang manibabaw.Let's take turns cutting weeds for each other.Manālo rin ong nio andamal ang manliri.I would like to work for you tomorrow in clearing fields.Agtālon ita ang magdolok ong koma nira ong domaton ang Sabado.We are being asked to work for them to clean up their burned field next Saturday.Tāloay kang mamoan don ong komao tenged indi kayao ang mame-pet tang ayong mababael.Please trade labor with me in clearing many trees there from my fields, because I'm not able to cut down large trees.rel. wrd.balet 4.1
labor (work)obra 1.1ov. syn.ikakao-ya2 5.1obra 1nWork; job; labor; employment.Mga ong balay mi anday obra mo, dapat ong doma india magtamad.If you don't have any work at your house, with regards to others you should not be lazy (i.e. to help them with their work).
labor painssit 1.4synsakit 1.1sit 1ov. syn.sinti1 1.1sit 1rel. wrd.igad 1.3kasisintiren2 2.1masit1 1.3masit2 1sit 1sit 1sit 1vtFor something to cause a person pain or discomfort; for a woman to be in labor, to experience labor pains.Mga pamangan ita ta kamait ang ma-ten, sia pagpasit tang sian ta.When we eat hard ears of corn, that causes our stomachs to hurt. Mga may babay ang maboay dang pagpasit tang sian na mga mangana ra, ganing ka sia taben agsambagan da.If there is a woman who is in labor for a long time when it's time to give birth, it's said that perhaps she's cursed by evil spirits.
labor pains, acutemateret 1.1adjAcute, severe labor pains.Materet da tang sit tang sian na tenged alenget dang mangana.The labor pains in her stomach are now very acute because she is about to give birth.
laboredmapo 1.1ov. syn.angang 1.2kapoy 1.1mapo 1mapo 1advFor an activity to cause breathlessness; for a person's breathing to be shallow or labored.Māpo tang panlinawao mga agkeykeyeno.My breathing is labored when I have a cough.ov. syn.mangangrel. wrd.apo 1
laborersmanigobra1 1.1nWorkers; day laborers.ov. syn.obribros 1.1obribros 1.1nWorkers; day laborers.ov. syn.manigobra1 1.1manigobra2
lackingebes 1.1Antebes 1koronado 1.1adjTo lack or have less of something than someone else; to have a lower standing or position.Ebesa ka enged ta kinata-wanan ong barkada mo.Your knowledge really is less than your friends.Ebeso ka enged ta manggad ong mga logodo, tenged indio napagadal.My wealth is really less than my siblings because I wasn't able to study.ov. syn.korang 1kapos 1.1adjLacking; to be short of something.Kada marisibi na tang soildo na pirming kapos. Every time he receives his paycheck it's always lacking (i.e. short of what he needs).Nagtabato ra tang kalioliot mo piro kapos ta ge-ley tang tila.I cut out your pants but the fabric was just a little bit short. ov. syn.korang 1.1korang 1.1synalos 1korang 1may ge-ley na 4.1rin2 1Antabonda 1.1bastanti 1.1korang 1korang 1korang 1sobra 1.2ov. syn.ebes 1.1korang 1korang 1korang 1minos 1.1palotog 1.1rel. wrd.kampos 1.1korang 1lobot 1adjLacking; inadequate; to be short of something.Korang pa tang sindol mo ong yen ang sinsilio.The change you give me is still lacking. ov. syn.kapos 1.1
lacking in intelligencekorang 1.1synalos 1korang 1may ge-ley na 4.1rin2 1Antabonda 1.1bastanti 1.1korang 1korang 1korang 1sobra 1.2ov. syn.ebes 1.1korang 1korang 1korang 1minos 1.1palotog 1.1rel. wrd.kampos 1.1korang 1lobot 1adjLacking; inadequate; to be short of something.Korang pa tang sindol mo ong yen ang sinsilio.The change you give me is still lacking. ov. syn.kapos 1.1
lacking, the amount (money/things)kakorangan1 1.1nThat which is lacking, the shortfall; faults or weaknesses; things lacking in a person's personality or performance.Maski pirapa tang kakorangan, bayadano andamal.Whatever amount is lacking, I will pay it tomorrow.Yadi pang kakorangan tang ba-long kasalen.The newlyweds still have a lot of necessities lacking. Agoantaen mi tang kakorangan tang kada tata may tata.Bear the weaknesses of each other.ov. syn.kalolobayen 1.1sarawayen2
ladderaldan 1.1nStaircase; ladder.rel. wrd.alintang2alintang1 1.1nStep in a staircase; rung of a ladder.Pirapang alintang tang aldan mi?How many steps are in your ladder.rel. wrd.lintang 1
ladlekaloag 1.1nLadle.
lag behindori 1.1viTo be late; tardy; to fall behind; to lag behind; to be last.Naorio tenged nawilio ra tang istoria na.I was late because I was interested in his story.Padalia ra itaben maoria ra ong mga karomanan mo.Hurry up, maybe you'll fall behind your companions.
lambkordiro 1.1nLamb.ov. syn.karniro 1.2karniro 1.2nLamb (lit. small or young sheep).ov. syn.kordiro 1.1
lamepiang 1.1rel. wrd.kiang 1.1piang 1sagi-rot 1.2nA person with a crippled or deformed leg. (The person can still walk, but with a limp.)paki 1.1n., adjA person with a permanent limp; to be a bit lame.Indi tanandia māpanaw ta madasig tenged paki. She can't walk fast because she's a bit lame. rel. wrd.piang 1.2
lame armpingkaw 1.1nLame arm; crooked or crippled arm.
lamentsinti1 1.1Antlipay 1.2sinti1 1ov. syn.basi2 1.2ba-yag 1.2bera-bera 1.1demdem1 2.1kelba 1.1sebe 1.1sinti1 1sinti1 1sinti1 1sinti1 1sinti1 1sinti1 1sinti1 1yegte 1.1rel. wrd.kasisintiren1 1.1kasisintiren2 1loksa 1.1masit ong nemmasit2 1.1sebe 1sinti1 1sinti1 1sinti1 1sit 2.3yegte 1vi., vtTo grieve; to regret or lament something; to feel sad or bad about something; to worry about something, be concerned about something.Pagsinti tanandia ta dorog kabael ong nobio nang napatay.She is grieving greatly over her fiancé who died.Pagsintio mandian ta doro kabael tenged andang pisan ay mapalbeto ong nindio, gipito ka mandian.I greatly regret that I have nothing at all to lend you, I'm so hardshipped now.Mabael tang agsintien na ong popotokon na tang binitala ong nandia tang nanay na.He is really feeling bad (literally, the pain he feels in his heart is large) about the scolding his mother gave him.Pagsintio ong kolintatong bolawan ang nalipat.I feel sad about my gold necklace that was lost.Pagsintio ong kalibotan, itaben pomalet mga maglekato ra.I am worrying about the weather, it might become windy when I'm about to leave to go home.ov. syn.konsimision 1.2pongaw 1.2sebe 1sit 1yegte 1
laminated woodlawanit 1.1nA type of wood or board similar to plywood but thinner; laminated wood.
lampareng 1.1adjDim, as of a light or lamp; wood or fuel which does not burn well or brightly.Māreng da tang kingki, anda ray gas na.The small lamp is dim, it doesn't have any more kerosene.Angay bato māreng tang Pitromaks? Onopay dipirinsia na?Why do you think the Petromax [pressure lantern] is dim? What is it's problem?Ang gatong mo belag ta masi-kat, animan māreng. Your firewood is not very dry, therefore it does not burn well. Antsi-kat 1.2rel. wrd.ngey-ngey 1pa-kal2 1.1rel. 1sinag 1.3nA light; lamp; flashlight.Sindian mo kay tang pa-kal don ong kosina.Please light the lamp there in the kitchen.tabaw 2.2vtTo fill a small lamp or pressure lantern with kerosene; to fill a generator with gasoline.Labi ra, tabawan mo ra tang kingki ta gas.It's night already, fill the small lamp with kerosene.rel. wrd.tayon 1.1
lamp, small kerosenekingki 1.1rel. wrd.kingki 1lampara 1pa-kal2 1.2tolok2nSmall lamp, usually made from an empty jar and a cotton wick, filled with kerosene.
lamp, small oillampara 1.1rel. wrd.kingki 1lampara 1pa-kal2 1.2tolok2nA small lamp made out of an oyster shell with a cotton wick and coconut oil for the fuel.ov. syn.kingki 1.2
landtali-sip 1.1nLand that was cleaned and planted the year before.tanek ang masinggi 2.1der. oftaneknLand owned by someone; a lot.Sinopay may nandia tang tanek ang agbakalen mi?Who is the owner of the land you are buying?Mabael tang tanek amen ong Roxas.Our land in [the municipality of] Roxas is big.ov. syn.loti 1.1
land crabstalaring 1.1rel. wrd.baogan 1.1kabantay 1palangsi 1sagsag 1sayd 1.2talaring 1talaring 1nA trap used for catching land crabs, made from a section of bamboo.