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loose fittingmarogal 1.1Antmarogal 1pikiti 1.2ov. syn.logar1 1.2malogar 1.1marogal 1marogal 1marogal 1wayang 1.2adjRoomy, loose fitting clothes; wide, spacious room or area.Marogal tang kosina nira.Their kitchen is spacious.Antmapiet 1.1ov. syn.mala-bang 1mawayang 1.1rel. wrd.rogal 1
loose fitting, becomelogak 1.3Antlogak 1piet 1.2rel. wrd.logak 1malogak 1.1viFor something to become loose fitting, roomier.Liminogak da tang lambongo tenged nagniwango ra.My clothes have became loose fitting because I've gotten thinner.Antmapiet 1ov. syn.mawayang 1
loose grippalso 3.1adjA weak or loose grip.Palso ra tang kalima na animan gapalpatan na ra tang onopay agbiotan na.Her hand is weak therefore whatever she holds slips from her grasp.ov. syn.palpak 1.2
loose toothinga-inga 1.1viFor a tooth to be loose, wiggle.Poros da ginga-inga tang mga isio.My teeth are all completely loose.
loose womansarak 1.1rel. wrd.kokak 1.1sarak 1nProstitute; a promiscuous female; a loose woman who goes around with different men.Ang babay ang naka mga maginimod midio ta sarak. When that girl laughs she sounds like a prostitute.Aroy! Ang sarak ang asi, way tatabid si ong domang lali.Oh my! That loose woman is going around again with a different man.Ang babay ang naka anda ong tata may tata, sarak! That woman doesn't just stick with just one, she is a prostitute! Sarak ita kaman!We really are loose women! (But in this case the inclusive 'we' only refers to the person being spoken to, not the one speaking.)
loose, becomeekang 1.1vi., vtFor something to accidentally pull out, or work itself loose and protrude from where it was placed; for a glued-in or nailed-in piece of wood to become loose or lift off; to intentionally pull something out.Minekang da tang lansang ong kodal animan nangomito ta martilio para po-pokon.The nail was protruding from the fence, so I got a hammer in order to pound it in.Ang angkla ibanet mo ta mo-ya ong kenay, itaben mekang ong sobrang kalangeb.Push the anchor down deep and hard in the sand, perhaps it might work itself loose because of the big waves.Ekangen mo kay tang lansang ong lebleb.Please pull out the nail from the wall.Maliwag ang ekangen tang bēlek mga gered ong bolog.It's difficult to pull out an oyster shell if it is wedged deep in the coral.
loose, letpalpat 1.2rel. wrd.liat 1.1palpat 1po-lot 1vtTo let something loose; to set an animal free; let go of something; to release one's hold on something, to put something down.May ordinansa ong monisipio na ang tanan ang mga baka indi poiding palpatan. There is a municipal ordinance that says no cows at all can be let loose to roam. Angay pinalpatan mo ra tang mano ang ganing patayen ta?Why did you set free the chicken that we said we would butcher?Palpatan tang ged mo!Put down your machete!ov. syn.libri 2.1po-lot 1.1salta 1.1
loosely wovensilang 1.1Antsilang 1siriniet 1.2adjLoosely woven, loose weave, as of cloth, baskets.Masilang tang baskito, indi poiding teldan ta belat.My basket has a loose weave, it can't be filled with rice.Antrigpen 1.1rigpen 1.2
loosenpalso 1.1vt., viTo loosen, unfasten, or undo something; for something to accidentally become unfastened, or come undone.Palsōn mo kay tang botonis tang saya-sayao tenged indio ra mategek ta mo-ya ong sobrang tambek!Please undo the buttons of my skirt because I can't breathe well due to being so fat!ov. syn.tanggal 1tolbad 1
loosen somethinglogak 1.2Antlogak 1piet 1.2rel. wrd.logak 1malogak 1.1vtTo loosen something.Doro kaelet tang teked tang kambing, logakan mo kay.The goat's tether is very tight, please loosen it.Antelet 1.3
lopsidedbangig 1.1adjCrooked, lopsided; uneven, as of something made or woven.Bangig tang bindoat mong amek.The mat you made is uneven.
lordgino2 1.1nLord.
LordGino1 1.1synAmpoan 1Dios 1.1Gino1 1prop. nLord.Ampoan 1.1synAmpoan 1Dios 1.1Gino1 1prop. nLord.Apo 1.1prop. nLord.Mga malangeb ganing tang mga mepet, "Maloay Apo!" When the sea is rough the old people say, "Slow it down, Lord!" rel. wrd.ampo1 1Ampoan 1.2
lord it overinadian1 2.1der. ofadiviTo act like a king; to lord it over others; to dictate.Ang mga pangolokolo tarin ong kalibotan pamagadi-adi ong mga sinakepan nira.The leaders here in the world lord it over their subjects.ov. syn.degdeg 1
loselasay 2.2viFor something to lose its flavor; for a relationship to lose its closeness or intimacy (lit. lose its flavor).Onopa bato tang dailan angay naglasay da tang pagtangayan nira?What do you suppose was the reason that their friendship lost its closeness? ov. syn.lamig 1taglalamíg 3.1logi 1.1viTo lose any profit in a business transaction.Nalogi si Juan ong minatada nang baka.Juan lost any profit with the cow he 1.1viTo temporarily lose one's breath, have the "wind knocked out"; for a child to hold his breath when crying.Ang mola ge-tat mga sobrang i-yak na.Children stop breathing from too much crying.Ang molang nabo-log ong aldan gimintat da.That child who fell down the stairs has lost his breath. ov. syn.e-tem 1.2e-tem 1.2vTo temporarily lose one's breath; have the "wind knocked out".Asing pagsipa na ong yen nae-temo pa ong sobrang kasit.When he kicked me I temporarily lost my breath because of the extreme pain.ov. syn.awid 2.1ge-tat 1.1pegeng 1
lose a toenailkomang2 1.1viTo lose a toenail.Ang kakayo natampok ong bato animan nakomang. I stubbed my foot on a rock therefore I lost my toenail.
lose a toothbingaw 1.1viTo lose a tooth; for a tooth to fall out; to have one or more teeth missing.Nātangko tang anga ni Maria, animan sia nabingaw tang isi na.Maria banged her mouth, that is why her tooth fell out.
lose breathkolpot 1.1viTo die (literally, for one's breath to be taken away); to nearly die, or feel like dying, from doing something strenuous or from being frightened.Nakolpotan da tang linawa na.She has died (lit. her breath was taken away).Makolpotano ra tang linawao asing may nagpeled ong yen.I nearly died (lit. nearly lost my breath) when someone scared me.Korang lamang makolpotano ra tang prosigir agod mapagadal amo, pagkatapos indi amo ka nagpanemnem.I nearly died working hard so you could study, and then later you weren't conscientious about it.Aroy, makolpotano ra tang sinikad, indio ra malinawa!Oh my, I'm about to die from running, I can't breathe!ov. syn.bontok tang linawa 1.1kōlo 1
lose closeness in relationshiplasay 2.2viFor something to lose its flavor; for a relationship to lose its closeness or intimacy (lit. lose its flavor).Onopa bato tang dailan angay naglasay da tang pagtangayan nira?What do you suppose was the reason that their friendship lost its closeness? ov. syn.lamig 1taglalamíg 3.1
lose consciousnesskomit 5.1viTo lose consciousness; to faint.ov. syn.dismaya 1lawak 1lipeng 1lipeng 1.1ov. syn.komit 5.1lawak 1.1lipeng 1lipeng 1viTo feel faint, breathless; to faint, lose consciousness.Galipengo ong ongaw tang kato.I feel faint from the smell of the smoke.Ang kiro amen linabān ta ayo tang kamalay amen animan nalipeng. Our dog was beaten by our neighbor with a piece of wood with the result that he became unconscious. anday kalibotan 1.1statTo be unconscious, lose consciousness; to have no knowledge of how to do something.Pagabo-log na ong nioy, nalipeng tanandia ig anday kalibotan na.When he fell from the tree, he was knocked out and lost consciousness.Anday kalibotan na ang mamedbed.She has no knowledge about sewing.ov. syn.lipeng 1.2rel. wrd.kaki-lepan2 2.1ki-lep 1komit 1
lose electionbo-log 6.1viTo fail to win a seat in an election (literally, to fall off the list of candidates who won).Ge-ley lamang tanandiang nabo-log asing nata-liban ang iliksion.He nearly failed to win a seat in the last election.ov. syn.pirdi 1
lose flavorlodas 1.1viFor food to lose its flavor; for clothes to fade in the sun; for jewelry to lose its shine, become tarnished; for old people to slow down or "fade out".Ang sandia mga naboay dang inalap, sia paglodas da tang amit na.As for a watermelon, if it's been some time since it's been picked, it loses its sweet flavor.
lose game/betpirdi 1.1Antdeg1 1.2pirdi 1ov. 6.1pirdi 1rel. wrd.deg1 1.4lamáng 1.2pirdi 1viTo lose a game or a dispute; to lose money in a betting game.Binitalan tanandia tang katawa na asing napirdi ong bolang.He was scolded by his wife when he lost money in the cockfight.
lose one's hairopaw 1.2rel. wrd.linat 1.1opaw 1viTo become bald; to lose one's hair; for one's hair to fall out in large clumps, usually due to an illness.Kailo ka si Manang, gaopaw da tenged ong masit na.Older Sister is to be pitied, she is already losing all her hair due to her illness.Madaliang maopaw mga kaldaw-kaldaw pirmiang pagsambalilo.You'll quickly become bald if you are always wearing a hat every day.ov. syn.kalbo 1.1kalbo 1.2rel. wrd.onok 1.1
lose power (amulet)pasaw 1.1viTo lose power, as of written prayers or amulets.Mga mabrian tang sopot na, mapasaw da tang orasion.If you open their cellophane packet, the prayers will lose their power. Ang taw ang may orasion na, mga mada-langan, mapasaw da tang orasion.A person who has written prayers, if they are stepped over, the prayers will lose their power.