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debt of gratitudeotang 2.1nDebt of gratitude.Binoto tanandia tenged may otango kang nem ong pamilia nira.I voted for him because I have a debt of gratitude to their family.Ang otang ang nem inding pisan mabayadan ta koarta.A debt of gratitude cannot be paid back with money.synberelten ang nem2berelten2 1berelten ang nem2der. ofberelten2nDoro rang berelten amen ang nem ong nindio, sigoro indio ra mabayad.We have a great debt of gratitude to you, maybe I won't be able to repay you.synotang 2.1
debt, collecttokot1 1.1vtTo charge a fee; to collect a fee, a fare, or a debt; to request payment for a fare or a debt.Manokoto rin tang pasahi mi ong pambot.I'll collect your fare please for the pumpboat.
debtsimpas 2.1vtTo completely settle, pay one's debts.Naimpasan da ka ni Juan tang tanan ang otang na asing pagasoildo na.Juan completely settled all his debts when he received his salary.
debutdibo 1.1EngnDebut.
decayronot 1.1rel. wrd.gabok 1ronot 1topok 1.2viFor something to rot or decay; for food to spoil.Garonot da tang paray, maboay dang ayegen.The rice in the field is already getting rotten, the harvesting of it is so long.
deceased femalediponta1 1.1nTerm of reference for a deceased female, i.e. "the late___". (Diponta is the term for females. Diponto is the term for males.)Namistao ong ni Diponta Nay Maria ong Puerto, ba-lo tanandia napatay.I was able to visit Late Auntie Maria in Puerto, before she died.ov. syn.aning2 1.1
deceased malediponto2 1.1nTerm of reference for a deceased male, i.e. "the late___". (Diponta is the term for females. Diponto is the term for males.)Gademdemano pa tang mga makaimod ang mga istoria ni Diponto Tatang Jose.I still remember the funny stories of Late Uncle Jose.ov. syn.aning2 1.1
deceased personaning2 1.1nTerm of reference for a deceased person, either male or female, i.e. "the late___".Yo aromano ni Aning Maria asing pagapatay na ong Manila.I was the companion of Late Maria when she died in Manila.ov. syn.diponta1 1.1diponta2diponto2 1.1
deceased relativelabay-labay 1.1vstatTo be troubled by the soul of a recently deceased relative who wants the person to also die so that they will have a companion; to be troubled by small invisible beings or spirits, resulting in becoming ill and not being able to sleep.Aglabay-labayan tanandia tang tatay nang napatay, animan indi mapoyat.He's being troubled by his father who recently died, that's why he can't sleep.Sia animan pagmasit, aglabay-labayan ta sapat.So that's why he's sick, he's being troubled by small invisible beings.rel. wrd.sapat1 1tangay 2.1
deceitfuldia 1.1adjDeceitful; tricky; crafty; devious; resourceful.Ang anao ang aka maidia tenged mama-dol ta koarta ong yen, oman asi palá sindolan da ka ni tatay na.My eldest child is resourceful because he will ask me for money, while at the same time his father has also given him some already.ov. syn.loko 1.1manloloko2 1.1
deceivedāli 1.1vtFor a person to be tricked, deceived; to easily be taken in; for something to be stolen.Ang bine-lad amen ang daing nadāli tang ogak.The fish we had put out to dry was stolen by the crow.Kalaomo ang binakalong sising matod ang bolawan, na palá belag, nadālio tang nagpabakal.I thought the ring I bought was real gold, but it's not after all, I was deceived by the one who sold it.ov. syn.loko 1.1intirimis 1.2synintirimis 1orog-orog 1sonlog 1.1ov. syn.imo-imo 1.1intirimis 1intirimis 1intirimis 1intirimis 1intirimis 1kalag 2.2oto-oto 1.1panolay 2.2sisti 1.1rel. wrd.arnis 1.1ekel 1intirimis 1intirimis 1loko 1sontok 1tokso 1.2vtTo tease someone; to make fun of someone; to insult or ridicule someone; to trick or deceive someone.India magintirimis ong taw ang indi gailala mo.Don't tease a person who you don't know.ov. 1loko 1.1odio1 1.2orog-orog 1.1pilio 1.2sonlog 1loko 1.1ov. syn.loko 1oto-oto 1.1rel. wrd.aggekel-ekelan2 3.1ekel 1intirimis 1loko 1loko 1loko 1manloloko2 1.1pekel 1tokso 1.2vtTo tease others, play practical jokes, joke around; to trick or deceive someone; to lead someone astray; to entice someone; to take advantage of a woman sexually.Indi lokōn mo tang molang asia, itaben magini-yak.Don't tease that child, he might cry.Ang ana nang soltiras linoko ta lali asing nagadal ong Manila.Her teenage daughter was taken advantage of by a man when she went to school in Manila.India paloko maski ong ninopa.Don't let yourself be decieved by anyone.ov. syn.dāli 1.1dia 1.1intirimis 1.2pilio 1.2samantala 1.1rel. wrd.daya 1.1
deceivermanloloko2 1.1nA deceiver; someone who is crafty or devious.ov. syn.dia 1.1rel. wrd.dayador 1.1loko 1
DecemberDisyembre 1.1prop. nDecember.
decently, to dressdisinti 1.1Engov. syn.dilikadisa 1.1disinti 1adjDecent, decently; modestly.Asta ang mga babay, dapat maglambong tang disinti, ig belag ta malalaway.And also the women, they should dress decently, and not immodestly.Antbastos 1malaway 1.1ov. syn.hinhin 1
decidesirto 1.1ov. syn.disision 1.2sirto 1vtTo decide.Magsirtoa mga tomabida obin indi.Decide if you will come along or not.syndisision 1disision 1.2syndisision 1sirto 1.1viTo decide; to be able to decide.Yaway bālang magdisision mga tomabida ong yamen obin indi.It is up to you to decide if you want to go with us or not.Indi tanandia madisision mga ang molang agkorson dapat ang painimen na ta wi.She is not able to decide if the child who has diarrhea should be given water to drink.Angay kaministiran mo pa ta domang taw, india madisision ong sadili mo?Why do you still need other people, aren't you able to decide for yourself?ov. syn.disidido 1.2sirto 1
decideddisidido 1.1advCommitted, determined; decided upon a course of action.Aroy, disididoa rang mangatawa, kamola mo pa!Oh my, you are decided upon getting married even though you are still so young!ov. syn.pogosado
decisiondisposision1 1.1nDecision; advice.Mga katawaeno nio, patakon ta kay lagi si Nanay mga onopay nandiang disposision. If you will [agree to] marry me, we will first let Mother know and see what her advice is.disision 1.1syndisision 1sirto 1.1nDecision.kalalangan 1.1ov. syn.kalalangan 1liag 1.3nWill; desire; decision.Piro mga onopa tang kalalangan mo yay ang matoman, belag tang yen.But whatever is your will, that is what will be done, not mine.ov. syn.kaliagan 1.1lalang 1.1nWill; desire; decision.Onopa tang lalang mi? Palōno tanandia obin palpatano lamang?What is your decision? Shall I beat him or let him go free?ov. syn.kaliagan 1liag 1.3
decorate with colored paperponi 1.1vtTo decorate something by cutting colored crepe paper and wrapping it around and gluing it together.Magponi ami rin tang to-lob amen ang magsayaw.We will decorate our headdresses for the folk dance with colored paper.
decorationdikorasion 1.1nDecoration.Yading dikorasion ong balay da Maria asing pagkasal ong nira.There were many decorations around Maria's house when they were married.
decorative carvingskorba 1.2vtTo make curves or designs on wood by carving with a knife.Gatakoang magkorba ta litap para boaten ang dikorasion?Do you know how to carve coconut shells to make decorations?rel. wrd.korti1 2.1topi 1
decrease amountbawas 1.1vtTo reduce, lessen, decrease the amount of something; to subtract from, deduct from.Nagbawas tanandia tang pamangan na, sigoro galiag ang magpage-ley.She reduced the amount of her food, maybe she wants to become slender.Bawasan mo tang dongkolon mo komo anday tera.Reduce the amount of rice you will cook because we have no viand.Bawaseno tang nalbetan mong koarta ong sol mo.I'll subtract the money you borrowed from your wage.Antdolang 1.1ov. syn.boin 1.1rel. 1.4ted 1
decrease amount/sizeboin 1.1vtTo reduce, lessen, decrease the size or amount of something; to subtract from; to make something smaller.Indi kay boinan mo tang terang asia, malagat anda si tera ta.Please don't eat (lit. reduce) any of that viand or later we won't have any viand again.Boinan mo kay ta ge-ley tang lambongo, masiadong mawayang.Please take in (lit. make smaller) my dress a little bit, it's very loose.Antdolang 1.1ov. syn.bawas 1.1ge-ley 1.4
deductbawas 1.1vtTo reduce, lessen, decrease the amount of something; to subtract from, deduct from.Nagbawas tanandia tang pamangan na, sigoro galiag ang magpage-ley.She reduced the amount of her food, maybe she wants to become slender.Bawasan mo tang dongkolon mo komo anday tera.Reduce the amount of rice you will cook because we have no viand.Bawaseno tang nalbetan mong koarta ong sol mo.I'll subtract the money you borrowed from your wage.Antdolang 1.1ov. syn.boin 1.1rel. 1.4ted 1
deed (action)boat 1.1ov. syn.boat 1obra 1.2rel. wrd.boat 1boat 1boskabida 1.1onopa 2.1pandopanA deed; something done; good works.Anda ray sayod siang boat mo, anday galang mo.That thing you did was not nice at all, you have no respect.Ang mo-yang mga boat ta, balten ka tang Dios.Our good deeds will be repaid by God.Gamiten mi tang mga abilidad mi ong tanan ang mo-yang boroaten. Use your abilities for all good works.
deed (legal)diklarasion 1.1EngnDeclaration, referring to notarized ownership papers for land; a bill of sale for land purchased; deed.