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down to towntegbeng 1.1Anttakat 2.3tegbeng 1viTo go, come down to town from the countryside or villages; to go downhill, towards the beach.Ang mga iskoila ong bario ay tetegbeng ang magadal ong lansangan kada damal-damal.The students from the barrios go down to town to go to school in town every morning.Ang mga taga bokid māga pang pamanegbengan. The people who live out of town all go down to town very early in the morning.Anttongol 1.1ov. syn.toldak 1.1
down, gobabak 1.1Antbabak 1ka-biat 1.1viFor a person or animal to go down; to disembark from a boat; to get up, wake up and go downstairs; for a plane, bird, etc. to descend; for the price of something to fall, go down.Pababáka kay, komiten mo tang silig.Please go downstairs and get the broom.Babakén mo kay, midio may gogoy.Please go downstairs, I think someone is calling.Alas koatrō pa minabák para manoro ta wi.I got up and went down at about four o'clock to fetch water.Angay bato golpi lamang minabák tang prisio tang tambalang?Why do you suppose the price of seaweed suddenly fell? Antka-yat 1.1lawig 1padibabawtāy 1.1ov. syn.ribaha 1.1taboan 1.2taboan 1.1vi., vtTo go, come down; to disembark.Indi pa tatabóan tang mga pasahiro, itaben iabanti pa tang pambot.The passengers aren't disembarking yet, maybe they'll bring the pumpboat a little closer first.Ang kiro amen gatakong koma-yat ong aldan, piro indi ra matakong tomabóan. Our dog knows how to go up the ladder, but he doesn't know how to come down.Asing naglimat ami tang bobon amen, yo tang siminabóan ang naglimpio.When we cleaned our well, I was the one who climbed down inside to clean it.
downhill, gotegbeng 1.1Anttakat 2.3tegbeng 1viTo go, come down to town from the countryside or villages; to go downhill, towards the beach.Ang mga iskoila ong bario ay tetegbeng ang magadal ong lansangan kada damal-damal.The students from the barrios go down to town to go to school in town every morning.Ang mga taga bokid māga pang pamanegbengan. The people who live out of town all go down to town very early in the morning.Anttongol 1.1ov. syn.toldak 1.1
downpourma-leg 1.1adjStrong downpour of rain; heavy rain; for a roof to leak badly; a heavy flow of menstrual blood.Mga ma-leg tang koran, ang ba-long totolpot ay loltaw.If the rain is heavy, the newly sprouted plants float in the water.Talabi, ka-leg a-legan tang koran ong Villa Fria, piro ong lansangan dalaw-raw lamang.Last night it rained extremely hard in barangay Villa Fria, but in town it just sprinkled.Ma-leg tang totorok ong katep ta.Our roof is really leaking badly. Ang molao pa mga agriglaeno dorog ka-leg. When I was still young, whenever I had my menstrual period the flow was very heavy.ov. syn.mapoirsa 1
downspouttaralogan2 1.1nGutter; downspout.ov. syn.lawagan 1.1
downstairsbabakan 1.1n., locAn area downstairs, underneath.Angay ga-tang ong babakan tang katri?Why is the bed placed downstairs? Antdibabaw1 1.1
downtownlansangan 1.1nTown; downtown.Molika ong lansangan andamal?Will you go home to town tomorrow?rel. wrd.barangay 1.1bario 1.1monisipio 1.1sitio 1.1
dozen (thisdosina 1.1numDozen. (This is Spanish.)
drag long lines with hookspagoyod-goyod 1.1viTo fish for toringan tuna fish by trolling, using many large hooks attached to long lines which are dragged behind a boat.Si Tay Juan ay yading gakomit nang toringan ang pagpagoyod-goyod. Uncle Juan catches many toringan fish when trolling (lit. dragging long lines).ov. syn.sobid 1.1sobid 1.1ov. syn.goyod1 2.1sobid 1vi., vtTo fish by trolling, using hooks attached to long lines which are dragged behind a boat; the fish caught by this method.Manobid ita mandian ang apon tenged kaliwag ta tera.We will go trolling this afternoon because we do not have any viand.Yading sinobidan tang namanobid tongapon ong Linabog.The ones who were out trolling yesterday near Linabog island caught a lot of fish.ov. syn.pagoyod-goyod 1.1
drag ontagiad 1.1viFor something to drag on the ground because of being too long; for something to hang down, sag, or droop, almost touching the ground.Siminagiad tang lambong na ong tanek tenged masiadong māboat ong nandia.Her dress dragged on the ground because it was too long for her.Timinagiad tang mga sinalpoan ong tanek tenged indi inelet tang ta-bayan.The laundry dragged on the ground because the line was not tightened.Ang baboy mo sigoro mangana ra, pisan dang tatagiad tang sian na.Maybe your pig is about to give birth, its stomach is really sagging almost to the ground.
drag somethinggoyod1 1.1vtTo drag something; to tow something.Goyodan mo tang paloa ong baybay tenged malinget.Please drag the coconut palm to the beach because it is trashy.ov. 1
dragonflytebel-tebel 1.1nDragonfly.
drain hole inbololongan 1.1nA drain hole in a boat which is plugged while traveling, and unplugged to let water drain out when the boat is beached; the drain in a sink.
drain hole, alapotander. oflapot1nAng kolongan tang baboy dapat may lapotan tang wi para indi magkalpot.The pigpen should have a drain hole for the water so that it won't become stinky.
drain hole, enlargedboang2 1.1statFor the holes in the burner of a stove to be larger than normal, or for the needle of a Petromax pressure lantern to be large, letting out a large amount of propane or kerosene. (This makes the flame bigger but also uses up more fuel and is more expensive. This term also refers to the drain hole in a boat that has become larger than normal.)Ang Pitromaks amen, midio boang ang lagi tang singgoay na asing binakal.Our Petromax [pressure lantern], its needle was already larger than normal when we bought it.Boang da tang bololongan tang pambot, teng-tengen mo ta osto.The drain hole of the pumpboat has become larger than normal, plug it up well.
drain liquid outbolot 1.2vtTo drain the liquid completely out of a container.Paboloton mo tang gasolina tang motor.Drain all the gasoline out of the boat's engine.ov. syn.bogit 1.1ilat 1torok 1
drain offtalat 1.1vi., vtFor water, juice, dirt, or debris to drain off or out of something; to drain the water off something.Indi tomalat ta osto tang gata tenged marigpen tang saran.The coconut milk won't drain well through the sieve because the holes are so small.Lo-lokan mo tang sikad-sikad don ong talsi agod tomalat tang boling.Shake and rinse off the sikad-sikad shells there in the ocean so that the dirt will drain out of them.Ang daing ba-lo ipakaldaw patalaten mo kang lagi tang wi na.Before putting the fish out to dry in the sun, first drain off the water.rel. wrd.sara 1.1
drain outlapot1 1.1viFor a person or animal to pass through a space, opening; for something to pass or drain through to the other side of something.Don liminapot ong dobaling porta tang kirong takaban.The greedy dog went out there through the other door.Ang kalimao na-bek tang singgoay, lapot ong dobali.My finger was stuck by the needle and it went through to the other side.
drainage canalkanal 1.1EngnDrainage canal.
drainpipelawagan 1.1nA drainpipe made of long, hollow bamboo; a gutter on a roof.Ang palangogatan kaministiran boatan ta lawagan agod ang wi ay diritso ong kanal.The area for washing dishes needs to have a bamboo drainpipe made for it so that the wastewater goes directly into the canal.ov. syn.taralogan2 1.1
drama with dancekomidia 1.1nA traditional drama that includes dancing, and various instruments (drum, flute, triangle).Mambeng tang pista mga may komidia. Fiesta is fun if there is a traditional drama with dancing.
drama with dance and narratorkomposo 1.1nA traditional drama that includes singing and dancing, using a guitar.Magato tang lali may babay ang ga-pen ong komposo. The boys and girls will pair up to join in the traditional dance drama. rel. wrd.komidia 1.2
drawdro 1.1Engvi., vtTo draw a picture.Onopa siang agdrowon mo?What's that that you are drawing? Ala, droway ka ta kosi!Go on, draw me a cat!rel. wrd.korit 1.2korit 1.2marka 1.2tanda2 1.2tatak 1.2bonlok 2.1viTo draw, as of lots, or cards in a card game.Mga Palarong Bayan pamagpabonlokan kang lagi mga sinopa tang tongkaw ang magkayam.At the District Sports Meet they first have the teams draw lots to see who will play first.ta-lot 1.2vi., vtTo draw or scoop out water from a bucket or water jar; to scoop out very small fish, such as dilis, from shallow water using a round net.Mana-lota kay ta wi don ong tapayan.Please draw some water from the large clay water jar.rel. wrd.toro1 1.1
draw in a game, atabla2 1.1nTied score; a draw in a game.
draw water fromtoro1 1.1ov. syn.agoada 1.1toro1 1vi., vtTo draw water from a well; to fetch water; to fill a container with water from a well.Dona manoro ta wi ong wi tang Center tenged don masinlong inemen.Draw water there from the Rural Health Center's well because there it's good drinking water.Ang mamola ay pamanoro ta wi ang ibonyag ong gardin nira.The children are fetching water for watering their garden.Monopay kayadi tang torōn mo?How much water will you draw? Angay ang domang galonan indi tinoroan mo?Why was it that you didn't fill the other containers with water? rel. wrd.ta-lot 1.2